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Are you a good person and believe you can goto heaven without accepting Jesus as your personal Savior?

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe that there is heaven, but I believe that I am a good person.

    If being a good person in the eyes of God though, means following every single rule he has set forth in the Bible, or any other texts, then I'm probably a bad person and will go to hell, since I've definitely cursed with his name... I have also not kept a Kosher lifestyle, had sex before marriage, and that's probably about all of the "big" offenses I can think of. Oh.. and refuse to believe in something there's no proof of... that would be a big one too.

    But, I still manage to do good things, try to help anyone in need, and don't discriminate against anyone, don't hate anyone or treat them any differently than I'd want to be treated. So, whatever, I'm comfortable with the way I've lived my life.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in maximum situations a man or woman who has "prevalent" Jesus as their very own Savior and who has accomplished between the flaws which you have indexed has made an insignificant occupation of religion and remains on their thank you to Hell. it is, they have given an psychological consent to the gospel message yet they have in no way been born back and so as that they are nevertheless under the ability of devil and a slave to sin. Does that mean that they are going to flow to Hell? No, they'd nevertheless make a real confession of religion and repent of their sins and be saved. If on the different hand this manner of man or woman became surely born back and say in a fit of rage they lost administration of themselves and accidentaly killed somebody else then that does no longer lead them to forfeit their salvation via fact Jesus paid for each sin that a believer has ever commited. it relatively is maximum unlikely that a born back man or woman would do any of those issues, yet i assume that it relatively is possible, besides the undeniable fact that because i'm no longer God i could no longer say for specific no rely if or no longer He would enable some thing like that to return to bypass in a real believers existence because He has given us this promise. a million Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that may no longer undemanding to guy. God is honest, and he won't permit you be tempted previous your skill, yet with the temptation he will additionally furnish the way of escape, which you're in a position to undergo it.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I am not. I am a person who has fallen short of the glory of God and I know that it takes accepting Jesus as my personal Savior and making Him Lord of my life to go to Heaven. He is Lord of my life and I am going to go to Heaven!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No hell (actually there is one in Michigan), no heaven, no Jesus, no nothing. God is just a spirit that exists inside each of us. It has no powers or strengths or anything like that. I let people be. I don't judge nor do I try to hurt anyone by actions or words. If that makes me a good person then so be it. Morals are relative anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father except through me. I am a christian and I believe that confessing with your mouth that Jesus is the Christ and accepting him as your savior is the one and only way to make heaven your home.

    John 14:6

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    God Bless You.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a decent person

    but I don't believe you can go to heaven without accepting Jesus

  • 1 decade ago

    how do you define jesus? all religions have thier Savior, so what if the accept God in the name of Allah or Brahman. Maybe Jesus is the same person as the Buddha or Krishna?

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus came into this world to open the gates of Heaven. He is our Saviour and deserving of our love and worship. What I think you are talking about is the experience of being reborn. I am reborn every morning when I wake up. I know God is with me to lead and care for me for one more day. I will never need any emotional experience to know that God loves me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a good person (I believe I am, anyway, and have been told I am) and I don't accept Jesus as my Savior.

    Though, I don't want to go to Heaven, anyway.

    - 16 yo Pagan

    Source(s):;_ylt=AvXus... <~~ Trees, please?;_ylt=AgQpGIlIjU... <~~ Can't people just stick to the damn question!?
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a good person, but Christ has to be accepted as Savior.

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