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Whats with the sweeping generalizations of Christians?

And why are most people so afraid to have a real discussion with someone?

Most Christians dont "Hate" homsexuals

Most Christians dont go around saying "Go to hell heathen"

Further, just because somone claims to be a Christian doesnt make them one, being a Christian involves actually following the teachings of Christ. I believe there is a different from being saved, and being a Christian.

I wonder how many people have actually known real Christians and how many people have just had encounters with radicals and insane people. And how much of these generalizations are from personal experience and how much is from tv and jokes.

What say you?


Re: Brianna

"Real Christian"

Is not being intolerant, the fact of the matter is, many people say "they believe in God, and thats just it. All they do is say they believe in God, they dont change their lives in any way. How can a person say they are a follower of Christ (Christian) when they have never studied Christ himself

Update 2:

Re: Captain Atheism

But you yourself are making Generalizations of Christians, I have now met atheists and spent hours discussing beliefs with them. I can understand someone's point without believe it is correct.

I have met "good" and "bad" people of almost every recognized religion. If you look at Yahoo Answers, MOST of the questions about religion are directly related to the Christian God and Christians.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What's with the sweeping generalizations of gay people that some 'christians' spout?

    I agree that generalizations are bad, discriminatory and hurtful. However, I have been on the receiving end of anti-gay abuse almost exactly like you mention above, from people who call themselves 'christians.'

    I have also met many real Christians who work towards understanding, justice, and equality for all. I think they are truly following Jesus' teachings.

    I wish more of the bigoted 'christians' could use their hearts and minds to actually think about how they would feel receiving their abuse. Perhaps they would be slower to judge and defame. That's my hope anyway.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago say? First off why do Christians have a tendency to believe that Atheists have never had any Christian upbringing? Do you think we are born Atheist? How is that possible with all of the God fearing parents that have been bred to push this fantasy?

    I for one have probably had more Christian theology than 99% of the people that consider themselves a Xtian. I understand the Bible better than most and also have a great understanding of other holy books.

    Christians think for whatever reason that once you are would obviously always be one....well give yur head a shake me dear....the educated world is turning their back on Christianity in droves....the millions you gain are third world countries and Africa. The ONLY place in North America where Christianity is rising or staying the same is the good ole USA.....and thats only about 50% of the population.....soon even the US will wake up.

    Use your head...think.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you don't fit the generalizations, then the comments don't apply to you.

    By the same token, atheists are accused all the time on here of living lives without any sort of moral fiber, being "afraid" to follow God's laws, and even (giggle) being "ignorant". (That one's always a real knee-slapper)

    The difference between the generalizations about Christians, and the ones about atheists, is that there actually ARE a lot of Christians that fit their stereotypes. But I've never met an atheist that matched any of the above 3. Those are rumors meant to cause the Christian sheep to fear and loathe us. (Because of course, if a Christian was to actually LISTEN to what we say, he'd be an atheist too within 20 minutes)

  • Kithy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Same question, different group.... what's with the sweeping generalizations of (place ANY Non Group Here). Both sides do it. If you aren't one of those people who goes around saying "you're going to hell heathen" then you aren't the type of Christian they are talking about. It's a lot easier to say "Christians do this... or that" in here.... but if you take a good close look, you'll find Christians doing the same to Wiccans, Pagans, Atheists, etc....

    As for me, whenever I am speaking from personal experience, you'll know it. ^_^ And the whole "real Christian" thing... to those of us outside of Christianity, it looks silly. THat would be like me telling you that all the bad pagans you have met aren't Real Pagans.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I don't make sweeping generalisations, I say what I see. Jews keep their religion to themselves and do not try and force it upon others - Christians try and force their stupid ignorance into schools and try and make it a "science" to lend it credibility (of which it has none)...I have other problems with Jews,but not so much that I'd target them for derision. They believe what they believe and do not hassle others about it - fair do's. If they want to believe nonsense like Xtians that is up to them,but they do not offend my intelligence by trying to pretend it is THE truth which everyone ought to believe.Christians DO.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately you are absolutely correct. Most people who claim to be Christians are actually just looking for fire insurance or are claiming to believe in something that they really have no interest in at all. Christians will always be persecuted and generalized... it's a fact of life (and the Bible)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well let me say this. I am not this generalized christian as you put it. I do believe in the Trinity, Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tounges. I also believe in a water baptismal. You know what we are ALL ONLY HUMAN and we may fail at times.

    we are not perfect and God forgivess us always. You know that one sin is not greater than another. Sin is sin. I am no better than you and you are no better than me. I have choosen to accept Jesus Christ as my savior. That has to be a personal choice for everyone also. Wether or not you choose to follow that path it totally up to you. God gave us all free will. He loved us enough to give up His only Son on the cross. What are You

    willing to give up in return?

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus said that there would be scoffers and we would be hated for His name. He also said that many would come claiming to be of Him but never know Him.

    Many claim Christ but by their actions they prove they are not of Him. Many Claim Christ and turn around and by their life style deny Him. That is what turns people away.

    Remember it is not what you say but your actions that others are watching and from that they are judging. That is why they treat Christian the way they do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a little bit too cutting edge for my church sometimes. I'll ramble off an idea of how we need to have a smoking area outside of our church or something from time to time to see what kind of reaction I'll get. Many of us christians, (See, us. Even though all aren't perfect I still affiliate with them) want someone to come clean then come to church. I say church is for coming clean. I'll still refrain from wearing my "Jesus loves Porn Stars" tee shirt around them, out of respect, even though I know he does. He loves homosexuals too.

    Source(s): The septuagint.
  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Christian, but every Christian is not perfect, and must repent of their sins in prayer to God.

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