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Why are people annoyed over those who were in panic mode during the beginning of the COVID pandemic?

I swear some people are acting like that people who were shopping in a panic mode during the beginning of the COVID pandemic are acting like that people being in a panic mode made things worse than what already was.

2 Answers

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    20 hours ago

    To some degree those hoarding goods (and in some cases trying to resell them at a markup DID make things worse). I'm not talking about shopping in bulk at Costco so much as clearing out all the shelves at any store. People do rightly mock those who panic bought things like toilet paper because it's just too easy to order that stuff online. 

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Not everybody has the luxury to buy.  The people that panic buy all the food during the pandemic was selfishness and did not stop to think about the elderly that only shops once a month.  They had nothing.  Nothing to eat .

    Not only the elderly people that are trying to make ends meet.  Couldn't buy food for their family there was none. 

    And those people that are sitting with so much food, that the ended up throwing it away

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