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Atheist scared???

OK, I just have to ask this. I repeatedly read that Atheist are scared. So question 1 How do you know I'm scared ? You don't know me! I'm Mrs or Ms or even Mr X in X state. So whatever I say here has little chance of backfiring on me, therefore 2 Why would I be scared? 3 What would I be scared of? You? Your god? Your hell? I don't believe in it, therefore I don't have to worry about it. Now the dentist is a different story :o) And I like the Dude. Scared of dying? Oh yes I am. I want to see my kids grow up and live life as long as possible. So anyone out there saying they are not afraid of loosing live is either lying, suicidal or an adrenalin junky. I meet a terminal ill woman once that wasn't scared of death. She said she lived her live well. No preaching about god, I don't even Know if she believed. So That's my purpose in live, get where she was at I've never seen peace like that. So, some of you Christians out there please stop thinking for me, or feeling sorry for me.


I'm sorry Diamond-doll.Very good point. Not meant as a general statement. As said I met a woman not afraid and it was a amazing experience.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good post, I dont believe all atheists are scared. I agree people genearlaize too much, make assumptions to often.

    One thing though, "So anyone out there saying they are not afraid of loosing live is either lying, suicidal or an adrenalin junky."

    Im not afraid of losing my life. I am afraid of HOW I will lose it, but not afraid, because I know I will live on. If you dont want people to generalize about you, then you shouldnt either. I am not lying, suicidal or an adrenalin junky. If I was, I wouldnt make a point of it. I have no fear of death. I have lived my life well, and am not afriad to die.

    Thank you for being so gracious with your reponse!!! Keep smiling :)

  • carole
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I get the impression that some Christains think we all know deep down that they are right and that we are just being obstinant or rebellious. I have to consider the fact that their minds literally can not comprehend the fact that others are just as secure in their different beliefs. I wrote Live and let Live in one response and the asker said "Live and let Live - christians have more to fear from you than anyone else" and I thought that statement was telling.

    I like you want to see my kids grow and have children of their own - I'd even like to see great grandkids if I could - but I am not afraid to die. I got a "message" from my grandmother after she died. I woke a few days later as if having heard her say "It's nothing, it's just transfering to a different location. Nothing to worry about" and that was that. My belief that we return to the energy source from which we came was solidified and I am no longer afraid - but certainly not ready.


    PS - the guy above says "What you believe does not change the reality of a given truth.." that is so not true.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey moshydog, if you are strong in your own beliefs, why are you questioning those of others?

    I don't see how anyone can infer that not having a belief in a higher power makes someone scared.

    But just remember - the religious people who assert that atheists are scared are the same people who believe that simply because life is complex that it can't have evolved. These are the same people who will use illogic to tell you that simply because lots of people believe in something, then it is true. Their belief that atheists are scared is just another facet of their own insecurities and tendency to push their own issues at the expense of logical thought.

    Furthermore, if "God does not want you to go to hell..." then He would provide better evidence for belief in Him than a pile of backwards, uneducated and hypocrtical religious nuts preaching selected texts from the Bible while ignoring those parts of it that conflict with their own beliefs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am Catholic, I guess. At least I was raised Catholic. I personally think religion is for people who have nothing else to occupy their time with. I'm spiritual, sometimes. Rarely. But I respect where you stand and I can honestly understand where you're coming from. I think as they said in that School of Rock movie, don't let the Man bring you down. Yeah.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm also an atheist. Some Christians have tunnel vision. Meaning they are not very open minded. People tend to judge each other especially on their believes. We are ALL scared of dying. You get exceptions though...

  • 1 decade ago

    John 14:6 . Do you really believe there is no God ? Matthew 10:33 . Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved .

    Source(s): NKJV
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we atheists are NOT scared that is the point. We embrace the unknown and dare to provlaim "we don't know". It is the religious that are scared. Too scared to look at the cold universe and ponder what the truth is. Religion is for the feeble minded.

  • 1 decade ago

    What you believe does not change the reality of a given truth..

    I can believe that jumping off a 30 story building will not hurt me.

    The LAW of gravity says it will. Spiritual laws are equally true..

    And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: 28So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

    You ought to fear God... without faith in Christ, your judgement will be Hell. God does not want you to go to hell...

  • J.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No people are scare. Atheist are people who do not believe in the Christian bible. They believe that there is no God. See Psalm 42-43 about "Where is your God?"

    Source(s): Rev. J. D.D.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Your reasoning is unsuitable. Your bible replaced into written by nomads who were terrified of the failings they couldn't clarify so that they claimed to be inspired by an unseen being who ought to, conveniently, clarify issues to them. we've technological understanding, reason, common sense... those can clarify each and every of the failings that those nomads were terrified of and far extra. i do not trust i'm taking a danger on something by no longer believing in god. you observe, there is not any data for an afterlife, both a heavenly one (that can require total devotion to a "benevolent" author... kinda selfish in case you inquire from me) or a hellish one (why ought to a benevolent author challenge me to burn for eternity for wondering and reasoning with the mind he gave me contained in the first position?). it is unlucky that you're going to rule out skill friendships purely in accordance with their non-perception on your god. there are literally thousands of human beings you're immediately eliminating out of your pal pool that way. i ought to also guess that you recognize someone who's an atheist already yet they're afraid to allow you to recognize lest you banished them. imagine about it somewhat extra beforehand you're making the form of rash selection.

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