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What do you think of the new abortion bill?

I was just reading an article on yahoo about the new senate bill making it illegal to take minors over state lines to get an abortion without the parent's consent. What do you think? We hardly let minors take aspirin without parental consent, yet we allow them to have major surgery? What about the case of the boyfriend who wants to shirk his responsibly and so forces the girl to get an abortion? Or is it all part of a "woman's right to choose?"

Update 2:

My dear howohsocliche, where on earth did you get the idea I was trying to solve abortion by my question? I was simply asking people's opinion and offering an argument for and against it. Now I happen to think this law is a good idea. Why? For several reasons.

1) Minor cannot have ANY kind of medical procedure without parental consent, except abortion, which IS major surgery. Teens being allowed to drop out of school hardly destroys my argument - it barely qualifies as a rebuttal. People can live perfectly well without a decent education, it is done all the time. Education has nothing to do with medical procedures. By your logic, minors should be able to have plastic surgery, take vicodin or do anything else they want with their bodies because they can drop out of school at 16. I'm sure even you can agree that is completely ridiculous.

Update 3:

2) While the boyfriend forcing the girl to get an abortion is not an argument I normally use, again your rebuttal is severely lacking. The government does not force women to have babies. When was the last time you heard of the government forcing a woman to have sex? If you choose to have sex, then you should have to deal with the consequences - just like you do with everything else in life.

Update 4:

3) "What you should really be saying about this entire abortion issue, is: What if a man rapes a woman? I mean, she really shouldn't have an abortion b/c it isn't the baby's fault that she was raped. After all, the baby is innocent, right?" Let me ask you, do you know what percent of abortions each year are the result of rape or incest? 1%. So you're telling me that because 1% of those abortions are the result of rape/incest that we should allow millions of other babies to be killed? You are right, the baby is innocent, and two wrongs never make a right, however in the case of rape, it was not the woman's choice to have sex, so I am willing to make allowances - providing there is some evidence that she was really raped.

Update 5:

Lastly, what exactly do you mean we "take a REAL pro-life stance. Don't just chip away at the system here.?" The fact is that whether you like it or not, we are chipping away at the system, and we are winning. The only reason we have not gotten Roe reversed all together is simply a matter of time. It takes awhile to get things to the Supreme Court.

I have further reasons, but those are enough for now.

Update 6:

Truelaw, your answer makes not logical sense at all. As for there being no Biblical support for being anti-abortion, ever heard of the Ten Commandments "Thou shalt not kill?" And even if it is God's will that a baby shouldn't be born, since when does He need our help to make sure that doesn't happen? If miscarriages are God's "abortion," then human abortion is a direct violation of His will because if that baby wasn't supposed to be born, then the mother would have a miscarriage - no abortion necessary.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm glad. First, no one should be taking anyone's daughter across state-lines for ANY reason without her parent's permission. That should be obvious. Secondly, most young girls have abortions because of fear. They are too immature to make a rational decision in those circumstances. It is only wise to talk to a mature and experienced adult, (especially a father or mother) in such a situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, hun. Trying to solve the abortion issue by merely saying "Well, you can't take aspirin in school w/out parental consent, so therefore you shouldn't be able to get an abortion w/out parental consent" is waaaaaaaaay too simplistic of an approch toward such a complex issue.

    Does that mean that if I'm 20, then that must mean that I'm not responsible enough to drink....Meaning there's no way I'm responsible enough to deicide if I should get an abortion or not?

    I'm sure your probably thinking either 'well, your not having responsible sex/you are having sex period, so no!', or 'abortion is wrong, so responsability doesn't have anything to do w/ it!'....but please try and set those views aside for a second and think about the logic of your approach. If we decide that if a minor can't do anything based off whether she is allowed to take aspirin in school or not is....Dumb.

    Besides, minors are allowed to drop out of school at 16....So that completely destroys your "We hardly let minors take aspirin without parental consent [at school], yet we allow them to have major surgery?" arguement.

