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What's the best way to teach Criella a lesson?

Just for fun...

Lock her up in a room with white supremacists who hate her for calling herself "white" when she's clearly not?

Lock her up in a room with black folk whom SHE called "ugly"?

Lock her up with Filipinos who are embarrased at her behaviour?

Be creative. Details are good. No racial remarks please.

Completely pointless but I could use a good laugh right now...

This is just to vent some of the resentment this idiot has caused...


if you don't know who I'm talking about, it's better not to know...she'll only piss you off.

Update 2:

Ok, it took a few hours...but I found people who know where Criella Fragante lives and will "turn her over". I can find out where she lives and have some of my friends pay her a visit. Nothing gangster of course, but to quote Criella: "You asked for it"... Let me know if she ever comes back...

And if you're reading this Criella... well, maybe I'll say it to your face if I ever have to talk to you in person... Ayan, ang yabang kasi....

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Can't we put her in a room with all of them???

    I'm voting for a black girl gettin ahold of her if I have to pick tho, hey can I watch to?

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