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Anti-abortionists - What do you make of this line from Genesis?

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Adam had no soul until he breathed his first breath.

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We have no soul till we take that first breath, therefore a woman has the right to control her own life without some man sticking his nose into her business.

    Tammi Dee

  • 1 decade ago

    Adam had no soul until he came to life. God was not performing CPR here, He was instilling Life into a really nice sculpture. Adam was the REAL Galatea, if you want to think of it that way...

    Unborn children are, without a doubt, living beings. They have heartbeats and brainwaves, individual DNA codes, hair color, blood types (which can be separate from the mother's!), fingerprints, and footprints. Unborn children can get sick. Unborn children wake and play, drink, suck their thumbs, grab their feet, urinate (in the amniotic fluid, it is sterile), sleep, dream, and feel pain. Unborn children even "breath" the amniotic fluid they are swimming in!

    Unborn children can die. Ask any mother that has had a miscarriage if she lost a group of cells, or a baby. May I suggest you ask her from a distance.....

    As an anti-abortionist, I do not insert the existance of the human soul into the legal battle. There may be some that do, IDK, but the point is moot as the law doesn't recognize the "soul". What the law DOES recognize is the science of life and the legality of personhood.

    So, with the question of "soul" out of the way, why is it legal to kill these helpless human beings? Without a doubt, the human fetus is a living individual. Grown men who rape and kill get trials and appeals. Why don't unborn infants?

  • 1 decade ago

    No that is not what it says it says, First of all this is describing the creation of the first man who based biblical accounts seems to have been created as an adult so it doesn't have any direct parallel to the development of a fetus.

    Secondly it doesn't say Adam took a breath it says God breathed the breath of life into him.

    The Hebrew word "N@shamah" for breath here also means spirit so it is just as accurately translated and breathed into his nostrils the spirit of life.

  • chris
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He was the first, not born but created as an adult. He wasn't breathing either until God made him breath and with the soul he was complete.

    A fetus doesn't breath because it is encased in amniotic fluid, it is "breathing" through the ambilical cord. Many new mothers feel movement at 5 months, mothers who have given birth before, often feel it sooner. If not life, what then?

    I'd give you some Scripture that would clear this up, but I know you guys hate that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Adam was brought to life in this manner but all other people came from him, Eve-from his rib.

    Babies are 'created' in the womb and have souls because God said that man should multiply, all people afterwards were not formed physically (that means moulded out of dust like a sculpture) by God anymore but by the process of sexual intercourse eg Gen 4: Now Adam slept with his wife, Eve and she became pregnant.Read also Jeremiah chapter one verses 4 and 5 for clarity.

    Source(s): New Living Translation of the Holy Bible
  • Ray W
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    God made Adam a full grown man. He was the first man and God breath unto him the breath of life. That has nothing do with a baby that is alive in the mother's womb. It can move and it has a soul.

  • 1 decade ago

    Adam didnt breath, God breathed a soul into him. So Adam was already alive and with a soul when he took his first breath.

  • 1 decade ago

    He also didn't kick, require nutrition, and I doubt he had a heart beat or the need for oxygen. However, FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION, the fetus requires oxygen and nutrition from the mother's system, and as soon as it has developed the BEGINNINGS of a nervous system it has active brain waves, and muscular development brings movement.

    When God breathed life into Adam, it was his first required oxygen. Therefor, since the fetus requires oxygen from the point of conception, that is when God 'breathes' in the living soul.

  • 1 decade ago

    when God created Adam in the beginning, He did breathe life and soul at the same time. but...when the two reproductive calls of a man and a woman are joined in conception, that is when human life begins. not when they are born or when they take their first breath. the embryo is reciving oxygen through its mothers blood and that is whan we need to breathe for. oxygen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Irrelevant. God made Adam out of dust. It was impossible for dust to get up and walk around until God gave him his "breath" so that he could live. God was exerting his power, not drawing the line of where murder begins.

    A fetus is living tissue, much more than dust. And I think that God would be upset that you just misquoted the bible to try and prove such a terrible thing...

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