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what would you do?

I am currently living back at home for the summer with my mom, when my classes started again i was supposed to move back to school into an apt. with a friend. She backed out, so now to go to school i will have to drive over an hour everyday wasting all kinda of money....... my boyfriend lives very close to school, and would like me to move in with him. I would love to, but my parents vowed they may not help out with school. I also work up there, so the whole situation is messed up. I have tried to find a roommate, but everyone has already moved in. thanks for the advice!


my parents and i are super-close, so we visit a lot and would know if i lived with him. the dorms at school are freshman only...... : (

Update 2:

i have been with him for 2 1/2 years

Update 3:

JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR: I am mature, and do pay for everything on my own... except for what I cannot take out in school loans-they pay the other part. WHY ANSWER THE QUESTION IF YOU ARE JUST GOING TO BE RUDE?

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Marry the guy, 'till school is out - if it works out, great --- if not, get a divorce, and start a new life?

    This is fairly idiotic, yes? So is you asking others at Yahoo to give you suggestions - without a lot more info about yourself and situation. . .

    Remember this reality ---- MANY folks have walked the path you now tread - before you ---- seek within yourself (the repository of your ancestors) and the answers shall be whispered to you, when you remain still and quiet. . .

    Best wishes to you for calmness of spirit, and lite of knowing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is going to cost you one way or the pick your poison! I would do the drive back and forth and go into the student affairs office and I am sure the have a list or can guide you to other people looking for a roommate. Or, move into a dorm room which might be better. If you move in with the boyfriend, what if it goes down the tubes and you are again stuck??? Trust me, keep the boyfriend out of this decision......there is always a way to work things out. And, you have not tried "everyone" for the roommate!.....don't try to fool a want the excuse to do the boyfriend thing......Grow up and make mature will get further in life, sweetie!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, what would I do? I think I would drive or take public transport if it were good and more economical than driving. An hour or so is not a LONG way. And besides, you say that implies you will have to waste money, but how much would you have to pay monthly for an apartment?

    Oh, and last but not least... you could ask your parents what they think would be best for the whole family. I am sure they will both appreciate your asking (despite what some would think, it shows you are mature and unselfish) and they will help you find the best possible solution.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter had a similar problem. I don't know how much your parents are contributing to your expenses. My child lived In dorm ( big bucks) Her boyfriend made the same offer to her. I was not thrilled with her moving in with him but I knew for her to get a dorm again would be a waste of money, since she would be spending all her time at his place anyways. So we agreed ( They ended up getting married when they graduated) In reading your question, I just noticed they vowed they "may not", they have not said they "would not" with certainty. We as parents, do not want to see our daughters living in "sin" so to speak . You do not say whether your parents like your boyfriend. If they do, perhaps the 3 of you could go talk to your folks... good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Whatever you do don't move in with your boyfriend your parents will find out and they will cut you off. Tell them your situation ask them for help while you look for a roommate at school or get a room in someones home near school. Don't mislead you parents it'll mess up you relationship of trust. Just plead ypur case with them an dask them how financially you'll be able to drive so far and co you school work. Also look for a job on campus.goodluck

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Tell them that this hour-drive situation isn't working for you at all, and that right now living with your boyfriend is absolutely the most intelligent option for you. Remind them that they raised you well and that you won't be reckless with your body or health and end up a pregnant dropout with syphilis in a trailer. As for their threat about not helping with school, remind them that if they did, you'd be living with a boy out of wedlock and not even attending college-- they'd be ruining the future they always had hoped for you just because you happen to be in a relationship with your best option for a roomie. Their response? "No, YOU'D be ruining your future." Very predictable. But just keep reminding them that you're bright and you were brought up properly, and if necessary promise to find a different roommate next semester.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are your parents objections to rooming with your b/f religious? If so, sorry, no advice.

    If not, ask them exactly what their objections are. If they think you will become pregnant or something, then tell them you'll get birth control, and do it! If they are still unwilling to help you with school costs if you move in with him, ask them if they would be willing to cover the cost of what a roommate would pay, so that you'd have your own place. At least until you can find a roommate.

    Good luck with school and parents!

  • 1 decade ago

    what about a dorm? It sounds like you want to live with your boyfriend. I think you could find someplace to live, if you really wanted to. As you work up there you must have some contacts to help you out. If you decide to live with your boyfriend, just be prepared to go it alone on school loans. I would suggest looking at how much they actually are first! Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Be self reliant. Your life is your life. not your parents or your boy friends. do not use your boy friend.Find a room where you have your own bathroom and kitchen privelges. there are many out there look in the pennnysaver. Pay your own schooling,you have a job. get a student loan to pay your school. and everything else. you are an adult. start behaving like an adult. take responsibility for your own have to eventually do it anyway why not start today.

    when your parents see how well you are doing they may end up helping you anyway. you need to be in control of your own life and destiny. you can do it.

  • Elana
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Are you sleeping with your boyfriend? If not, this is a bad idea.

    Do your parents know that you are sleeping with your boyfriend?

    If not, this is a bad idea. You should tell them.

    If they think that sleeping with him is bad, then you have other problems

    that have nothing to do with school.

    Ultimately, there is some wisdom to not living with a boyfriend until

    you've been seeing him for quite awhile - because if you break-up,

    there you are with your stuff on the street - very annoying.

    Ask your parents to loan you the other half of your rent for near-campus

    housing while you look for a roommate.

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