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titania asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

cat problems?

My moms 9 yr old female cat has recently started to urinate in the house. she has open windows and seems to only "wee" in the one room in the house. anyone know why or what to do abt this?


she was spayed 8 yrs ago

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    first of all, is she spayed? sounds to me like she has a urinary tract infection (or disease). take her to the vet ASAP!! your vet will give you some antibiotics to give to her and in about a week or two she should be fine. my cat had this but unfortunatly his went untreated for a year or two because my dumbass ***** of vet misdiagnosed him for just a commen bladder infection. unfortunatly, his got so bad that his kidneys just gave up on him because they were never treated properly. I hate that woman, fortunatly I have a new vet now for the sake of my other pets. my cat peed right outside his litter box though, i don't know if yours is but what your describing sounds about right to that. HIH!! Please Take Her To The Vet!! do it for my kitty who was completly misdiagnosed and actually DID have what yours has. he was only 2. Good Luck!! I hope she'll be ok. Trust Me, I know what you're going through. I also hope that you have an excellent vet unlike i did. tell him that you think that it is a urinary tract disease or infection, which ever one. this is more commen in male cats but your female could possibly have it too. don't worry though, it's treatable once you get the right diagnoses and antibiotics. Have a great rest of the Day!!!

    Srry if I jumped off topic! =^_^=

    Source(s): personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Have her vet checked for a urinary tract infection. Failing that, have her kidney function checked.

    Is this a new house for the kitty? What do the open windows have to do with it?

    Also, give her more litter boxes. If there isn't at least one box in the room where she pees, she won't use it, will she? Try changing the litter to something like this:

    Are there other animals in the house who may be bullying her? Have there been any changes in her life--additions or deletions? Has anything else in her behaviour changed?

    Make sure the pee spots are cleaned up using an enzymatic cleaner, too.

    Hope that helps. Wish I could be more useful but I've been struggling with a cat who has had ongoing litter box use problems since I've had her (7 yrs ago) and the only thing that helped her is vigilant scooping (2-3 times per day), using the Cat Attract litter and giving her a "special" box that only she can get to (I rigged a wire dog kennel with a magnetic cat door and she goes in there).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your cat could have a urinary tract infection, so take him to the vet and have him checked out.

    Cats typically do this for one of three reasons. They feel sick and want to get your attention. This is especially true if they urinate on something that smells like you....a piece of clothing left on the floor for instance.

    You changed kitty litter and they are allergic to it or simply don't like it. Sometimes, it's just unfamiliar to them and it takes some time before they recognize their litter box again. Sometimes they do this if you move to a new location or change where you put their litter box.

    They are stressed out or angry at you for some reason. For example, you leave the cat alone for long stretches of time, play loud music around the cat, blow smoke in the cat's face, tease him etc. Hehe, sometimes they don't like new additions to the house (children, boyfriend/girlfriend etc.) Watch the cat to see when he does this for a reason why he may be doing it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Are you having them proportion the identical clutter field? You will have to have a field only for the primary kitty and one for the brand new two to proportion, if they're peers. Some humans say you wish to have one field consistent with cat. Anyway that's the very first thing i might take a look at. If that's no longer serving to, you would take a look at keeping apart them for awhile, if no longer always, which would no longer be viable, close them in distinct materials of the residence for the night time. Make definite first cat is in his possess "territory" or favourite position to hang around/sleep and his field is in his ordinary position and that the others do not move there, and close them in a different room with their possess field at night time. As the interlopers, they will have to receive something house you'll deliver them that does not intrude an excessive amount of with the primary cat's house. These limitations can difference as they get used to one another, however the first cat demands to believe revered, so do what you'll to allow him understand he is not going to ought to quit the complete residence to the brand new ones.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Make sure you're cleaning the litter box every day. And if she keeps doing this you need to take her to the vet. She might have a bladder infection. I had a cat who did that all time. We took to the vet and she was fine. But it may be she just wants attention.

  • 1 decade ago

    Usually it is to cover up the scent of another cat or animal. But sometimes when cats get urinary infections they may do the same thing

  • 1 decade ago

    She may have something wrong with her urinary system. Take her to the vet to make sure she's not sick.

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