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dcj2404 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

my dog is sick?

she started throwing up last night and today is the same. its not like vomit its more like white flym. she goes out of the dog door all the time so I dont know if she got into something out there. there is a fern like weed that sometimes grows along my fence and my neighbors dog (only 4 years old) died about a week ago from kidney failure. I dont know if that is the plant that is causing this illness but I have seen her eat it from time to time. If the spitting doesnt stop I will take her to the vet on saturday but have any of you had this kind of problem before? what should I do for her in the mean time?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well first get rid of the plant your dog is eating, grass eating is due to a nervous stomach. Look on the internet and find the plant she has been eating. Saturday could be to late to take your dog in. Get her in tomorrow if she is still getting sick tonight, she is part of your family, take the day off of work and get it done,

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know enough about your dog and I am not a vet. Vomiting is serious if persistent. Dehydration is a real possibility.

    My first recommendation would be to take the dog to the vet right away.

    If this is not possible and you really suspect some sort of poison, about all you can do is feed the pet activated charcol (burnt toast) and keep it hydrated. This is not the best thing to do for most cases, but it is the best thing to do if you know nothing else other than something toxic was ingested.

    If it is gastric upset or infection and no toxin is involved, allow some small amounts of water from time to time, but don't allow the animal to eat anything else until the stomach upset subsides or until you can take it to see the vet.

    Source(s): Lots of visits to the vet.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would definitely get rid of the plant as soon as possible. If she has been throwing up for the better part of two days, I would not wait unitl Saturday to take her to the vet. With the combination of summer heat and vomiting, she will dehydrated quickly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get her to drink lots and lots of water. Maybe even take a can of Cambell's chicken soup and drain the broth out of it. Mix the broth with water so she is at least getting some nutrients. If she will eat, feed her white rice and boiled chicken so hopefully whatever is upsetting her stomach will pass with the food.

    I would honestly take her to the vet immediately or at least call them if you think that she might have gotten into a toxic plant. AND I would immediately remove said plant from your yard to prevent her from eating it again.

    Good luck and I hope she gets better soon!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Get weed killer and kill the weeds that the dog is eating. And i think u should take her to the vet immediantly i mean if a young dog of 4 died of this u need to take your dog to the vet NOW!

    Source(s): Hope she feels better.
  • 1 decade ago

    some plants are poisonous to dogs. be carefule in that area. If it last more than 24 hrs then take it to the vet. don't let it get dhydrated. on way to check is pull the skin up and if it goes down slowly then the dog is dehydrated.

  • 1 decade ago

    get rid of the! then see if it still has the problem.

    if it still does it by tomorrow...i would NOT wait until saturday to get her to a vet.

    but dogs do eat grass/tall weeds and throw up greenish/white looking flem. that would be nothing to worry about.

    watch the dog when it's outside to make sure.

    Source(s): dog owner, breeder
  • Tigger
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Definately get rid of the weed, and get your dog to the vet. She sounds almost like she's trying to get some poison out of her system.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    try to give it tums or pepto bismol, when my dog gets sick, i give her that and it seems to settle her stomach

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