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Lv 7

What are you looking for spiritually?

With the exception of atheists, most people are on a spiritual journey. They are searching for something. What are you searching for? Peace? Enlightenment? The meaning of life? The perfect pair of shoes? Tell me.


Let me clarify for my atheist friend. No one hates you. There is simply an understanding that once you decide God does not exist and life ends at death, your search is finished.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am always looking for ways to live my life more authentically.

    Blessings )O(

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh dear, here we go again with the hating!

    I'm an atheist. I'm looking for something spiritual. Which is how I became an atheist!

    Beware the spiritual path! It may introduce you to the truth. Mwah ha ha ha.

    Mostly right now, I'm just in search of a nap. I'll get back on the spiritual path tomorrow, after a good night's sleep.


    Oh, silly me. I didn't realize I was finished on my spiritual path. I should have realized that god is all it's about, and once I've ruled that out, there's nothing more to find. Ah well, just leaves me more time for shoe shopping! Tra la la!

  • I can only answer for myself...I was the prodigal daughter...

    I was raised going to Church, three services a week (Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday evenings.)

    I was very involved...and loved it.

    As I entered my teen years, I became rebellious...and stepped away from the Church. I never "lost" my faith; I just decided that I could try it on my own.

    My mom continued to pray for me, that I would come back into the fold...and of course she talked w/ me about it. I told her don't worry; I still pray. Sadly enough; it was usually when I was getting in over my head. Or I wanted or needed something.

    I went through some things in that 20 years in the "dark times" as I call them...that I can only tell you that I had a guardian angel. I thought I was lucky...I didn't need luck; I needed Jesus back in my life.

    After 20+ years of walking in the dark, broken relationships and a broken heart...I was searching to fill the void in my heart and didn't even know it.

    Don't get me wrong, over the years, I was a CEO (Christmas and Easter Only) Christian. I really enjoyed going to my sister's Church.

    I went to Church one Sunday morning. It was good. I enjoyed the music (contemporary) and the message was good. I decided I would go back the next week.

    The next week came...and I was looking forward to the service. I wept through most of the praise and worship portion of the service and the Pastor always seem to be talking to me and into my life.

    I continued attending...and each week the same thing, weeping during the praise and worship...I could feel the Holy Spirit ministering to my heart and my brokenness. I knew Jesus was knocking on the door to my heart and all I needed to do was answer and stop being so stubborn. (I was really good at that).

    I said the sinner’s prayer...for a few weeks before I could really see the changes taking place. I've never looked back...and things couldn't be better.

    What was I looking for? Something I couldn't never find here on earth...or in any human being.

    JESUS has ROCKED my world! I love being in ministry and I love reaching out to show His love.

    May the Grace of Our Living God and His Son Jesus fill your life!

    Grace to you and God / Jesus Bless!

    Source(s): My Christian Experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Me I have an honorable way of living an honorable way of life in my eyes and I fight for a cause stronger to me than any religion if a god is out there he will understand my unconditional love for one person alone even though I cant be with her she is worth me fighting and dying fighting terrorists an any god except the muslem one would understand this.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Structure. Ahahah. I know that's werid, but I like knowing what is acceptable and what is not. I like knowing the right way of worship and keeping faith.

  • 1 decade ago

    wisdom, and knowledge of the spiritual world

    I already have the perfect pair of shoes :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    when you encounter the self in the other, only then will peace be with you......

    Source(s): Zen
  • 1 decade ago

    to be more like Jesus : )

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