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How are you sure you know if God really exists?

How do you any of you really know what God is? How do you really know that the Christian God isnt the same as every other God in every other religion? How do you know there really is a Heaven or a Hell?

Because The Bible says so? The Bible was written by mortal men thousands of years ago. By the Chruch? Yet again mortal men.

Have any of them been to Heaven? Have you ever been to Heaven? How do you know what He wants for you or anyone else?

How can you really say whats right or wrong? You never know what God wants until you get there. For all you know you cuold have been WAY off and God was messing with you.

How can you say for certain that God is even really there?

I know if comes down to having faith but there is a difference between having simple faith and being a Life on the Rock freak.

BTW Does anyone watch Life on the Rock? Scariest show I have ever watching that pastor guy in the robe is a such a perv...


Ookay here is another question. In the Bible there were people who lived to be obscene ages like 900, now how come people cant live to be 900 today? when in reality back then people lived to be about 30-35.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They do not know. They are scared.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only way to resolve the issues of life and death is to go for a direct experience - no belief, no teacher, no preacher can give this to anyone. People in all religions (and no religion) have had this experience but the percentage is incredibly small. Some say 'I have experience of God every day' but this is not what I'm talking about -- I'm referring to a real, deep enlightenment experience where the self drops away and the Something is experienced. '3 Pillars of Zen' shows a very good Zen perspective on this along w/ enlightenment stories. But the key is DIRECT PERSONAL EXPERIENCE -- not even the stories in that book or the stuff I'm writing here should be taken as a substitute. Investigate for oneself!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I don't argue about two things, religion and politics cause there's no right or wrong answer. I went through a point in my life where I did question God and believe me he will make an example out of you. I don't go to church cause to me church is a business but I do have a relationship with God and it's a personal one. I talk to God and he always looks out for me and my family.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know because I have faith. Faith in God. Mortal men literally wrote the bible, but God told them what to write, they didn't make it up. Read Hebrews 11:1. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." So you don't acctually see God, but you can feel his presence and you'd be surprised what praying and talking to God can do for you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is, more or less, a mind virus. It inhibits the mind from actual logical thought and reason. In place of logic it places this need to feel special about one's self. That no matter how bad they screw up, they will have eternity to get it right.

  • 1 decade ago

    How do you know that the enemy is messing with your psyche getting you to doubt that God even exists? I know He exists because I'm a living testimony that He exists. Your life itself is proof enough. I look at the stars while walking from time to time and realize that there's something greater, bigger than me. "Life isn't all about me". Sit down and ponder about that.

  • 1 decade ago

    The bible was written at way different times, and the old testement talks about what was to come in the future. In the new testement, those things were fullfilled. There is too much evidence that God exsists for it not to be true.

  • dale
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It is His perogative to mess with me.i had a dream a few days ago where i was standing in one place and either me or someone that looked like me was walking up to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Who created the world, why there is food for us to eat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there is no way to prove God exists. it is a matter of faith.

  • 1 decade ago

    Turn the ipod and MTV off for a few minutes and open your eyes.

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