    "What about the case of the boyfriend who wants to shirk his responsibly and so forces the girl to get an abortion?"

    What about the case of the government that wants to force woman to have babies? It goes both ways, sister.

    Again, pick a different arguement.

    What you should really be saying about this entire abortion issue, is: What if a man rapes a woman? I mean, she really shouldn't have an abortion b/c it isn't the baby's fault that she was raped. Afterall, the baby is innocent, right?

    If you pro-life guys really believe that any unborn baby is an innocent life, then you should seriously consider forcing raped woman to have the children.

    Afterall, just b/c she was raped doesn't mean she should kill her baby. Two wrongs don't make a right, right?

    As a pro-choicer, I think you guys should really show your true colors and take a REAL pro-life stance. Don't just chip away at the system here. Afterall, we're talking about thousands of human lives here. And that's important to you guys, isn't it?

  • 1 decade ago

    When you can take girls over the state line to kill them, which abortion does, then this action should be made illegal. So sure, it is a good law.

    What is happening to a "girl's right to choose" or a "boy's right to choose"?

    By their very existence they are choosing to LIVE. It is only because the so-called mother is bigger and more powerful that her choice is carried out against the choice of the baby.

    Look at the pics and videos on the link below and you'll know what I mean--the baby is definately human. You can see the human life in the features.

  • 1 decade ago

    You would prefer that the minor stay in state and go to a second rate place and end up with their repoductive system messed up? As long as the person taking them out of state is their parents and it is not being done to cover up another crime (incest, etc.) the government needs to butt out of the abortion issue.

    The boyfriend can not force the girl to do anything. Unless he comes into the clinic and holds a gun to her head, she still has the option to not have one. I heard about that story and i think the whole thing is baloney. She had an option, but she chose to cave.

    The point of the whole thing is giving people the choice. While I do not believe in abortion, I do not believe it is my right as an American to force my religious beliefs on anther person. They should be aable to make that choice on their own. Besides, I have seen the down side of a teen having a kid WAY too early and being forced to use it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Abortion is a God Given Right that cannot be controlled by man's law. For example, how would you know if a child took the abortion pill before a trip to college, or after? You can't because that would violate God's Will. Abortion has always been available to any woman who wanted one. And it will always exist because those who wish it to be against the law are in violation of one of God's obvious rules. God himself uses abortion in the form of miscarriage. And he does so for many reasons including to end rape instigated pregnancy, end suffering and to protect children. The problem for the Anti Abortion group is that a loving God does not kill in abortion; a loving God protects the life of the fetus and uses it again. There is no killing and there is no sin. The Bible is in complete support of abortion, and there is nothing in the Bible to support the anti abortion nuts.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know where you get your information that only 1% of abortions are due to rape or incest. Most women would not say if that was indeed the case. For that reason and many others, I believe that women have the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that includes whether or not to carry a pregnancy to full-term.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's about responsibilty and involves both the man and the woman. If the woman is under the age of consent, i.e., a minor, her parents or guardian are responsible for her legally. Not only in this circumstance, but in other areas of the law.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The bill is missing the point. "Which state has laws you can live with?" That's what this bill seems to be saying. Its a very stupid question. Perhaps if it said "dont perform surgery without adult informed consent" we'd be getting somewhere.


    ps just thought: adult could be the guy, and she could be under pressure, but what does the state line have to do with it? How U is the USA?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Or the coach that has been doing your 13 daughter.

    The law that lets a under age girl get an abortion with out any one knowing about it only helps the men that prey on young girls. The ones fighting it want our young as their prey.

  • ratboy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm sick and tired of the government telling me what I can and can't do. Since Bush took over, Amercans have lost more personal rights than we have during any 6 year period of my lifetime.

    Enough is enough. You don't believe in abortions, DON'T HAVE ONE. But stay out of my life.

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