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Step son from hell!?

I just got married 1 year ago, and this kid is like Satans spawn....

He never listen's, he won't do as asked.

When I go to his father about it, he tells me to lighten up!! He says he's only 15 and asking him to take out the garbage is to hard.

And he says he shouldn't have to clean his room because he's building character.

And, why should I force him to take a shower, after all, it's his body not ours......Help.

Don't get me wrong, he don't smell like a septic, I just feel he should bathe more often, maybe i'm wrong.

Some advice plz....

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    please don't take this the wrong way OK. do you think he is jealous of you marrying his dad? Plus he feels you are trying to replace his mom. It is hard on any kid when one parent remarries.

    He may feel the tension between the two of you, set him down and lovingly and calmly have a nice talk with him and try to get to know where he is coming from, you don't have anything to loose, just to gain.

    Best of luck to you and your step son.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi Tori, I have a 15 year old step son and for the longest time i was convinced he was 'A Child of The Corn". I stil do in some respects but not as bad as say a year ago. Proper medication for the Bi Polor condition has done a great deal to calm him down and make him a lot more fun to be around. We still have problems getting him to bathe and brush his teeth but we keep hammering away at him about how he needs to do these things. Keep being a nag about the things he needs to do everyday. Eventually these things will become habit

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Telling him to clean his room or his body you can stay away from. Who needs the hassle? Just make sure he doesn't leave rubbish in his room so it attracts rodents, make sure it doesn't smell, and keep the door closed. His friends will soon let him know if he doesn't bathe often enough.

    As for taking the rubbish out, I suggest you stop doing things for him like washing his clothes so he begins to understand how much he takes for granted. Treat him like an adult - make him understand that by doing things for you/the house you'll do things for him.

    Plus, when you stop nagging him about the small things, he'll start to listen on the rest. I recommend mutual respect - treat him the way you want to be treated and make him treat you properly back. His father can concentrate on the most important things as his parent. It's too late for you to really start now - he's too old and awkward.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obviously you need to know that a child of that age is going through many changes...and of course you are the enemy to distance yourself from the little miscreant...eventually he will grow up in ten or twenty let him live in a dungeon...smell like a septic...and go from there to whatever he will be...obviously he does not like your company so let him live in his nice to him and bite your tongue...when my son left home at 18 I cleaned his room and found things growing under his bed and dishes and knives and forks I thought were lost years ago....I never visited him for about three years then I was invited to his home...I asked his girlfriend how she dealt with his hygienic habits and the house was so clean you could eat off the floors...she said she never did any cleaning, my son did it all...he was a clean freak....and my daughters bedroom was always covered in things on the floor so long that I never new what co lour the carpet was until she moved she is like her brother and even makes me take my shoes off when I come in her house...go change...don't let them drive you stay married to this new Dude have the critter child too...make the best of it

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  • 1 decade ago

    It looks like you and ur husband need to talk!! If he supports and respects you the child will fall in line. And you might want to toss some female hard ball in dont take the garbage out if he or they wont do it. Try washing just your clothes...limit the cooking etc. Let them see your importance..let them see you are a family and families compromise. And when did a mess room build character??? If anything it insteals PRIDE in the things that you have and you dont take them for granted.

  • 1 decade ago

    nothing you can do. he's not your son. leave him alone. you knew this guy had a kid when you met him. (that's why i would never date a guy with kids). let your husband know, you want nothing to do with this kid. if he needs to be taken to school, have his meals cooked, laundry done, let "dad" do it. he's not your kid. and the truth is he probably doesn't like you, and never will. and i don't mean that in a rude way, it's the truth. and really no mystery. good luck though. but if you don't have kids, i'd get out now. (and i'm presuming you're a lot younger than his dad). find a guy on equal playing ground and start a life from the ground up. GOOD LUCK

  • 1 decade ago

    honey u aint wrong n ur man needs to learn that he needs to support u, maybe u should sit the boy down n tell him u want him to shower everyday so the ladies will take notice of him, and if he cant clean up his room he cant have company, that its ur house as well as his n it should be cleaned up, and he can help do stuff around the house as well if he gets an allowance stop givin him one if he dont well maybe u should tell him if he does what he is suppose to then he will get one, talk to his motha n see what she can do unless she hates u, but ur man should support u on this n if he dont then let him deal with him. sounds like jail isnt too far in his future

  • 1 decade ago

    I was like this too up until a few months ago. I'm 15 and I did it because my step-mom treated me terriblyand vica versa, she finally took the road to let me do pretty much whatever i wanted to do and became more of my friend than my mom and eventually, idk, it was kinda wierd. try letting him do like whatever you know, don't clean, don't bathe and then like act like his friend and be like oh well i guess we're friends now so i'll hang with you and your friends. it sounds crazy but it worked for me but i've always been a problem child. oh crazy idea but when he doesn't clean his room, tell him you'll do it for him if he doesn't and throw away some of his stuff. and when he don't bathe, catch him off guard and go outside spray him with the hose. lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    leave him alone and give him some space. You are not his mother but he should still respect you. To get him to do that get to know him, not like ask him about his day and have him blow you off but take him out and get to know hi maybe yall will have something in common and you will become friends or the tension will ease some.

  • 1 decade ago

    kids should NEVER rule the roost. if he can't do simple chores then u should take priviledges away from him. building character is done by experiencing life and through learning responsibility. you need to have a serious talk with your hubby. sounds like if things continue the way they are your stepson will live with u forever.

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