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Why don't the ten richest poeple in the world end world hunger?

"we all have to do our part to save the planet" I hear said all the time. Look at the top ten richest people in the world. Those ten individuals could end world hunger all alone. TEN PEOPLE out of the billions on earth could change the world forever. Instead they get bigger houses with rooms that stay empty, Wear jewelry that alone could save a nation, and buy thier own islands just so they dont have to look at the billions starving. So i ask "what can the world do to make these ten fools save the world"

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    No matter how much money or food is given or sent to the countries that need it world hunger is never going to end. Do some research and find out for yourself just how much food and money and other assistance has been given to nations throughout the world to help starving people. Not only by countries but also by individuals. A major problem is that too many warring factions do not want "the other side" to receive aid. This has been going on for decades. The people with the money are not the fools nor are they greedy. The foolish and greedy people are the ones that think throwing money at a problem will solve the problem. When you stop the wars and tribal fighting you will start helping the people that are starving.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    To me it's more people than ten. In any event there is developing a technology that will be able to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It will take a lot of "units", machines that subtract CO2, which can be used commercially on its own and kept out of the atmosphere. Global warming seems to be stopping the rain in much of the world, deserts are spreading, crops won't grow. Much of East Africa was fruitful a couple decades ago. Now look at it. And it's not just there... So if we could get those rich folks to concentrate on that as well, then maybe there could be more food grown around the world where once it was plentiful. Yes, I've seen the pictures. Then you have upheavals and militias and, for God's sake, genocide. If you have happier people around the world, things like genocide won't be able to take root. Yes, send food, for sure, but let's get at the root of this problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, the richest people in the world dont have all that money in their back pocket. To end world hunger will take a world effort, a change in laws and equal distribution in this case. Rich people really arent worth that much until they die. Yes they have money but they only make a couple hundred K's a year. They invest in other things in order for their company etc to flourish. And Bill Gates is among the richest not THE richest.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fernando is partly correct, the other consideratons are:-

    1. If you carry on feeding them they carry on breeding, and that mess's up the economy even more.

    2. Whos going to supply the contaception?

    3. If you educate them, they develop thier infrastuctures and hold back the resources from the west.

    The answer is :- It's better to let them die! Draconian as that may sound.

    If you disagree then consider the consumer demand, the drain on natural resources and the pollution that would be created, If Russia, India and china industrialise.

    How do you feed 2 billion people a day under a democracy? It's worked for 5000 years, why wake the sleeping Tiger!

    These so called economic experts have a lot to learn! Maybe now your realising why it is as it is.

    So forget all these goody goodies holier than thou,that don't know that bigger picture. They are in fact making the situation worse!

    I also resigned from my job as head of strategic planning when i got this as i was involved in feeding the hungry.

    Why? Because nature doesnt care! and if you find the answer let me know! This dillema / catch 22 has plagued me for years, hense my resignation of a pointless and helpless pursuit.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like the way you think outside the box.

    However, Fernando is right on track.

    Another issue is that if we keep feeding the indigent of the world, without teaching them how to feed themselves then we cause more hunger by feeding them. How, food gives them energy and energy in humanity will get you sex and more hungry mouths. Pretty soon - the world is worse off than when it started and then we need the richest 1000 people to solve the problem.

    Answer: Natural Selection - needs to work its course to a certain degree and eventually it does - one way or another. Sooner or later - with suffering at small levels or at very large. Your answer unfortunately would lead to suffering at much larger levels.

    Better to focus on education rather than just food.

  • Sly
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Ever think that they probably donate boat loads of money for causes like world hunger for tax purposes. They don't just keep their money in the bank....

    Besides, I'd like to see you with billions of $ in the bank; you'd probably do the same thing. Anyone would, it's human nature. Everyone wants bigger and better things for themselves.

    Next time you get a big raise, donate it to help world hunger instead of buying a brand new pair of shoes some new clothes...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with jpxc...there are many dictators that will not allow their people to eat because they want to be well, in charge. IF their people were healthy, they might rebel, so they steal the food and don't allow it to get to wear it needs to go. I know that many rich people do give a great deal of their money and time to relief funds for charities to end world hunger and to pay for disease control.

    We have plenty of food to feed everyone, but there are horrible dictators and we need to force them out. Greed is a terrible thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    More often than not, the 10 richest people in the worl got that way based on pure dumb luck, or inheritance. They more than likely never experienced hardship, or poverty, and have no idea what its like, and therefor see it as "not their problem." They also probably feel like they have nothing to gain from donating to this cause. As we all know with millionairs and politicians, a "donation" is never a mear donation, there always has to be something in it for one party or the other. One hand has to wash the other, or its a lost cause.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you do some research, you will find that Bill Gates, currently the richest man in the world, gives tons and tons of money to help end devastating diseases by sending vaccines to children in Africa to prevent them from dying by age 5. He also does a lot for education.

    Source(s): news
  • 1 decade ago

    To end world hunger, the people of these poor nations have to stand up and fight. It is true, the reason a country becomes starving is not a lack of food. It is a lack of access to food.

    They have to abolish their evil governments and make a new better one.

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