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Lv 4
malak asked in HealthGeneral Health CareFirst Aid · 1 decade ago

I burnt myself so bad while cooking. What would be good to put on the burn ?

I put a ice pack on it already,but my skin has blistered & it hurts like ......!

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do NOT put any neosporin on a burn! I know it hurts, but you can use a cortisone cream an cover it with a dry bandage. First, if you "pop" the blisters, just drain them with a sterile scissor or needle and leave the skin intact. It will protect the damaged skin. You can also call your doctor and ask for Silverdine which is specifically for burns. Take asprin or ibuprophen for reduction of inflammation (take with food) and you've already iced it, which was smart. Hope you heal up well.

    Source(s): retired nurse
  • 1 decade ago

    Most important is to cool the burn. If it blistered that fast, you probably need to seek emergency treatment. Not so sure that an ice pack is the right idea. If it is all you have, then put a towel between you and it. A cool compress that you change frequently may be a better idea.

    In some cases, the burn is so severe that you really do need to see someone about it right away. It is possible to have a burn so severe that it will become infected. You really should see someone about it probably soon.

    If the burn has calmed down, keep it clean and dry. Ointments are not a good idea usually. Keep a clean cover on it and watch it closely.

  • Autumn
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    if it is real bad head to the doctor they may want to give you antibotics or a shot and they can give you some pain medicine. with a blister that means you have at least a 2nd degree burn you have a risk for infection. keep ice on it or cold water about the only thing you can put on it over the counter is aloe type stuff. don't pop the blister let it do that on it's own.

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds like a second degree burn since it's blistered.

    you need to see a dr within 24 hours to get a prescription for silvadene cream. it's a zinc-oxide based cream that is porous which allows air to get to the burn to help it heal but also has antibiotics in it to help ward off infection.

    please DO NOT put any lotions,oils,dirt,or food products on the burn area-these trap heat and also increase the risk of getting an infection and with burns-infection can spread very quickly.

    do not apply neopsporin either-it will trap heat and can make the burn worse.

    wash with warm water and mild soap. cover with guaze or telfa pads-these can be found at any drugstore and will not stick to the burn so they are easy to take off. make sure to see a doctor soon to get the silvadene cream

    take ibuprofen for pain and swelling. 200-400mg every 6 hours but no more than 1200mg in 24 hours.

    drink plenty of fluids to help prevent dehydration.

    report to the er if:

    -you develop a fever of 101 or higher

    -the burn has drainage of a yellowish-brown or green color

    -the swelling seems to have spread

    -you have red lines extending from the burn to the rest of your body (indicates infection in the bloodstream-you'll need i.v antibiotics asap)

    these are all signs of infection and need to be treated

    Source(s): i work in trauma icu
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just run cold water on it. DON'T put any creams or grease on it. Cover it with a light gauze dressing. Take some Advil or Tylenol.

    If it starts to blister (and it's a large burn), see a doctor. Don't pop the blisters.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep icing it and get a really good lavendar oil to apply to it. After the pain stops....which will be sometime tomorrow, apply preparation H and cover it with a gauze pad. Aloe Vera leaves, a fresh one split open and taped over the burn works great too. I know what your thinking...preparation H, the yeast in it heals burns quickly, reduces infamation and such too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't put butter on it that just makes it burn worst. Aloe Vera works the best! Know from experience!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well you can use soov cream. It will numb ur burn for a couple of hours. Also cover it up with a bandage to protect it from further damage or injury.

  • CJBig
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Depending on how big the burn is, aloe is your best bet. If the burn is a significant size then u should see your doctor.

  • Brendy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Contact your primary care doctor and let him or her know what happened. Ask them if they would call in a prescription for Silvadene cream (it works wonders on burns).

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