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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Another question for those of you of the religious persuasion . . .?

Let me see if I have this right. A guy goes and rapes and murders a little kid, gets caught, convicted, and sentenced to death. Right before they stick the needle in his arm, he has this great epiphany and truly repents what he did and "lets Jesus into his heart." Are you telling me that this piece of human garbage gets to go to heaven, while millions of good people who don't "believe" go to hell for eternity? Isn't that insane?


I don't think calling a child rapist/murder a piece of human garbage is arrogant. I think it is accurate.

Update 2:

Amazing. The "good Christians" replying to this are standing up for a hypothetical child murderer/rapist and claiming "we are all the same" and no better than him. Excuse me, I'll be the judge of that, okay?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes it is Crazy,, but not for the reason you think. Follow this closely. GOD is love. Basic fact. All that is, is GOD. GOD is not some old codger sitting on a throne someplace. That picture was painted by primitive man. Did GOD create all? In a sense, yes because GOD is all. Is there a place known as hell? NO! For hell to exist, it would have been created by GOD. Remember, GOD is love. Hell is hate. The idea that if you do wrong, sin, you will be punished at some great court hearing is ludicrous. If GOD knows all, then GOD knows when and how you will do wrong, sin. If GOD knows this then GOD knows who will go to hell, if it existed. If GOD knows who will go to hell, then there is no reason for them to live here, they might as well go straight to hell, do not collect $200.00 The Christians will tell you that GOD gave you free will so you don't have to do wrong, sin. OK so what? Re-read GOD knows all and run through it again and again, and again forever,

    Vaya con DIOS

  • 1 decade ago

    if someone has done something wrong, and they repent it and admit that they sinned against God and ask for forgiveness from Jesus Christ, then yes they'll go to heaven but the Lord our father is not unwise, he knows if someones just faking for eternal life, and he knows whose truly sorry. he's like santa clause only better lol and those "good" people who don't "believe" in jesus go to hell because they did not admit that jesus is the savior who died upon the cross for us. In the bible it says "No one shall come to the father except through me." which means we have to accept Jesus into our hearts, minds and lives. No its not insane. Earth is a creation. A creation.....shouldn't there be a creator?!? or do you think this happened all by chance? there should be someone in control, otherwise we are spinning around the universe out of control......

  • 1 decade ago

    the only way this man can go to heaven is if he really does have that change of heart and he truly has faith in jesus. then yes. But if he just says that before he dies then no. there is a lot more to it then just repenting. anyone can repent and say they are giving there life to god, but the question is do they really mean it? In the christian/ non denomination/ evangelical faith we believe you have to have a relationship with christ. Try to live as close to him as possible. Faith has a big part in it. Same with the whole changing experience. I hope this answers your question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, isn't that the problem with the simplistic approach to the spiritual equation?

    I am (again) going to post the specks on reincarnation. I think it addresses your situation with a sense of wisdom and justice. I am not saying it is the ONLY way, but it would indicate that there may be a different reality then the one passed down by the Catholic Church, and protestant Christianity.

    There is evidence of [reincarnation] in Jewish thought, apart from Kabbalah, which dates to the time of Rome. According to the Antiquity of the Jews, Book 18, Chapter 1, Number 3, "[The Pharisees] believed that souls have immortal vigor in them [and that the virtuous] shall have power to revive and live again...." (Head, Cranston, Reincarnation, p.26).

    The bracketed statements are not necessarily in the original statement, and may be implied understanding of the editors of the text. If you drop the bracketed statements the statement reads something more general: "A sect of Jews from Antiquity, believed that souls have immortal vigor in them, and shall have power to revive and live again...."

    This is Jewish understanding from the same era as Jesus Christ (Y'shua). According to Philo Judoeus (20 B.C.E to 54 C.E.), "The air is full of souls; those nearest to earth descending to tied to mortal bodies return to other bodies, desiring to live in them." Flavius Joshep (37 - 100 C.E.), Jewish historian, addressing Jewish troops during the final days of Israeli existence under Rome, says, "Do you not remember that all pure Spirits when they depart out of this life obtain a most holy place in heaven, from whence, in the revelation of ages, they are again sent into pure bodies" (Head, Cranston, Reincarnation, p. 27).

    The Zohar, the Book of Splendor, says, "The souls must reenter the absolute substance whence they have emerged. But to accomplish this end they must develop all perfections, the germ of which is planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another, a third, and so forth, until they acquire the condition which fits them for reunion with God" (Head, Cranston, Reincarnation, p. 29).

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  • 1 decade ago

    No it's not insane. No one deserves to go to heaven..not even Christians. It doesn't matter that this person is a crimminal, he repented and asked Christ to forgive him. And don't ever call someone like that a piece of human garbage. We are all sinners, you and i are no better than that crimminal. In God's eyes all sin is the same. He forgives it all. God loves these people, he loves everyone. No one is worthless to him. The reason "good" people who don't "believe" will go to hell is because they choose to. God does not send anyone to hell, it's their own choice. God gives us a choice. Believe in me and follow me, or follow satan. If you follow me you will live with me forever in eternity, follow Satan and you will go to hell. It's your choice. What are you going to choose?

    I hope that God will open your eyes to see the truth and i hope he breaks your heart so that it is soft and willing to do right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Moses was a murderer who carred the Ten Commandments. Judas came against Jesus and help get him killed. God gives us all a second chance even before death to acknowlegd him.

  • 1 decade ago

    You posited that he truly repented. Therefore he gets into heaven, because he has rejected evil.

    In the end, we're all sinners, and I think it's actually quite arrogant to call anyone "human garbage." We're all capable of more evil than we'd like to admit. Without recognizing Absolute Truth, i.e. God, I don't see how any of us could get into heaven.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. It is insane. But there is no one 'good'. We've all sinned and are equally guilty in God's sight. I deserve to suffer in hell with everyone else who has ever sinned. Only by the grace of God am I saved from hell and saved to God.

    Heaven is available to you! Don't think that you are doomed to be 'one of those who don't believe'. Only if you reject this gift that you know about will you be one.

  • 1 decade ago

    God forgives sins if you truly are repenting, but nobody will be ruling in heaven with Jesus except for the 144,000 chosen ones. The rest of us have the choice of dieing for eternity or living on a paradise Earth. There is no hell, except the one we are living in now!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you said it yourself, he truly repented. There will be hundreds of thousands of "philanthropists" in hell because according to Jesus---no one gets to the Father except through Christ. Believe, or don't. It's up to you. Reject it and you will see this post again. I can promise you that.

    Are you telling me that Jesus cannot forgive whom He will? Did HE not pay the ultimate sacrifice for that very right? Remember, the thief on the cross repented and he confessed that he DESERVED to die the way he was dying but he asked Christ to remember him when HE (CHRIST) came into HIS (CHRIST'S) kingdom. Christ promised him.

    What sin is any worse than any other? I don't get the idea of one sin being worse than any other. Seems to me Christ told us---if you break one---you have broken them all. And who am I to dispute Christ?

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