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please help urget plz?

please help , my husband call me at 7:40 pm and told me that he was on his way home now it is 10:55pm and i had called him about a million time and he will not ask his phone i am very worryed about him , what should i do no ?


he was coming home from his brother house , he and his brother was working on a truck

Update 2:

it is 11:13 pm here now , i am in north carolina and still no ask , or he still have not called me , i am very worryed now

Update 3:


10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Have you called is brother's house to see if they know exactly what time your husband left? Did his brother ride with him somewhere? Did your husband need to run some errands before coming home? Call all relevant friends and relatives first to see if anyone has a clue where he may be. Can you get in the car and back-track to see if he had car trouble? Maybe he can't get a cell signal where he is or maybe the battery died. Give him the benefit of a doubt until you know the worst. He may have just lost track of time. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Has he done this before? If he is reliable, then why not call a friend to follow the route that he would use. See if he has had car trouble. Could you have misunderstood him? That he was going to drop by somewhere, and lost track of time. My husband has he would be home at 7 it's 10 here, and guess what I have given up worrying because he does this all the time. I use to spend the night holding the phone-listening for him to drive up, and wondering if he was in trouble or hurt. If he's not in a habit of doing this, call around to some of his friends tell them you are worried. If he's not home by 12 call the police, and they can be on the look out for him. I am praying it's just he just lost track of time, and he's fine. Do you have someone who can come and sit with you? You are scared to death, and I would make sure when he walked in that door that you let him know how upset you were. Of course that's after you hug him to peices.......God bless us all......

    Call his brother, and get him to check the road home if he's not there.....

    PS...have you called the brother if not call him, and ask him if your husband mention stopping somewhere, and ask him to check the road home if you haven't all ready done it

    Thank you for letting us know! Give him that hug and then kick him in the butt for worrying you. Ok! then hit the sheets, it's late, and you need him to snuggle with's 11 here, and I am fixing to go to bed by myself, so make sure that he realizes that he scared you and that's why we have phones!!!! good luck, and again I am glad he's home! now, get off the computer and go show him how happy you are he's home!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you think he is lying to you??? Check his receipts, cell phone and even the mileage on his car. Make sure he is not cheating on you. Mine was and gave EVERY excuse in the book.

  • 1 decade ago

    On his way home from where? His girlfriend probably turned off his phone

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  • 1 decade ago

    keep calling, call a close friend, a relative, maybe a place where he could have gone on his way home, just keep calling

  • zach
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Man dies after long, painful battle with life.

  • 1 decade ago

    call all hospitals and possibly police dept. not 911

  • Anna Z
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    check the bars and strip clubs. thats where my ex was all the time, did you see I wrote ex?

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, is it busy road?

    Cell may be off

  • TK #11
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    call his brother.

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