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can you help me please?

i have been with my boyfriend for about 6 years now, we have a child together, but we're not married, i just want to know that if i ever decide to leave him, will he be able to legally take my baby away from me? thanks

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My ex tried to get custody of our services were at my door morning, noon and night without worker told me the only way he could get custody was if they found me to be an unfit mother...3 months later I got the GR8 news! and then...

    When that failed he tried to kidnap my son...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can help you with that. I had the same thing happen with me and my son. Does your boyfriend have a criminal record at all? If he does the child is yours!!! YEAH.

    If not the court will give the both of you joint custody of the child. In somecases of not being married the court will give the child to the mother and he will get certain days for visitation.

    I say if you are unhappy with your boyfriend and you two are not planning your wedding! Then he is a big waste of your time. you can find someone better out there. Many people try to stay with the dad.

    Also do you have a criminal backround. The only way your child will get taken is if he can somehow so that you are an unfit mother! So I would not worri about it. Sometimes the men dont pursue going to court because it costs money.

    One more thing, Since you are not married you had to go through the court system already for child support and they grant custody. So take that paper work out and read what it says. YOu might already be granted full and placement of the child! Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    First the laws vary by state so you should start by looking those laws up. Or you can call and ask a lawyer for advice - there should be some free advice ones in your area. Second, only the court will determine if he can take the baby away from you. Both of you are listed on the birth certificate so both of you have parental rights. You can arrange visitation before hand or let the court decide what is best....

    Good luck - there is plently of help out there, you just have to look and ask for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Before you separate it would be wise to make an agreement with your boyfriend. This agreement would cover such subjects as custody, child support, and visitation.

    This is a legal matter, however, and the safest way to ensure that you don't get messed up is to have court documents.

    The courts will generally give custody of the child to the mother unless there is cause not to.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He is the child's parent and in the eyes of the law has as much right to the child as you do. Unless you could make a decision together about custody, it would be up to a judge to decide.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you're having to ask this question you must be having problems. Go see a specialist. If he is on the birth certificate he has rights. Hope everything is okay. Plus after 7 years living together it's considered a common law marriage I think.

  • 1 decade ago

    Usually it is hard to take a baby from their mother. The father would have to prove that you were an unfit mother. Like a druggie or abusive. I do not think you would have anything to worry about. Just do not try to keep him from seeing your child or it might get ugly, unless he is abusive or could harm the baby physical or emotionally. Good luck!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Here in the Phililippines, if you are not married, the child stays with the mom. Unless otherwise, the father proves what they say above.

  • 1 decade ago

    If he signed the birth certificate then he has rights to see his child. Why are you worried he would try to take the child away and not just request visitation?

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends in the state you live in. Call a lawyer most of them will talk to you for free your first visit. Also theres lot of web-site you could go to. Call a lawyer first and ask them, they will be glad to give you some advice. GOOD LUCK.

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