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What is a born again christian?

I'm sure their are many people who think they know but like myself know some one born again but that doesn't mean I understand their religion. I am sincere and would like to understand. I realize I’ll get some wacko answers but that is to be expected. Thank you for all who take the time to answer.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The term born again refers to a Christian's spiritual rebirth. See when we are physically born we are alive physically but dead spiritually. It is not until a person gives his life to Jesus Christ that he is reborn or Born Again. And Baptism is just the simulation of that death and rebirth. See when you are dunked into the water that represents the death of your old sinful ways or your ways that were of the World. When you come out of the water that represents your rebirth and then you are Born Again spiritually.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good Question:

    It is more of an understanding than any kind of act.

    Born of water, born from above, born again.

    It is an understanding of where you really came from, and the way it really is.

    It is a separation from the flesh, that you are in Truth spirit in the form of flesh, and that understanding is one of the first moments of being born anew, having your eyes opened and taking your first breath.

  • 1 decade ago

    A born again Christian is one who believes this from the heart, mind and soul - Jesus came to earth and died for me while bearing all my sins so tht i, however human and unworthy i may be , may enter the kingdom of heaven. "BY HIS STRIPES I M HEALED" isiah: 55. i believe that he bore all my sins so tht i may not have to face the Father's wrath n tht i may hv eternal life in Christ our Lord n Saviour. He is my personal Messiah. He was thinkin of me personally whn He gave His life because He loves the Father, n the Father so loves the World that He gave his only Son to Mankind."

    hope to hv answered ur question. God Bless!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They believe in Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. They feel chills running down their spines at the time of their decisions. They become emotional. They may cry. WHAMMO! They are born ag'in! It's all a perfectly explainable neurological experience that even an athiest can receive.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i was baptizes when i was a baby i go to Church 2 or 3 time a week,I think a born again is one had a very sinful life and all of a sudden change

  • 1 decade ago

    1st Don't listen to michael x ( totally Wrong)..Born again- you have died to self ( the flesh) and all your sins were nailed to the cross with Jesus ( in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us), you have recieved Him as your Lord and Savior. you are a new creature ( person in Christ) you have died to your old sinful ways and have a new spiritual life in Christ, you are continually renewing your mind by reading the Word of God, praying and seeking God face( seeking to be in the presence of God). trusting Him with your life. you were bought with a price( the Blood of Jesus and you are not your own)...p.s and yes you need to be baptized ( in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) in water full body baptism.( not just some sprinkles of water on your forehead

  • lucky
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Born again believer is to die with Christ in the flesh and live by the Spirit which is the gift of God trough Christ.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the best i can figure is they dsome how sneek back into there mothers womb via the birth canal, then she has to go through thee whole thing again only this time thewy are full grown!! then they go around bragging to everyone about how great they are

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it means when you give your life to Christ and turn away from sin. You're life changes and you start trying to live the way Jesus asks you to. Your priorities change and you turn around and live differently.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Read The Scarlet Thread in the back of your bible in the index or concordence section...if you have one?

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