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need info about the tow package on my '07 silverado 4x4?
When towing our camper, with the tow package engaged, and going up any type of incline the the truck takes forever to change gears, and the rpm's go really high as a result, and the oil pressure raises too. The camper is only an 18 footer, and under the recomended weight for our truck. Is this normal? It ounds like the motor is going to explode. Towing a camper is all new to me.Should I have my truck checked out? It has an auto-tranny. Any input or info will be greatly appreciated.
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation10 years agoDoes anyone know of a good road trip planner website?
I would like to find something that I could just enter a starting and ending destination, and get info on the in between, hopefully free and not AAA.
1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade agoI need to find a web site that can help me to learn to do my granddaughters hair.?
She is mixed and has predominately afro-american hair, and she is 10 and starting to worry about her appearance, you know be interested in how she looks, and she fusses about her hair, a lot!
And I would like to help her feel as beautiful as she is. Right now her hair is natural and about to her shoulders. I really hate the thought of using chemicals on a 10 yr old. I would love to see her with more natural ringlets in sort of a bob type doo. Can someone helo me help my beauty?
2 AnswersHair1 decade agoWhat constitutes actual false advertisement?
Labor Day sale ad for a furniture store states that a specific piece is 50% off the price they have listed is $399.99 with a regular price of $799.00. There is no notation any where on the page that there are conditions to the 50% off. But when we call the store to find out if they were in stock we were told that we had to spend at least $4999.99 in order to get the sofa for 50% off. We finally found the fine print on the bottom of the back page. But it still does not any where on the ad say that the sofa is not $399.99 unless you spend the other money. It specifically states that it is 50% off. I know that I am just angry, but I am really tired of the consumers (us) getting taken advantage of! How can I get the sofa for the advertised price?
1 AnswerOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade agoIs anyone else sick of hearing about Brittney?
There are a lot more important things going on in our world that the news could be reporting on besides and ignorant druggie that has no business having kids. The more they push the the bad that she is doing, the more she does! Besides who really cares outside of her family any more! Let us hear how you feel.
13 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoOk, girls I need help!!!?
I have a 5 p.m., mid sept. wedding to attend. I have lost 30 lb's and have very little in the closet to wear. I really don't want to spend the money on a new dress as I have more to lose, and it would be a waste to only wear a new dress once! I have a black velour skirt and a pretty pink raw silk top and a tan linen wrap dress which is sort of casual dressy. The skirt and top look better on, but I am not sure if it is to dressy for a 5 pm wedding.
Any suggestions? I have tried on every dress in my closet this a.m., really shocked to see how big everything really was!! I do sew, but altering most all of them is not an option, just would not look right!
I have also been thru my fabric stash, and don't have anyhing big enough that is clothing appropriate.
Which of the two would you wear?
6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoDo you think this is creepy?
I have a friend who is really starting to creep me out. If I buy a purple shirt, she buys a purple shirt, I won't color my gray so she quit coloring her hair. 3yrs ago we moved into our house, 2months ago she and her husband bought a house in the same neighborhood. Today everytime I took my dog out, she was driving very slowly by my house in her golf car. I decided that I wanted an RV so I could travel with my husband, then all of the sudden she and her husband want to get one, her husbands work does not involve travel the way mine does. I told her I wanted to get contacts again and now she wants them, but I know she can't get them because of problems with her eyes. It is just that every time I want or do something, she has to do it to, not like she has to out do me, it's just because I do it. Like she wants to be me! I feel like she is stalking me!
It is really starting to creep me out!
Does it sound weird to anyone else or is it just me?
How do I make it stop?
20 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhy do people get so pissy when you answer their questions honestly?
I have noticed that when you answer a question honestly, not being nasty, or smart, just honestly from your own life experiences. That people get so angry with you. I mean if you don't want to hear peoples oppinions don't ask the questions, right?!
Is that not what this site is all about?
9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoAfter answering my last question, I have to ask How many people actulally know why we lost so many boys in Nam
It was a question about forgiving Jane Fonda. To bring things to date I personally think that what is going on now is just another Viet Nam!!!
A whole lot of US kids dying for a president of ill-repute.
Sorry to who ever's toes I step on, but I have been spent my life married to a Nam vet! AND WAY TOO PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!!!!
11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoFor Y&R fans!?
Does anyone else think that the story line with Brad is stupid? Besides the woman that they got to play his mom would have had to have been like 12, when all of that crap happened. She does not look old enough. Besides I really wanted him to be bad. And don't you think that they are wearing out the crazy Victor thing?
11 AnswersTelevision1 decade agoI have boxes of family photos that I would like to scan, organize and burn to Cd's.?
Can anyone suggest a good program that I can get, or give me instructions on the easiest way to do this. I want to put them on cd's so I can give my son's and brother copies. Sort of a photo family history, on disc. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
3 AnswersGenealogy1 decade agoDoes anyone else watch Hex on BBC? I love that show.?
2 AnswersTelevision1 decade agoJamaica? We are thinking about going to Jamaica, and would rather not stay in an all inclusive resort?
My hubby has to go there to work,for 6 weeks, and I would like to go for a few day while he is there, but I am not a resort kind of girl. I much prefer off the beaten path type places. I know about the high crime rate ect., but I still like to explore the local flavor. Any suggestions of places to stay that are not really hoity toity?
9 AnswersJamaica1 decade agoDoes anyone else think that we should start teaching a required set of classes to kids to teach manners?
It seems to me that what we used to learn at home is no longer taught at home. When we were kids our parents would have kicked our butts into next year if we had behaved the way kids do now days. None of them say please or thank you, or excuse me. Just basic manners are non exsistant in kids today. If parents are not going to teach the kids proper behavior, why could it not be a required class at school. I know there are some that will say there are a lot more important things they need in school. But it would be nice if kids could go out into the real world with some idea of how to function properly and respectfully. Don't you think?
22 AnswersSociology1 decade agoHas anyone tried wu-long tea? What did you think of it?
Does it work?
5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWho else out there loves Aerosmith? I have been in love with Joe Perry since I was 13.?
The first time I heard Toys in the attic, back in 1973. My son took me to see them in concert for mothers day 2 yrs ago and it was the best night of my life!
9 AnswersMusic1 decade agoWhy do some women think that being a wife or mommy is what makes them unique?
I just read a question that asked what is the one cool thing that makes you you? And someone said that she was the mommy of 3beautiful kids.Maybe what makes her, her is her cool laugh or pretty blond hair or funny toes. We are all special in some way before we are wives or mothers. We have all of these cool thing so we can be wives and mothers, not the other way around, right? My granddad told me once that you have to be a person, before you can raise a person, and I have lived by that.
Does anyons else think that it is wrong for women to only value themselves by the fact that they are a wife and mother?
I am a wife and mother of 2 beautiful son's, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and girlfriend-in-law, and Noni to two of the most beautiful grandkids on the planet.
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades agoWhy do some women think that being a wife or mommy is what makes them unique?
I just read a question that asked what is the one cool thing that makes you you? And someone said that she was the mommy of 3beautiful kids.Maybe what makes her, her is her cool laugh or pretty blond hair or funny toes. We are all special in some way before we are wives or mothers. We have all of these cool thing so we can be wives and mothers, not the other way around, right? My granddad told me once that you have to be a person, before you can raise a person, and I have lived by that.
Does anyons else think that it is wrong for women to only value themselves by the fact that they are a wife and mother?
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades agoWhy do I loose points, instead of gain them on this thing?
13 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago