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Teri D asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Any weightloss tips for someone with very slow metabalism?

i'm 30. a house wife with no motivation and can't fit into any of my clothes. My other half weighs exactly half as much as i do and eats everything. She works so i have to cook meals for her at odd time because of the swing shift. i love to cook good stuff then i love to eat it. We don't eat out at fast food places so that's no a factor. I know heredity has some to do with it. my entire family is big. but with me being 5'0 tall and 215lbs i'm miserable. please help. serious answers only. Thanks in advance

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It will be impossible for you to maintain the weight you have now if you start walking around the block a few times each night AND eating slightly less. YOU are not a perpetual motion run on energy just like every other animate or inanimate thing in the universe. less and exercise more.

    What does exercise mean? It obviously does not mean going out and running an hour a day....but it certainly could be walking around the block a few times in the morning and a few times at night.

    What does eat less mean? It obviously does not mean going on some silly hyped up 'crash diet' that everyone seems to want...but it certainly could mean skipping desserts and eating something healthy BEFORE you begin cooking for your that you don't 'snack' while you cook.

    Go at it in a slow, methodical, healthy way and your body will have ONE way and ONE way only to respond. It will become healthier and you will lose weight.

    The "slow metabolism" argument is a convenient excuse that someone told you. Get it out of your head, it only will make a lifestyle change that much more difficult. What the 'slow metabolism' argument is saying is that you can do more on the same calories that someone healthier can do on the same amount of calories. It is saying that given 2000 calories of input that with the same exercise level YOU will store much of the 2000 calories while someone healthier burns them. It is saying given the same exercise, you will do it with less energy expenditure and fewer calories burned than someone who it healthier.It is absolutely not true. Your body is certainly not more efficient at that height/weight than mine or anyone else's body that is healthier than yours. Put that thought out of your head. The reason for your heaviness is simply input vs output.

    Start slowly, keep at it, make small and positive changes, and you'll notice really positive, really permanent GOOD results.

    And, there is no time like the present to start. good luck!

    Source(s): years and years of triathlons...
  • Blue
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Exercise would really help your metabolism. The best would be doing both cardio exercise (like walking, swimming, aerobics, etc) and strength training (like weight lifting, pilates, etc). Strength training builds muscle and the more muscle that you have, the higher your metabolism. You can either look into going to classes or get some videos or books with routines that you can do at home.

    As far as cooking, that's great. How about trying out some low fat recipes? Or cook up lots of fresh vegetables. There's lots of ways to cook healthy food so that you don't feel deprived.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you had a physical lately? I would urge you to do so, and have your thyroid level checked. My husband gained a lot of weight and it turned out that his thyroid was not functioning. Your thyroid is a huge factor in your metabolism, and if it's not producing enough thyroid, it will effect your weight, your mood, your cholesterol levels, your liver function.... the list goes on! It's a simple blood test, and if your thyroid levels are low, one pill a day will correct it. There are likely other issues as well, but start with a physical and a blood test for thyroid.

  • 1 decade ago

    Drink water it speeds your metablism. 8 glasses a day or more! And it keeps your skin clear!! Oh and eat every 2-3 hours. Eat little but eat often. Have small portioned meals.Like if you eat often but eat alttie it will keep your metabolism going.

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  • q&a_08
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You need to start making time for yourself! My suggestion for increasing your metabolism is to exercise. You could get a gym membership, or if you want to get outside then you could take up running, bicycling, hiking.... Any sport really. Good luck!

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