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CHRISTIANS - Do you see the evil in this statement? (Redux)?

**"In order to enter the kingdom of heaven you must accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour."

This is a repeat:;_ylt=Aghjw...

First of all, similar statements are made in judaism and islam, but those are separate posts. We're only talking about Cristianity here.

I am amazed at how hard it is for people to see how this statement is the source of great suffering and hatred in the world. Think about this logically:

1. "I accept JC as my Lord and Saviour. Because of this, God smiles upon me and therefore, I am going to heaven." Isn't this a valid interpretation of the first line in this post**? If no, why not?

2. "If you do not accept JC as your Lord and Saviour, you are NOT going to heaven." Is this statement not implied by the first line of this post**?

3. If Mr. White is going to heaven, and Mr Black is not, then isn't Mr. White BETTER than Mr. Black. If not, why not?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I predict that you will get BS and people completely avoiding the subject.

  • 1 decade ago

    The way I see it (from a Christian perspective) is that what would be evil would be if Jesus Christ is truly the only way to Heaven and He didn't come right out and tell us.

    It isn't quite right to say, "I accepted Jesus", although I know that's what we all say. More to the point would be, "God accepted me BECAUSE of Jesus."

    Would stating it that way make it clear that Christians don't feel superior? We feel humbled. We have 'accepted' the fact that we need the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ to make us acceptable to God.

    I guess the problem comes it where if we believe that WE need that sacrifice, we of course believe EVERYBODY needs that same sacrifice. Do you ever ask yourself, "Why do they try to convince everyone else to be a Christian?"

    It's because we have found the truth and it has set us free. We were then indwelt (is that a word?) with that same burning desire to see others come to that overwhelming sense of peace and joy.

    What you are sensing is not that we are better. What you are sensing is that we are at peace with God almighty and we want that for everyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    As to your No. 3, the old bumper-sticker adage goes that "Christians aren't better, just saved". I think that's true. We Christians have all the same weaknesses as y'all "unwashed masses", but we believe God will forgive us if we're genuinely sorry for our missteps.

    As for Nos. 1 and 2, there's no evil there. It's just like anything in life where you need to accomplish A before you receive reward B. In school, you don't get your grades BEFORE you take the test, do you?

    And as I've told people, it's not the fault of religion per se that wars and persecution have taken place all through time. That's the fault of the overzealous who adhere to a given sect.

  • 1 decade ago

    Matthew 10:34

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  • 1 decade ago

    You've already asked this question. What happened, didn't like the first round of answers?

    My answer is the same as before:

    ***That statement creates division not unification. It creates hate, not love. Is this what you think religion should do?***

    Jesus did say, I did not come to bring peace, but to bring division. Now, Do you understand why He said this, and what He actually meant, in its proper context?

    Research that one and come back. The answer is easy to find and its not what you think. Read the Gospels and find out what it is. You did, after all, ask us not to give you Bible quotes.

    I can see that you just don't get it, and you want to keep twisting things around until you like what you see. God Bless.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The whole thing is A Church- made-up-thing, to get weak-minded people(afraid of goin 2 hell) converted to Christianity. No one goes 2 hell, not accepting a people. Does it mean that every one in the world except christians fill up the heaven???? Rest go 2 hell?

    If some one wud, i'd b da first one on queue.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have cited only a portion of The Salvation Message. You must fully come to God in The Way He proscribes inorder to receive His free Gift of Salvation.

    First accept that God exists. then accept that Jesus was and is and always will be who He says he is.

    Then accept that what Jesus taught concerning how to come to God is true.

    Then admit first to your self that you are unworthiy of any concideration for entry into Heaven

    Accept that you must go to God for your Salvation.

    State to God that you come to Him in The Name of Jesus The Christ.

    Admit to God that you are not worthy to come to Him on your own.

    Confess to God ALL of the sins that make you unworthy to come to Him and that make you unworthy of Heaven.......

    .Ask God, in the name of your Lord and Master Christ Jesus,,, and mean it..., for His forgivness...

    If you do all of that with and honest and repentant heart God will forgive you and you will recieve His free Gift of Eternal Salvation...

    If you have done this in honesty and repentance you will "know" youare forgiven and you will know your Salvation is assured>

  • 1 decade ago

    1. say it only will not save you, if you accept someone as lord sure you will follow all of his order.. right?

    and his order is to love other people just like you love your self.

    2. the analogy is.. if its rain you gota bring an umbrela, not like if you gota bring umbrela its gona be rain :))

    it doesnt work that way, right?

    3. every people is the same in front of god..


    its not about to who you believe.. anyhow.. there is always one god.. if u think they different its just the name..

    n the most important thing is to do this: "to love other people just like you love your self"

    sure every religion will teach this for good


    you can make your own interpretation now.. rightly..

  • 1 decade ago

    1.yes 2.yes 3.Not better just wiser.He made the wisest decision,he is going to Heaven.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus provided a direct and only way to heaven. Why is this bad, we should rejoice that we have a REAL way to heaven>

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why do people desire to make evil that which God gives to save us?

    Accepting Jesus will save you from destruction. That's evil?

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