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How do white men really feel about dating/being seen with Black Women?

I see Black Men & White Women in relationships all the time and I'm OK with this. But I hardly see White men&Black women together, Why is this? I think Sista's should be open to having a Fine white man WOULD LIKE FEED BACK FROM ANYONE THAT'S OPEN TO THIS SORT OF THING, NO STUPID COMENTS, THANK YOU

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've dated women of many different races. I date a southern black girl when I was in the Army in '82 that opened my eyes to some amazing food and culture (including The Blues). I think that it's up to the individual. Closed minds miss out on some GRRRRReeaaaaattttt experiences

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I remember when I use to work as a cashier and this black lady use to come in with this white man all the time. I can't jump to conclusions and say that they were dating but if they were the chemistry was really strong, I only seen one without the other once and they'd be so deep into conversation or just laughing at each other jokes that they barely noticed me unless it was to get the receipts and bags I thought it was the cutest thing. In my opinion black women interracial relationships are better than black men because they date each other because they are really interested in each other compared to black men who uses their ir relationship as a look at me I got a white girl type of relationship. Don't worry about them because black women ir marriages last really long from what I've seen and they all seem really happy.

  • 1 decade ago

    While i'd like to note that marnefirstinfantry answered this the best possible way, i will add my opinion. From personal experience: I have noticed that the average (not the individual but merely the average) black woman does not seem attracted at all to anyone besides black men, and would consider a white man as a "bottom of the pit last choice". I belive it is to to the popularity of the black male image in both the media and youth culture. The white man is percieved to be physically weak and unfashionable. notice that statistics show that after the movies "Guess Who" and "Something New" were seen that black women/white man relations occured signifigantly more. Unfortunately the majority of americans tend to conform to trends more than they would choose their own identity, style, preference, ect. So currently the white man is out of style while the black man is in. This may change over the years, or it may not. I live in a "black community" and even though black women are always giving me compliments they won't date me. Americans need to be more open minde point blank.

    Source(s): A mixed man who is mistaken for white and wishes to date black women (and women of all colors) but is almost always turned down because of my color
  • 1 decade ago

    A young white man and a black woman are walking in the park toward an ice cream truck. There are children surrounding the ice cream truck, buying and walking away with their favorite ice cream.

    The sun us shining on a hot summer afternoon. The man has his suit jacket tucked under his arm under a mild looking sky. There's not a cloud in sight during this lunch hour-afternoon. It's an innocent enough setting, or is it ?

    There are plenty of other people in the park, strolling and chatting. Why the need/curiosity for me to be watching a white man with a black woman !

    Years after the initial efforts of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, our curiosity, to put it mildly, is awaken by a white man and a black woman walking in the park. I didn't notice the racial composition of any other couple or the children. So, why is there any noticeable difference when the couple is bi-racial...after all, nobody is bothering them.

    But, the truth is, we are bothered, or the very least, notice, when a mixed couple is walking in the park. We wonder if they work together, are they lovers, or perhaps even each other.

    The point is, let's not deny the obvious. We'll look and feel discomfort at times. We may even try to remedy our feelings by picking up the tab at a bar, or befriending a black person at the workplace or whatever.

    Instead of looking for a fine white man, for which I, as a white man, am flattered, that the asker thinks white men have a monopoly on being 'fine', I think the asker should be concerned about finding a 'fine' man, white or black.

    Amore-Amore does not come in colors.

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  • NA
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hello sweettoni. Maybe is a matter of acceptance. In those countries like USA, in Europe (not all countries in Europe), Australia, New Zeland, Canada, Argentina,etc., a large sume of people have a problem of acceptance. Things that are or look different are hard to be accepted.Listen, I'm latin, and i have that skin color "canela".. in english is like cinamon, and i've always dated with white man. And this is my point of view, with exceptions of course, white man almost all the time date with Dark Women just for sex. They think we are "goddest on the bed".A black woman for the bed, and with the white ones they get married. That is the one they get to the "altar". No matter how smart a dark girl could be, how spiritual or good person you are. Black is black. I don't know why is that for. As i said before, there are exceptions of course. In Switzerland there are plenty of Blond man with Black girls,Specially girls from Domican republic or Brazil. Men from that country have an special atraction for this skin color and that is good. An White girls with Black boys is more common yes, remember, we women are more spiritual (i think is because we have maternal instinct). We fall in love. We go ahead againts obstacles. For women love counts more than the "Apparience". Men take care of their friends. The comments, and the biggest reason is because they like to presume with everybody about his wife or girlfriend . This is in the society, and i guess it will never be changed, no matter how hard we try. Since we are born and while you are growing up we see around .. i don't know how to say .. teachers could be. Everybody teach you ... according their points of view. This is bad .. this is good. You should do this .. don't do that. White is beautiful, black is ugly. They "teach" us how to associate things with colors, or religions, or cultures, or nationalities, or social status. I was once in USA in a trip, and i heard a comment about 2 people speaking about someone .. . And they said ..."He is black, but he is a good person, a nice guy". Do you know what i mean. That sounded so ridicules. He is black, but ... like he has this bad thing.. but he has this good thing. It is the culture. I live in Venezuela. Since few years ago we are having a critical political situation. And i've thought so many times about leaving the country and try a better a luck in another place. Insecurity had grown up too much. Our system is very corrupted, economical situation is terrible. No matter the great incomes from the black pearl, we have a Rich goverment with a poor society. What a big contradiction ah ?. But i stay here, because in Venezuela we don't know Racism. We treat each other equal. Maybe there should be a little % of course .. 2 % perhaps .. maximun 5% and i guess i am exagerating. We mixe each other. Black, arabic, chinese, japanese, european, caucasian, rich, poor, jewe, catholic, witness of yave.. we are all togheter. For us nobody is different. And if you are racist, you are .. the black here. I think i will never get use to be treated like an "ALIEN from VENUS".

    Hope these lines give u a little clue. And try a Latin .. They are good lovers.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know, I have no idea why more white men aren't seen with black women, but then, for some reason, and I have absolutely no idea why, I am noticeably more comfortable with black women than with white women, so much so that others notice this as well. It's not even a purely sexual thing, it's in every kind of way. Why is that?

  • Sir J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think it depends where you live how many interracial relationships you see. There are many where I am. It's funny no one looks twice at a white man and an Asian girl do they? (Well maybe some low-brows do, who knows.)

    But I know men of my generation and breeding are totally fine with women of any racial background.

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally prefer a fine black woman over her white counterpart and have had the pleasure of dating a few over the years.

    But I know where your coming from it seems far more common for white women to date outside of their culture or race as it where then for white men to do so. I think this is partly because men of non white ethnicities seem very drawn to white women & white men don't ever think of pursuing women of other ethnicities for some strange reason.

    I mean honestly most guys I know just never really think about women of other coultures.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only thing I would worry about is what the womans family would say about me because I get the impression that black families don't like it when they get involved with white men. Tell me if I am wrong. I dont see a problem with it otherwise!

  • 1 decade ago

    A good (white) friend of mine was married to a black woman and they had 2 beautiful children together before she passed away with a severe illness. I guess it depends where you're looking!!

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