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CHRISTIANS - Do you see the evil in this statement?

"In order to enter the kingdom of heaven you must accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour."

Why is this evil? Because is creates the idea that one group (Christians) are superior to non-christians. After all, if your neighbor isn't going to heaven but you are, obviously, you're superior. When a group believes that they're superior, it leads to horrible things. This attitude of superiority is the root cause for many of the evils of our history, Conquistadors, Manifest destiny, slavery, Spanish inquisition, the Nazi's, the Crusades, how Arab world wants the Israelis wiped of the map because they're not worthy of being the keepers of the holy land. Islam and Judaism have their own beliefs that supposedly elevate them above everyone else too, so this is not just a Christian problem.

That statement creates division not unification. It creates hate, not love. Is this what you think religion should do?

What are your thoughts on this? Please no huge lists of bible quotes.


First of all, I am not singling our Christians, I am only addressing Christians. Jews call themselves the Chosen People, and of course there's the kill all infidels thing in Islam.

I've yet to see a cogent explanation as to how the "acceptance of Christ" statement does NOT promote evil in the world.

I posted another question in on Y!A about Satan insiuating himself into religion. I strongly believe that the "acceptance of Christ" line was written by Satan. Unification and love is the key to Gods heart, not division and hate.

That which divides is, for the most part, evil.

Update 2:

"Jesus did say, I did not come to bring peace, but to bring division. "

Then this too is a statement of Satan.

Update 3:

Again..if YOU are going to heaven, and your neighbor is not. WHO IS CLEARLY THE SUPERIOR HUMAN BEING?

You are! If you personally don't think so the that's great, but the large majority of people..because they are human and flawed, believe that they are.

37 Answers

  • Thinx
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a great question. Reading the other answers also shows again how right your assumptions are...

    However, it's impossible to debate your opinion with the majority of Christians. Specially the American part of Christianity. (I know I'm over-generalising now, but it's just to make a point)

    In the USA Christianity is by far the majority. And they act like the opressor. The society is drenched in a bucket filled with Christian Biblical God. However, even if they are the majority, the opressor..they act as if they are the ones being opressed. Everything, every opinion that goes against Christianity is seen as an attack on them. It's almost impossible to have a fair debate with an opressor majority who acts like an opressed minority.

    But your point is valid. The statement that Jesus is the only way to heaven is arogant and evil. It is a statement that promotes division and with that it spreads hatred.

    In that same Bible is also the verse about the White Throne Judgement, which states that non-believers will be judged on their deeds instead of their faith and beliefs. So, Christians who talk about Jesus being the only way, haven't even read their own bible.

    I'm not sure if I believe in a God, but i'm sure that if there is a God He's a fair God. At least much more fair than Christians are trying to make us believe.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to really read your Bible. God created us all with free-will, it's my choice to be a Christian, if my neighbor doesn't want to be and instead choises to burn in Hell for all eternity, it's his choice. There is no evil doing, no creating division, it's simple free-will. If Eve and Adam never ate of the forbiden fruit, there would not have been sin in the world, we would not have ever existed. True Christians DO NOT claim to be superior, it's not part of Christianity. I don't see how you go from Heaven to slavery, the Spanish Inquisition the Nazi's. You are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill, you are the one that has the mindset to cause problems, not Christians, if you don't want to accept Jesus as your Savior that is your right. That doesn't make me better than you because I am a Christian, whoever has filled your head with all this stuff, is a decietful person, if they use Christianity to try to make other people feel bad, or look bad, they are being deceitful, be weary of them they, I am leary to say NOT a Christian, but I will say NOT A GOOD CHRISTIAN.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christianity and its concept of salvation is meant to be "narrow" - exclusive as it were. It is not a Christian belief that everyone will go to heaven. If that were true then there would have been no need for Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of humanity. The belief of having faith in Jesus as your personal savior is the core Biblical teaching for Christianity. There is no "equality of all religions" according to the Bible.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The bible is a Christian writ ting and is about God and the rules He set up when He created the world. If He says only those who accept Jesus as their personal savior go to heaven, then that's the way it is. The creator can make up what ever rules He wants. If you are not a Christian, do what ever your religious book says, and don't worry about what Christians think. I am a Christian and I believe the bible, If people from other religions think I'm going to hell, I couldn't care less.

