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After answering my last question, I have to ask How many people actulally know why we lost so many boys in Nam

It was a question about forgiving Jane Fonda. To bring things to date I personally think that what is going on now is just another Viet Nam!!!

A whole lot of US kids dying for a president of ill-repute.

Sorry to who ever's toes I step on, but I have been spent my life married to a Nam vet! AND WAY TOO PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!!!!


to Caboozia and those of you who are to old or to young to remember, or the ones who just don't care---Nobody wins in war!! And it is always for the politicians!!

Caboozia you are the one who really needs to read up on their history pal! And I bet you are one of those who spit on the boys when they came home. Will you do it now?!?!?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    vietnam was an illegal war, it was all political with no reguard to human life. iwas of draft age back then and i would have gone only because i had friends there and maybe i could have helped. somehow i got lucky and didnt get drafted, but alot of my friends did and didnt come back. and for what? watch the movie jfk and it will explain alot. jane fonda said something in passion and havent we all. we are lucky the press isnt on our asses. i think we should forget it unless we want all the things weve said brought up for public scrutiny. i agree with you, its just another government way of saving the economy do to oil do to george w bush. this administration has quelled every alternative power bill that has been presented that hasnt included something to preserve the oil industry. alot of my friends are nam vets and im proud of you for being proud of who your married to. no one got any recognition in that war except barry sadler and christy lane. and to answer your original question, the re-election of lyndon baines johnson. kennedy wanted to pull out because he knew it was a war that couldnt be won without dropping the big one. jonson didnt care about casualities, only about being re-elected and the economy. i think its the same here, the political party is more important than us. take care.

  • 1 decade ago

    Iraq is no different than Nam. In Nam we did not know friend from foe and as a result many had to shoot first and think later. The person became very different in that kind of war. Life was about living one more day. Life was also about killing before being killed.

    People who have never served will never understand war.

    People who send others off to fight and die will never live war as their own form of hell on Earth.

    The lesson of Nam was that guerrilla warfare can not be won. Terrorist are cowards they will not face any Marine in a fair fight. They do the dirty work behind our backs. We as a nation did not learn anything from the 58,000 lost brave Americans. Had we let the military do it's job in Nam we would not have left. The problem is that Politicians who do not serve want to call the shots and make military decisions.

    God bless all vets and God save the Republic.

    Source(s): a not for profit blog
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't really know if anyone actually why we lost so many - perhaps Rumsfeld?

    Nixon as many people are aware of, had tape recorders all througout the Whitehouse, which after Watergate was exposed, were found and of the many things said by Nixon in conversation to others around him was something to the effect that it didn't matter if South Viet Nam won the war or not. That the important thing was that the US won the war.

    I don't know if that's any sort of answer, but it seems to shed some light on it for me.

    Source(s): Various news reports
  • 1 decade ago

    You are sadly mistaken. Nobody is dying for Bush. They are

    dying for their country like any citizen should be willing to do.

    We have bred a couple generations of kids who are way quick

    to denounce but have no foundation or facts to back it up. What

    do you think the correlation is between Viet Nam and the

    situation in the middle east? Did someone enter the U.S. back

    in the sixties and take out over 3000 innocent americans?

    Was there an ever-present threat of terrorist activities worldwide?

    Read up on your history girlfriend..............

    badda bing badda boom

    Hey there, Just one added note: I am a Viet Nam combat veteran I

    have earned the right to talk about such issues. I respect my fellow

    active and former service members and do not spit on anyone. Not

    even people like you. Oh yeah, Jane Fonda is a moron too!!

    Source(s): knowledge, common sense and reason
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It was a failed endevor from the begining. We had no real war plan when we sent troops to Nam. Then the public opinion of the war turned against it and that was curtains. Sound familiar, well it is. Iraq is another hole and our leadership has completely botched it with poor planning and now most Americans agree that we shouldn't have never went there in the first place.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think one of the reasons we lost so many in Nam was that they stopped bombing. All the bleeding hearts, Jane Baby included, forced them to stop bombing Cambodia. They should have just went in there and wiped the place off the map.

  • 1 decade ago

    The U.S. lost in Vietnam for the same reason it won the Revolutionary War. The people defending their homeland have a tremendous advantage over involuntarily conscripted invaders with no stake in the conflict.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think I know.....because America was unwilling to declare war and give our soldiers necessary back-up and supplies. We called it a "Police Action". And yes, it appears that the same thing is happening.

  • 1 decade ago

    politically, we were too proud to admit defeat.

    logistically, we didn't have the body armor back then so guys died from their wounds. with the iraq war, guys who wear body armor lose an arm or leg instead of dying from their injuries.

    Source(s): in honor of the fallen
  • 1 decade ago

    It was politics, pure and simple. To many dumb rules by politicians not military men. Politicians make terrible generals.

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