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i know why women's vaginas stink so much, it's because they stopped female circumcision right?

i mean, that's why they advocate male circumcision, to stop the buildup of smegma, which apparently stinks

-women get more smegma than men, so it stands to reason

bring back female circumcision, it stinks!

or else women can stop complaining that newborns should have their foreskins cut off because otherwise they will stink!

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Great question ;)

    Its because we have a great bloody gaping hole from which things emanate and die. I pity poor boyfriends the world over, I really do. Women who say that our vaginas don't smell are deluding themselves. No matter how clean you keep yourself, a healthy vagina does have some odour - because a healthy vagina has a thriving colony of various bacteria and a healthy vagina keeps itself lubricated. And thats even if you forget the fact that we have blood gushing out of it for about a quarter of our childbearing years. And blood smells.

    Despite the fact that my partner isn't circumcised, he doesn't seem to get smegma buildup...

    women complain about that? Ugh. Thanks for lumping me in with lunatics. Pfffffffft. Bodies are meant to have some odour. they're living organisms. All living organisms tend to make smells.

    What I wonder is why no one has yet tried to institute ritual butt plugging in infants. If the purpose is to eliminate bad smells...

    I'm amused that someone took your question to mean that you are in favour of female genital mutilation instead of realising that you're against genital mutilation full stop.

    If you read your own answer again, dorkydork:

    "who forced males to get circumsized anyway? i don't think it's the females."

    Actually, most men in western countries who are circumcised are circumcised at birth. Did you honestly think that doctors would do this without the mothers consent? Women perpetuate it horribly. I know many women who plan to mutilate their poor sons simply because they think that a mutilated penis is better than a normal one.

  • 1 decade ago

    hm... i don't think you'll be advocating female circumcision if you learn of the actual process. in the US, this is pretty much taboo. it's mainly in Africa and other parts of the world. a lot of girls in these countries do not want it but are forced to. in African culture, if a female is not circumsized, that means they're not clean and no male would marry this woman. it is also done so that the girls won't have sexual desires and won't have sex before marriage. guess what or who this mainly benefits? the males! you guessed right. this act is more directed by sexism. people don't force female circumcision for hygiene reasons. it's mainly to suppress the females. why should a women's vagina be mutilated to the point of no return? who forced males to get circumsized anyway? i don't think it's the females. also, a vagina does not smell the way you describe it. maybe the ones you've experienced with have a strong smell but not everybody does. i know of a guy that has a smelly salty penis. does that mean that every other guy in this world has the same problem? no! so does that mean that just because one guy has a penis smelling problem that they should all be circumcized? no also! it's a matter of choice and that choice better be solely made by the person and no one else. also, male circumcision is a bit different than female one because in fact, for a female it's more of a mutilation. why would you want to have sex with a vagina that looks like that? just research online how a circumsized vagina looks like. i don't think you would ever want to have sex ever again. there's 3 different levels so choose whichever one but still, the first level should already freak you out. also, think about this... would you want your 6 yr old daughter to be circumsized (more like mutilated)?

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, male circumcision is not done because of stink, its usually a religous reason, or the preference of the parents. Female circumcision is cruel. IF you dont like the stink, maybe you should be gay.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's no such thing as female circumcision. Women don't have penises to be circumsized. There's a form of mutilation that removes the clitoris and labia, but that doesn't solve any problems and actually causes lots of horrible infections.

    Male circumcision is considered healthy because it doesn't leave a pocket of skin for infection to fester in. It's got nothing to do with smell and more to do with good ol' Jewish logic.

    Usually a woman's vagina will only smell bad if she is dirty. It should have a strong scent, yes, but not one to make you choke. Unfortunately, it can smell really good, but taste really bad. >_<

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    All an uncircumcised guy needs to do to eliminate odors is clean out his foreskin and apply a penis health creme that contains Vitamin A every day. This creme will kill any leftover bacteria, which will keep things extra-clean down there. No need for circumcision.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you have been with a woman with a smelly vagina you have been with a real SKANK because a womans vagina does not stink if she is clean and takes care of herself.

    The same goes for an uncircumsized man he will not stink if he is a clean person.

    are you acting like this be you are not circumsized and you can;t figure out how to get rid of the smell??

    It is called SOAP AND WATER!!!! GET A CLUE!

  • 1 decade ago

    Most women keep them washed and their vaginas don't stink. Sometimes you come across women witha naturally strong female harmone smell which make you feel like they are in heat like a dog; but they are clean and some men love that strong female harmone smell.

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Do yourself a favour, get a feckin hobby, if the only thing you can think to ask is that. There are some right losers on here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your question tells me that you are one of the triabal kings of Africa

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