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mollykins asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

need to lose fusses and says she'll help but doesn't!?

Both my Family Doc and my OB docs fuss about my weight every year! I am about 55lbs overweight and have done everything I know to do on my own. My husband and I walk 2 miles a day..1 in the morning and 1 at night, we drink lots of water and eat pretty well. My Family doc said she would put me on Adipex, but likes to avoid the conversation when I go in..she says I need to keep trying...I've been trying for 5 years now! My ob doc says that I need to drop before having kids, but won't help either. I'm getting really depressed about the whole on going struggle. I really need some advise. Is buying this Adipex online w/o a prescription SAFE & LEGAL!!! I want children soo bad and we would really like to get preg. within the next 5-6 months. Can anyone help?? Is the Lemonade Diet safe and effective?? Open for suggestions!!!


allergic to fish one downfall!

9 Answers

  • Brendy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds to me like you are placing the blame of your negative weight loss on your physicians. Until you stop doing this and accept the responsibility as your own, you will not be successful. Don't waste your money on pills, potions, and fad diets -- they are all a waste of money and milk consumers for over 20 million per year. Exercising and eating healthy is the only way to do it. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I am not a doctor so you should always consult your physician before going about any diet.

    I have lost 45 – 50 pounds about a year ago. I did it by eating much less then I need. So I counted calories the best that I could. I also limited my calorie intake. By drinking water or iced tea, also eating Nature Valley nutra-grain bars, (the crumbly type), I was able to curb the tremendous hunger pains. Also I bought a tread mill, a nice one that would last. I worked out two times a week on it by vigorously walking and jogging, some times I would run. In order to really loose the weight the KEY is to “vigorously work out and limit the calorie intake.” That’s all. And by working out I mean, ring out the sweat from your shirt when you are done. You can contact me on Yahoo Instant Messenger as djcim05 ot email me there for more advise or suppot if you like. You can do it!

  • 1 decade ago

    well, unless there is something wrong with you physically, losing weight really, really isn't that hard.

    first you need to do more exercise. and that means EXERCISE! try doing aerobics combined with weights to REV up your metabolism. I suggest THE FIRM. I am not their spokesperson or anything, but their stuff comes with food suggestions and has a rotational calendar so you know which tape to do on which day.

    Also, you need to MOVE YOUR BODY more and cut back on just snacking for snacking.

    Don't eat a lot of red meat. Eat fish and skinnless poultry.

    Try to avoid sweets, but don't cut everything off, you need to have some pleasures in life!

    Most of all, keep moving. Good luck! (IF you go with THE FIRM buy the stepper that comes with it and I think there are 3 videos).

    The part I love the best about THE FIRM is that you feel strong as you begin to see your body improve. And they guarantee you'll see results in only 10 workouts! Sorry to sound obsessive about it but it really does help. Once you begin to see results you are hooked!

    Source(s): Been there, done that. (although I was never extremely heavy)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like you are moving in the right direction. Believe or not you can lose 55lbs without any of drugs. If I were you I would consider seeing a nutritionist ( yes its covered by your health insurance). Maybe , please try to get a second a opinion are you sure its your weight that is causing you not to conceive. I have a co-worker who was over a 100lbs over weight and she had a beautiful healthy baby( I am not condoning her unhealthy lifestyle).

    Also, find a new doctor if your doc doesn't have your best interest at heart you should move on to find someone that will. Lastly, please don't STRESS ,it is not good it your trying to conceive. After your work out your you and hubby should try meditation that will help you relieve some stress.

    Good luck on your endeavors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are totally blaming your lack of weight loss on the inability to get some prescription drug that you somehow believe wil magically result in weight loss. Get over it. Not only is it not going to work, but it's not goingt o be healthy.

    You are going to have to really watch your portion control of tghe healthy foods (as you may be getting too much of a good thing), and get more serious about exercise. You may be walking too slowly to get much benefit from it, and you certainly need to add in some strength training.

    I advise a healthy plan like weightwatchers (which is great for learning portion control and how to have all foods in moderation), or if you're really strapped for cash and can't afford it, then go to, and check out their nutrition information. It's an excellent site to learn good portion control. The body for life site also has great information on exercise.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Best Exercises To Lose Weight

    Helpful Tips to lose weight

    Healthy Weight Loss : Start right away

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Weight Watchers, if you are serious.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you tried becoming vegetarian?

  • 1 decade ago


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