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  • Tim
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No, I do not see evil in this statement, I see it as common sense. It is the basic premise of Christianity that one can only enter into Heaven by trusting in the completed work of Christ. To deny that is to not be a Christian. Those that do not accept Christ will therefore not go to Heaven. You are correct to point out that this is not uniquely a Christian mindset. Most religions, especially monotheistic ones and I daresay all belief systems theist and atheist alike, hold to the position that their path is the correct one and by contrast all others are incorrect. It is the basic logic law of mutual exclusivity.

    And you are correct to point out the evil things that Christians have done over the centuries; war, violence, oppression, etc. Many have done this in the name of their faith. Again, not a uniquely Christian problem either. It is, in fact, a human problem.

    Because the problem is not religion but people, we will always have to contend with it. That is why we need Christ. If Christians were to truly act upon the mandates of the faith, we would not have had a lot of the evil we have leveled against ourselves. As CS Lewis put it so well, "The biggest argument against Christianity is Christians."

  • Nikki
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That is one of many reasons WHY I am NOT a xtian. I don't want to blindly follow someone just to call myself a xtian. I don't feel right with myself if I have to blindly follow someone just to enter heaven.

    I don't like the superiority complex. It is a huge turn-off for me---in any romantic mate, any friendship, and any religion as well. That goes for religious followers.

    Frankly, I don't believe for one second that Jesus would have wanted to be a "leader" like this, or have people forcibly tell others that they must follow Jesus blindly just to enter heaven. Talk about mind control!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As a Christian I do not see an evilness to that statement, but I also do not believe Jesus Christ is our lord and saviour either, I see him as a man that was vary intelligent and knowledgeable that gave us all a message to live by, the evils you speak of certainly did happen, and I do agree it dose create division and hate, you must remember that not all Christians are fanatics within the flock, I do believe that only God the father will decide who will enter the kingdom of heaven and that goes for all people of all denominations and beliefs, I personally look at the bible as a book written by man and is vary controversial something one dose not want to take to literal,I can only say those that elevate them selves above others are fools and hypocrites. God bless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First things first: Just because we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior and are thus members of God's Kingdom, it doesn't make us superior to everyone else. God doesn't say that just because you're a Christian you're better than everyone else, instead He says that your being a Christian means that you've recognized your failings and realize you need Jesus' help!

    All those things you mentioned, the Conquistadors through to th Crusades and the wars going on in the Eastern countries are not a result of whether or not the people involved are Christian or not, but rather because of the way the human mind can take something as simple as being accepted into God's kingdom thanks to Jesus and twist it into meaning you're better than everybody else.

    This statement creates division or unification, love or hate according to the interpretation it is given. The interpretation God has meant for it to have still holds firm with "Love your neighbor as yourself" regardless of who your neighbor is.

  • 1 decade ago

    it is true that christians are God's elect because we choose to follow the Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ and accept His sacrifice of death on the Cross for our salvation. the jews are also God's elect . God choose them as His people at the beginning of human existence since they started the human race. did you know that you are a distant descendant as well, adam? as you can see both christians and jews follow the same God , the true God ,perhaps that is why we appear elevated hum mm... anyway, it doesn't make us superior above any others, where do you get that notion just because we're going to heaven? is this your interpretation? God is not a respecter of persons, all are equal in His eyes. only men will rank each other, it's one of our faults as humans of this world. when we accept Christ, it is a spiritual choice and not of this earth but of heaven. so your "theology" seems mixed up, sorry. do you think you are going to heaven? if you have to stop and ponder you probably aren't or very lost. wouldn't it be great to know for sure!!! Christ will tell you by His shed blood if you accept Him. God bless!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're incorrect in your assumptions. Here is why. A Christian is not necessarily better than anyone. There are good, moral people who have no religion, and there are unruly, terrible people who are Christian. The point is this: God gave us His word, the Bible. We are asked, not forced, to believe that Christ died for our sins and to place our trust in Him alone. Subsequent to that to tell others about Him, and let the Holy Spirit work in us individually to change to be more like Christ. So the issue is faith, not that of being superior. In fact, the Bible asks believers to regard others as better (Philippians 2:3). Unfortunately, Christians are human first and foremost, and not all abide by that verse, including me. That is further proof that I am in need of a Savior. Hope this helps to explain your question. If not, email me to discuss it further. And remember this, Christians can and do do things that unbelievers do, only the believers have a propitiation for their sins and are therefore bound for heaven. we don't deserve it, nor does anyone, but GOD promises it to us who believe based on our faith towards His Son, Jesus Christ.

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