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Why is there so much hatred?


whitefeather---there is hate all over your answer.....does that make me retarded or you?

Why can't people dicuss a problem or situation without hatred? When a person lets their anger go, that's when it turns to hatred.

You, have proved my point!!

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because man sinned and man has turned his back on God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, it could have something to do with calling us 'racists' for wanting our laws enforced. When you're continually called evil names for wanting your country's borders secured, you get on the defensive. Americans were not against Hispanics, Mexicans, Latina's or anyone from Central or South America, or anywhere else for that matter. Because they attacked us verbally with those names we began to dislike them, then eventually some began to hate them. We have been called "lazy, fat, Amercans" "whitey", "racist", etc. Why would we have open arms for such low class, ingrates? We supplied them with welfare, food stamps, medical care, education, housing and more through programs paid into by our taxes for generations and this is what they call us for wanting our borders secured and illegal people deported?!! Are you KIDDING ME!!?? This country (USA) can not support the world. We have more people here living off our government programs than we can handle and our citizens come first. Illegal people should not be here. This is not their home. If they have been here for years it is not our problem, they should have already done something about their legal status. If someone is here illegally they need to go home or get deported. It is the law, clear, plain, simple. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence should be able to understand that. If a person cannot get that concept through their brain they are retarded.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are scared of what they don't know and their fear of change causes most of the hate in our society. Unfortunate for the people that is on the receiving end of the hatred. Peace and humanity will be a thing of the past if we all can't get past these fears and just accept the unknown.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why do people characterize someone trying to keep what they have for their own children and getting mad at people who break the laws to take it as hatred?

    If someone stole something from anyone they would be mad. If the thief then demanded 'rights' to even more of what the person had, it gets worse. Call it hatred if you like.

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  • Ricky
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because people hate it when they cannot argue the facts that the illegal aliens are criminals. So they try to pull a smoke and mirrors act, by diverting attention away from the legality, and pointing it to anywhere else. It is illegal. End of story.

    I just hate the human species in general. They overflow with two traits I loathe. Stupidity and ignorance.

  • I don't think it is hatred toward people. But It could be hatred of an act--like law breaking-or endangering someone or thing. There is a difference.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hatred? I don't know if i would call it that. Anger? Certainly! The american people are very angry over the illegal immigration thing, and you can hardly blame us for that! America is OUR home, and we have every right to defend it from foreign invaders! Just as you would have the right to shoot any home invader to defend your home, if someone was braking into your house. I'm not saying we would shoot the illegals, just that they need to be stopped, from sneaking into this country and taking things that do NOT belong to them!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because some people are taught from a very early age that anyone of a different religion or a different view of the world is evil. Children are very impressionable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because too many people are self conscious about theirself and not happy with who they are , so they feel like they have to take it out on others! I am happy with myself, therfore , I have no hatred.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because, there is a group of people who want what they cannot have. They will attempt anything in order to aquire it. There is another group of people who are willing to defend this thing to the end.Thats why. Where are you?

    Source(s): Angel does not tell the truth, she carries hatred, look and see.
  • 1 decade ago

    I wish I knew .

    But my moto try to be happy and wear a smile to everyone even if you are sad inside helps to make you to feel good gives pleasure to all who is around you.

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