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What happens if I'm a little over 30 days past due on my mortgage?

I JUST had a mortgage loan modification to pull my house out of foreclosure, and the last three month's payments have been on time, or at least before the 16th of the month. I can't pay my July payment until August 11th, and I will be sending my August payment on September 8th. I will be able to catch up after that. Will this be acceptable to my mortgage company, or will they immediately throw me back into foreclosure?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should be communicative with your lender, they are far more forgiving if they know the situation in advance. Lenders DO NOT want to foreclose on their borrowers, it means loss of profit, and increased expenses through lawyers fees etc. The only person that can say whether it will be acceptable to your mortgage company is your mortgage company to be honest.

    However, they will still report the situation to your credit report and you will take hits for being late.

    Source(s): Reginald Whitcomb - Mortgage Planner 978-998-7157 -
  • 1 decade ago

    With most companies, if you call ahead to let them know you will be late and give them the exact date that you will be paying on, they will most likely be ok with that. We have had to do this a few times and as long as they know they will be getting their money, they are fine with it. Also, some banks will let you simply just pay the month's interest and just tack on the payment to the end of your loan.

  • 1 decade ago

    They probably wont forclose on you as long as you make them aware of what you are doing. Usually they will work with you. Although they will report it as late if given the chance.

    Any Creditor that reports a late payment cannot report this unless it actually 31 days late. If they recieve a payment on the 30th late day it cannot be reported as late. The late fees are applied after 15 days but does not get reported as late unless they recieved the payment after 30 days.

  • 1 decade ago

    it goes against your credit as being over 30 days late. call your mortgage company and talk to them about this.

    you do sound like you're in over your head though.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Call and explain the situation-it is in their best interests and yours, to avoid foreclosure and if they can help you, they will. Make the call.

  • 1 decade ago

    Call your mortgage broker now and explain the situation....usually they'll work with you. If you just let it go, there could be trouble.

  • NBGirl
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    you get a call from the bank,

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