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Why do white people do this?

Why do white people say ignorant things about African Americans or any other cultures for that matter and then try to play it off with "I have a lot of black friends". I mean who cares How many supposed black friends you have? That doesn't allow you to make a racist comment. You do realize that, right?


Wow the range of emotions are crazy!! Never thought I would be called the "N" word again but...

Maybe I should say that I am not a racist, I am also not an angry black woman. I read a answer to a question and someone said "I have black friends" after an ignorant comment. So I am just finding out why.

Update 2:

By the way the racist comment was that black people lips are too big to speak the english language!

Update 3:

Let me point out that no part of my question says ALL WHITE PEOLE!!! I know for a fact that all white people don't do this!

Update 4:

Hopefully the last addition!! I don't hate white people, and I am sorry that some are offended by me saying "white people". Also I am not talking about ALL of any race. You dont have to tell me that blacks don't have issues with our race but lets not lie and say people don't see me as black when I walk into a room. Have any of you ever seen the show Black & White, trust you may not discriminate but you do notice. Also any issues that you have with my question or if you want clarrification on what I mean contact me via IM, I am a calm person and I dont want this to be a fight between the races!!

88 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dear Toobad,

    Define "racist" comment - do you mean a truly racist comment, or a comment that happens to be true, but makes a particular race look badly?

    One more question - why do you say "white people" as if to lump us all into one big group? Don't you find that racist?


  • 1 decade ago

    First I am not racist, but if I came out and said why do black people do this.....! Someone would be offended, you may not be racist but when I walk into a room you see white just the same as I see you are black. Black people say all kinds of things about other races including white people just like white people do! I really think that everyone should just relax a little. I can honestly say that white people are a minority where I live, but yet I don't get any rights under the minority laws like everyone else does. Some things in this world just are not fair we just have to live with it. And to answer your question in my opinion I would just say the reason we do it would be the same reason you do it!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll admit I have heard some stupid things that white people say about black people. However, I think many white people just don't have any idea about our culture and don't understand why we think the way we do. If a white person is really trying to understand us, I guess I could overlook it if the question sounded a little ignorant. (Of course I would correct them so they won't make that mistake again.) I do agree with the whole "I have a lot of black friends" comment. It is not an excuse to be ignorant.

    I just read some of your answers. See what I mean. Some people just don't understand about our culture and way of thinking. Unfortunately, instead of saying that, they just jumped into conclusions. I'm sorry that you receive mostly ignorant answers or answers that were just misinformed.

  • 1 decade ago

    The reason people say ingnorant things about other races is mainly due to the fact that they are ignorant. We are not born hating and stereotyping and all that is related to different cultures and races. I took my son to Burger King the other day to let him play in the kids' area. I watched all the different children playing with one another thinking nothing about it. Then I wondered if these same children will be the same way once they get older after society has taught them of the differences between all of us. It is a shame that many of them will not. I do have friends of all cultures and races, but I do not use it as an excuse to make inappropriate comments toward them or others. The only prejudices that I have is against stupid people of all races. They really irk me :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am a "white woman" and I'm not insulted by you calling me one, I also think, many people are so worried by making what would be considered a racist comment that they feel embarrassed by the fact and try and cover it up by saying "I have alot of friends who are "whatever"." I remember a day when I didn't have to worry about sounding racist. I was in an area that accepted everyone as another human being. It was really nice, although I knew there were many places that weren't like that I was grateful that my parents raised me like they did. From New Jersey country!! Or was it just my parents and my friend's parents.?

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If everyone is equal, white,black, etc. who cares let it go. Some white people still think the south will rise again, those people are not only racists but complete morons. Others simply feel what has been reffered to as white guilt and they say stupid things because they just dont know any better, but I dont think that group means it in a malicious way.

    Source(s): I'm Black and its just personal experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    There is no black and white. No black is a racists at least I never seen one. And there is no such thing as black-colored crime or white -colored crime crime is crime no matter what person's race is. Now we know that I hate racists and if they mess with me I'm gonna kick their butts and their friends' butts. And the n word means an ignorant person and the KKK and Nazis have been them since they were born! I don't say "cracker" to racists if they call me the n word I pimp slap their mouth and call them what they called me because I ain't no ignorant idiot. And when blacks call other blacks the n-i-double g-a word you can't use it unless you are one. So if your not one you can't use it. And remember if you read the book Roots I can't blame you for asking the question because those whites are trash. But other white people are good and we should have more of them. Why can't racists stop teaching racism? Oops! I have to add one more thing some whites say that blacks are racists when they aren't they just hate racists but that doesn't make them racists. I hate racists but does that make me racists? No! So if there is such thing as a "black racists" you have to have proof. I already have proof for white racists but what about black racists? Of course there is no proof!

    Source(s): And that is a dang fact! Me, and many others.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hear you about racism! My wife is a white teacher at a all black school. She teaches 1st grade. Today the a child's mother "BLACK" was yelling at the principle that she didn't want a white-***** teaching her child. My wive has gone through 30 years of the most unbelievable racism against her because of the color of her skin and she very attractive, blond. She has been accused of everything under the sun by black people. Every year she teaches about Martin Luther King in Feb for Black history Month...the children always tell her that white people are bad because they kill him...she explains to the children that just because someone is WHITE doesn't make them bad...then these 5 and 6 year old try to comfort her by saying that: OH...your not white...your just light skinned...she tells I'm white..they little children can't believe it...IN other words they have been taught to be racist at 5 and 6 years old.

    Racism is BOTH ways..NEVER forget that!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You know, I hear the same from African Americans...funny how it seems like "white" people are all ways going to be the bad guys. And before someone looks at me as a racist, I have a bi-racial daughter, several "True" black friends & a German grandmother!!! Not too mention I live in Dixie!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not all "white" people are like that. Racist comments shouldn't be said at all. Especially if you have friends of a different race, you should then be more sensitive to what you say, because you do have friends of a different race.

  • 1 decade ago

    Quit being so damn sensitive! WHO FLIPPIN CARES!!! Like blacks say anything....I mean anything nice about white people.....All I ever hear is bitching or insults from blacks towards whites..... I don't have any black friends, but if I did, they wouldn't be little whiners like you......Jeff has a good point....Why can't we all just be Americans? I'll bet only a handful of blacks have even been to Africa!I think there are more black racists out there than white....Just tired of the "Racist" word......I didn't enslave the blacks and neither did my ancestors.......Move on and grow up!

    As for me....I'm tired of going out of my way to not affend anyone.....Sometimes people will get offended by what you say, and most of the time it is not intentional.....This over sensative society we live in, is started to be too much!

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