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Why is stereotyping and racism towards groups bad, yet so many people make statements like "all cops are ***"

I figure these are simply criminals who don't like cops because of what they stand for. That is, having to deal with punishment for their crimes.

How can they possibly paint all cops with the same brush without knowing them? How is this any different than someone saying "all blacks are crooks, or all chinese are bad drivers, or all middle easterners are terrorists, or for that matter, all criminals should be jailed".

Doesn't everyone deserved to be judged for who they are, not what they wear, or the job they do?



Thanks for a shining example of my point.

You have perfectly demonstrated the ignorant, moronic and uninformed thoughts that permeate the portion of society who choose to live life as nothing more than inconsiderate, non-contributing members of society. In other words, leeches.

You claim "All cops are underpaid..."

I make $75,000 a year as a street cop. How's your welfare cheque looking now?

And trust me, when you call, regardless of what your thoughts of me are or how ultimately low you are in the chain of evolution, I'd still be there to help you, and I'd know exactly what to do...

Update 2:

Reply to Dear Blabby

15 yrs and I still love it. More than ever. Believe me, I have a thick skin. Doesn't bother me. Simply more of an observation on the comments from users here to different posts. Something we'll never understand. I was actually hoping to bring out some of the idiocy such as colostomybag has displayed. I find it intrigueing as it has no substance.

And way to go for giving your own time to the reserves. Just proves your more crazy than I. But there is a difference in MP and doing street patrol and undercover narcotics in a large metropolis...

Obviously as a reserve, it was a part time hobby. Not reg forces, so you had a job and income. Maybe you should have tried it full time...

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're right, it's the same. And no it's not different from a racial slur because it's grouping someone based on a minority.

    Even jokes like "99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name" is a criticism, but with a humor twist.

    I used to think stereotypes were bad and undeserved but a professor in college made me think. He was Irish and sent a campus-wide email denouncing the stereotype that irish people drink a lot (St Patrick's day was fast approaching) and was upset that he was grouped into the heavy drinkers cause of his ancestory.

    Then I walked into his office while he was on the phone doubling the amount of cases of beer for the English department's End of Year kegger.

    The joke where I am is "stereotypes exist for a reason." There's a reason we say cops are jerks, cause most of us have had that one ticket we didn't agree with or got rousted by a cop who was treating us unfairly. We all joke about it at parties and we laugh at Carlos Mencia (who I think has the best handle on it) but the truth is a lot of people do say those things in a very negative context.

    The word you are looking for is "bigotry" and we all have it and to be frank, some of us deserve it. There are times when someone fits a stereotype so well you can't help but point and giggle. There's even a commerical of a japanese baby being born and immediately taking a picture of his mother.

    Stereotypes are a part of our culture. It's how we express them that matters.

    So speaking as the knife-weilding, garlic eating, hand-gesturing italian that I am (and I love a good italian joke), let the humor continue, let the hateful bigotry stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of the time cops are very condescending and arrogant, no matter what the incident. You think most people who believe this are criminals.. Well I'm not a criminal but have had enough dealings with them to dread instead of welcome an encounter.

    And I know not all are like this. My cousin is a great person and a cop. My husbands best friend is highway patrol, and these are good people.. But if you dont personally know the cop then usually they treat you rudely.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a very good point. We know deep down that stereotypes aren't true, but because the images of certain "profiles" are so indeliable in our minds - Middle Eastern terrorists, black people killing or stealing and cops getting charged with types of abuse, we tend to believe that everyone of that type of group is like that. But, there's also the issue of people who do good in those groups not getting enough press time, either. We never hear about the moderates condemning Islamic extremism (are there any?) we never hear about the good cops, etc. You raised a good point.

  • 1 decade ago

    People just don't want us around until it suits them. when they need us its WHERE THE F*** ARE THEY. When they don't need us its WHAT THE F*** ARE THEY DOING HERE! No matter what we group is gonna be pissed about it. People lump all officers into a stereotypical group...exp. All cops like donuts. I HATE DONUTS! I know officers that fit all of the public view of us. i know some that fit none of the public views. Police Officers are people and all people are different. Some people just don't like the fact that you must live by the laws of the land. These people would ***** and complain no matter what we did. Just don't let it get you down. Go out and serve proudly and go home safe every night.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Good points

    Unfortunately sterotyping and generalising is very common because often people dont take the time to find out about the subject they are commenting on. There are several perfect examples in some of the answers already!

    Perhaps its lazziness? or lack of interest. Whatever it is, people should refrain from expressing opinions on matters they dont know much about.

    The deeper you look for the good in people, the more similarities you may find with them, and perhaps understand why the make the decisions they do (we dont necessarily have to agree with them)

  • 1 decade ago

    Cops aren't a different race. They can be any color. So its easy for people to talk about the cops and not feel bad. Everybody who has been pulled over, for a ticket, or had crooked cops pick on them feel they have the right to make such negative statements about them. Plus we all have stereotypes it doesn't make us bad for thinking them. It just makes us human.

  • 1 decade ago

    OK Jim.. you do the job for 75K a year.. I did it for FREE in the Reserves... yeah its something that we have to deal with, and its not going away any time soon. all we can do is our job and stay professional. I was never out to change the world or how people saw me, just help someone out every once in a wile...

    perhaps if it bothers you that much, its time for a career change!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you hit the nail on the head in your question...

    Yes, people should be judged as individuals.

    Usually, the people who use broad generalizations prove themselves to be close-minded, racist, and/or rebels without causes. Or maybe there "cause" is "'cause I don't like getting caught!"

    There may be some bad eggs in the police department, but the good eggs far outnumber the bad ones...and I am grateful for their presence in my neighborhood, especially, and also throughout the city.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep. Stereotypes.

  • 1
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    cuz some people are just lazy and would rather stick labels :\

    & when the tables turn it's such a bad thing

    Source(s): Moi:)
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