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Are the poeple who dont have avatars and only have the grey square face?
so ugly that yahoo wont even let them use avatars to represent them? thats why there stuck with the grey square?
Also the people who slag you off then have no contact details to send mail back, do they have some sort of cripling disease that only enables them to type with one hand? knowing they could never keep up with a two handed person such as myself!
From Now On I Declare These People As Grey Faces And Hand Solos if you are both Unlucky your now a Gray Faced Hand Solo LMFAO
21 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
My real name isnt Legend its Andy. And for your information its the 2nd most common name used in Gay porn. Not that I ever watch. (lol)
- RotiferLv 51 decade ago
It is weird that so many have the sinister square smiley faces, but they probably haven't investigated how to get an avatar, or can't be bothered scrolling through all the pages of hair, clothes, backgrounds etc.
They are still creepy.
- ?Lv 45 years ago
they in simple terms don't worry to or have the expertise to make a real avatar, so as that they use the default image. i'm also Leary of all of us that has below one thousand factors and their account is style of one million-3 months old. that signifies that they are many times a Troll or have multi-money owed.
- ?Lv 41 decade ago
Well, the reason I don't have an "avatar" is that I think they look a bit stupid. If I looked like a darn cartoon, then i would use one. Nothing personal against those that use them, I just don't want to be defined by a cartoon.
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
Such a waste of points to ask or say something so pointless. Not wanting your face or contact details on here is no reflection on the person you are.
But hey, thanks for my points. Always a pleasure.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
no its probably just they cant be bothered to set up an aviator and the people who don't allow contact details to be shown are probably aware that there are some irritating people who would send them nasty or pointless emails.
- Curious77Lv 41 decade ago
I'm not really concerned what people think of having avatars or not...after all its what you write that s more important than a picture .....Each to their own.....
- 1 decade ago
So you're fat and need to feel greater than somebody ... have at it and have a nice day. "Grey Face" signing out. Much love...
- Anonymous1 decade ago
i cant work out how to do an avatar tried twice now ive gave up
- 1 decade ago
I believe grey is the new brown.
They're just trying to be trendy.