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Faith is the path of least resistance. What does this mean? Any child can understand the magic and beauty of faith, but therein lies the problem. Too many people stop there and don't move on to more mature viewpoints (ones that don't involve talking snakes, and the sun going around the earth). These same people are either too lazy, too mentally rigid, or just not intelligent enough to expand their understanding of God's creation. (Yes, "God's creation". I am not an atheist.) Science is the human race growing up. It is a collection of information, recorded by countless individuals who are all essentially saying, "This is what I saw, and these are the facts surrounding that event." It takes years to absorb this information, and understanding it deeply is a task that never ends. It is the difficult and arduous road, the steep and thorny way to heaven, but the rewards are glorious. We (even the aforementioned faithful) are enjoying the fruits of those labors every day.

  • What dictum states that a theory that encompasses everything is an empty theory?

    I heard it on the radio as Pappa's Dictum, but no luck on a search.

    4 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What's up with lesbians and Subarus?

    I live in the SF Bay area and I'm not the only one to have noticed this. It seems that I see more rainbow stickers on Subarus (particularly the Forrester) than any other car make.

  • What is up with the History Channel?

    Why is it that some shows on the History Channel include "prophesy" and other such BS? I realize they need to make a buck, but ferchrissake have they no academic integrity? Does this bother anyone else?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Religious folk: Did you know that Gravity is still a theory?

    There are the laws of gravity that some of you might know about from high school, but there are enough anomalies and inconsistencies to relegate what we call gravity to the status of “theory”. Earlier this week, some scientists found direct evidence of something called Dark Matter, which partially explains a major inconsistency in gravity, that being the movement of galaxies. You see, we couldn't measure enough mass in any of the visible galaxies to account for their gravitational effects. But now with the discovery of dark matter, we’re closer to understanding why galaxies behave the way they do. But dark matter still doesn’t account for everything, so we think there might be something called dark energy as well. But we have no proof. Hence, gravity is still a theory.

    Remember that the next time you say something is “Just a theory”

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Environmentalism - A Christian Imperative?

    Did you ever wonder about all of those that didn’t make it on to the Ark? It’s very unlikely that all but Noah’s family were pious. There must have been many thousands of people who were innocent but were still lost to the rains of 40 days and 40 nights. Scores of babies and toddlers far too young to have been considered sinners, all lost to God’s wrath. And yet rather than find room in the ark for them, they perished. Noah could have kicked the hippos off the boat, they’re nasty, ill-tempered animals anyway, surely their space would be better served to house 7 or 8 innocent children. But no, it was not to be.

    So think about that. Rather than save the innocent, God chose instead to save animals. What does this say about saving endangered species? When the spotted owl controversy was raging, do you think God was in favor of the people that whose jobs were in jeopardy, or the owl whose ancestor rode on the ark? Shouldn't environmentalism be a Christian value?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christian Americans - Would you like to see the US become a theocracy?

    Does the idea of a Christian based goverment sound like a good idea to you? Why or why not?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • CHRISTIANS - Do you see the evil in this statement? (Redux)?

    **"In order to enter the kingdom of heaven you must accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour."

    This is a repeat:;_ylt=Aghjw...

    First of all, similar statements are made in judaism and islam, but those are separate posts. We're only talking about Cristianity here.

    I am amazed at how hard it is for people to see how this statement is the source of great suffering and hatred in the world. Think about this logically:

    1. "I accept JC as my Lord and Saviour. Because of this, God smiles upon me and therefore, I am going to heaven." Isn't this a valid interpretation of the first line in this post**? If no, why not?

    2. "If you do not accept JC as your Lord and Saviour, you are NOT going to heaven." Is this statement not implied by the first line of this post**?

    3. If Mr. White is going to heaven, and Mr Black is not, then isn't Mr. White BETTER than Mr. Black. If not, why not?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • CHRISTIANS - Do you see the evil in this statement?

    "In order to enter the kingdom of heaven you must accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour."

    Why is this evil? Because is creates the idea that one group (Christians) are superior to non-christians. After all, if your neighbor isn't going to heaven but you are, obviously, you're superior. When a group believes that they're superior, it leads to horrible things. This attitude of superiority is the root cause for many of the evils of our history, Conquistadors, Manifest destiny, slavery, Spanish inquisition, the Nazi's, the Crusades, how Arab world wants the Israelis wiped of the map because they're not worthy of being the keepers of the holy land. Islam and Judaism have their own beliefs that supposedly elevate them above everyone else too, so this is not just a Christian problem.

    That statement creates division not unification. It creates hate, not love. Is this what you think religion should do?

    What are your thoughts on this? Please no huge lists of bible quotes.

    37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Anti-abortionists - What do you make of this line from Genesis?

    "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

    Adam had no soul until he breathed his first breath.

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is Stewie saying?

    First, go here and enjoy the Stewie soundboard.

    Now, play the one under INSULTS that says, "That's the best you can come up with..."

    He uses a word at the end of that one that's completely unknown to me that sounds like "termagette"

    Does anyone know what he's saying?

    8 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • When Hezbollah and Israel "communicate" with each other...?

    ...don't they sound only slightly different than gangsters posturing over turf?

    The only thing missing are the words "muthaf*ck*r", and "b*tch". Otherwise, no different. Sad.

    Where's their version of Rodney King? "Can't we all just get along?"

    (Oh and yes, I know the US has been guilty of the same thing, so save your Yankee-bashing comments thankyouverymuch.)

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for Satan to insinuate himself into religion?

    Islam, Christian, Judaism, Hinduism, Paganism, Sikh, Shinto, Buddhism, etc. Can these religions be infiltrated by Satan?

    I promise that am not attacking these beliefs, I am merely asking you to think. Please come back later and read my conclusions.

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for Satan to insinuate himself into religion?

    Islam, Christian, Judaism, Hinduism, Paganism, Sikh, Shinto, Buddhism, etc. Can these religions be infiltrated by Satan?

    I promise that am not attacking these beliefs, I am merely asking you to think. Please come back later and read my conclusions.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you care what other people think?

    If you answer no, can you prove it?

    21 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Angelinos!!! What are you doing this weekend?

    There's a show out in Pioneertown (way out there by Joshua tree), at a place called Pappy and Harriets. Two bands playing:

    Rose' Pawn Shop

    and my favorite indie band Weed Patch

    If you feel like a little road trip, some desert scenery, and a beer or nine, I strongly suggest checking it out.

    I am not being paid for this and neither the band nor the venue are even aware of this plug.

    1 AnswerLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • How do I use "gestalt" in this sentence?

    We're looking at the same thing, but I see it from a different gestalt.

    ...see it in a different gestalt.

    ...see it with a different gestalt.

    Or should it be something completely different?

    8 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Some help with a Latin phrase...?

    I know what the words translate to, but what does this mean?

    Lux Mentis, Lux Orbis

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago