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Lv 5
RoeB asked in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · 1 decade ago

How much should I charge for a Character Cake?

Trying to decide if I can make any money decorating cakes. What is the going price for Character cakes in your area. These cakes are made with frosting, using star and line tips etc. Bart Simpson, Raggedy Ann, Bugs Bunny with carrot etc...

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, if your making a cake from a mix in a Wilton-type pan, and you have all the decorating supplies needed, I'd charge $40, minimum. It would cost you about $10-12 for each cake, provided you had the supplies (special tips, pans) on hand.

    $30 isn't a lot of profit, considering the time and talent it takes to produce a good cake. Some people maybe be hesitant to pay $40 for a cake if they're used to getting their cakes at the grocery store. But, as you know, the cakes are worth far more than $40...they're really worth $50-60...but finding people to pay that on a consistent basis may be kind of hard. But, find a good price and stick to it--and have a great time making money from something you love to do!

    Source(s): I love to decorate cakes.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    you should take your time to make sure how a lot the elements for a personality cake often runs you. Then aspect later on. also, the position you stay is a interest because in some parts you could cost extra for a distinctiveness cake. That being suggested, I cost between $40 & $50.

  • 1 decade ago

    Really detailed and really good cakes around here are about $180 but it depends on how far in advance the order is placed. We always get one with about 2 weeks notice for my son's birthday. They also make little individual cakes for each child (if needed) for about $30 each.

  • 1 decade ago

    don't see to many of them made around here unless me or my mom makes them. They take a lot of time to do

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  • 1 decade ago

    Figure out your food/supply costs, triple it, and charge that amount.

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