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Is there any-thing in life that you have witnessed, seen, or heard that you will never forget?

For me it is the death of my father . Also up to this day I can remember this.: A student in our school got the most marks in an island wide exam, and all the teacher did the next day is to publicly slap the boy in from the whole school.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I woke up at 4:30am screaming at the top of my lungs like I had ever did in my entire life expelling every breath out of me. My bed was flying up and down furiously! What a heck of a way to wake up from a soundful sleep!

    I lived right in the epicenter of the 6.8 Northridge, CA earthquake! I've lived in Calif all my life and have experienced minor quakes which were nothing. As soon as I realized it was an earthquake, I knew from experience it would stop immediately as quakes are always very very short, just seconds, not even a minute. As soon as it stopped, I got out of bed and went to my roommates bed. Stuff was in the way. I had to navigate the mess through my apartment.

    There were alot of aftershocks after that huge one. Everything was so trashed in my apartment. All the stuff that was in the kitchen cabinets were thrown all over the floor and sink. The refrigerator was in the middle of the kitchen. It was unbelievable!

    I'll never forget how bad I screamed that night, but I was okay afterwards. I got over it quickly. It was a very interesting experience.

    The best part I have ever seen in my entire life is seeing Amma love thousands of people nonstop. I have never seen such a more beautiful, graceful, radiant and loving human being on this planet. Just a glance of her face with my own eyes in person makes my heart swell with love that I cannot help but cry at the beauty of feeling it.

  • H
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes, a lot. I'll never forget swimming through Durdle Door (a sea Arch in Dorset) and seeing it from the other side for the first time this year (in June, the sea was freezing cold!). I'll also never forget seeing my wife in her wedding dress for the first time, I waited, not looking back all the time she came up the aisle and only looked to my side when she was beside me.

    I'll also never forget hearing The Indigo Girls live in concert in Bristol. They were mindblowing.

    On the bad side I'll never forget hearing a woman scream and seeing her having her handbag stolen. I ran from the room I was in and tried to catch him, but he knew the city better than me (I was on holiday) so he got away. I had to give a statement to the police, I don't know if he was ever caught.

    I also saw a dead dog, it was a little staffy and it had been stabbed and put into a river. I was working for the council at the time and spotted the dog warden's van, I parked up and asked him what was up and he showed me. As a dog lover the cruelty of it just stunned me and I'll never forget that image.

    I have a very visual memory so even insignificant stuff sticks with me for a long while.

  • 1 decade ago

    Even though I'd like to, I'll probably never forget going through Hurricane Katrina. I know that sounds sappy, and I should probably point out that I'm not one of those New Orleans people that show up on the news once a week (sorry, but Mississippi's been a bit forgotten). I'm not from the South, so going outside and actually experiencing something so catastrophic was quite a shock. I still remember when it seemed like the rampage was letting up and my father told us that it was just the eye of the storm going over us. I hope I never experience anything like that ever again, even down to the earth vibrating from 100-year old trees falling.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think every one has some thing that they will remember for the rest of there lives! I think for the one thing was watching a plane crash! It was not the best thing I had ever seen. I think the most amazing thing I have ever seen that only bout 11 people can say the have seen the same thing! Is watching a cervial ( Its like an African wild cat!) Swim across the Chobe River in Botswana! It was one of the most amazing thing I have ever seen! The current is really strong and the river very wide! But this cat was determined to make it to the other side! Makes you think that if you put your mind to it you can do anything!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Personally -

    The total eclipse of the sun - awesome;

    A swarm of bees hanging innocuously from a chestnut pailing fence beside the main road - wonderful!;

    Richard Ashcroft singing with Coldplay at Live8 last year - never expected that one - gave me goosepimples!;

    The life of my cat for 17.5 years - even though I had to say goodbye to him 3 years ago he is still around me... yes, I've seen him and someone else has heard him miouwing in my house;

    Laughing with my Dad until I was crying with laughter(no-one else in the family shares a similar sense of humour and I miss that!);

    then of course there are all the other national and international events ... not enough time or space here!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes there was something i experienced that i will never forget. I went on a mission trip to Mexico, the living conditions there were so unacceptable. But the people were amazing, it made me realize that no matter what i go through here in America i will always appreciate living here. We are sooooo blessed. Those people with their kindness in the worst of conditions, really really impacted my life in an extreme way. To this day that trip is still something that moves my heart.

  • 1 decade ago

    I stood alone beside my grandfather after the funeral service for his mother, when everyone else had left the building. We just stood there in the aisle about ten feet back from the casket, and I realized he was crying. I was six years old, and had never thought my grandpa could cry, so I asked him why. He said, "Honey, she was my Mama..."

    I am tearing up even typing this. I'm nearly 50 years old, and he's been gone too now, for more than 30 years. But I've never forgotten that moment, and doubt I ever will.

    Source(s): CG
  • 1 decade ago

    Ive been a Fireman/EMT for almost 18years, there are things that I've seen that still make me cry. Really really bad calls involving children. I watched a man shoot his head with a .45 in front of his whole family because he was upset at his wife. I watched a Drunk driver blow off crushing a 20year old mother to be who was sunbathing in her front lawn by saying "she was in the way" with his 4wheel drive pickup. lots and lots of bad stuff. Ive also seen happy stuff that I will never forget, Pulling a child out of a well (shallow only 40 feet) to the surface and the arms of his mother. So yes, Ive got lots of things that I will never forget. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    OH dear! You mustn't remember such bad things. Try to remember something happy and beautiful which have caused the smile on your face. Look around there are so many beautiful things.

    And now to the question - I will never forget the town of Nesebar, Bulgaria. This is the most beautiful place on Earth(for me)

  • 1 decade ago

    Watching 9/11 it is something I will never forget and two seconds before I got a call teling me to turn on the television.

    Not as long as I live will those images be forgotten.

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