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Does the Christian Church practice terrorism when it threatens people with hell since it's not in the bible?

35 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's called emotional blackmail. Terrorism will do though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, if you think about it, the comparion is kind of silly.

    Why? Well the answer is quite simple.

    Terrorism as practiced by real terrorists target people regardless of what they do. You can be a murderer or you can be a kind and caring teacher. No matter what it is you do, you're a target. Their type of terrorism is indescriminate.

    However, the church's terrorism (as you put it), isn't really like that. You can choose to be a better person to avoid hell. (as they put it). Or you can choose not to be religous. They can try to scare you, but when it comes down to it, you have a choice, including whether or not to put up with it.

    So, no, terrorism from reall terrorists isn't anything like the terrorism from the church.

  • kitcat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hell is mention in the Bible. Look at the book of Revelations. No one in the Christian Church has ever tried to send someone to hell they just talk about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no one Christian Church. About the only thing that unites them is that they all believe that Jesus was the Son of God, though he never said that.

    Some branches of it still seem to live in mediaeval times and threaten their followers with hell-fire and damnation.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you saved?


    Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart, have you confessed your sins to Him, have you resolved your life to Christianity?

    Do you commit adultery, do you hate others, are you involved in theivery, have you murdered (this includes having an abortion OR working in an abortion clinic AND promoting "choice"), are you lesbian/gay, do you SIN?

    OK, none of us, not even "Christians" are perfect, in any way, ever.

    I sin EVERY DAY.

    I am jealous, I cuss, I gossip, I lie...

    HOWEVER, God gave us ALL free will, that is the HARDEST thing to deal with as a Christian.

    Through Christ ALONE I am saved.

    God tells us, plainly, that the path that leads to him is a narrow one BUT it is the ONLY way.

    Are we going to Hell because we are sinners? Not hardly.

    ALL OF US, every one of us, is a wicked sinner. Some sins worse than others.

    BUT the Lord God, the only REAL GOD, is a God of HOPE AND LOVE.

    You are only going to Hell if you want to.

    It may not be sinking in for you, so think of this.

    Whether or not YOU believe, it is the TRUTH.

    ALL OF US will die, there is a 100% chance of that. Could be in 4 minutes or 70 years, but we will die. ALL OF US will stand in His presence and be held accountable for all we have done, good and bad. In front of God, what will you say? How will any of us stand in His presence without shame?

    It is not terrorism, but it is terrifying.

    Best Wishes

  • Kyrix
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If I was in a mall and I believed there was a bomb in there and it was going to blow up and I told everyone to get out or die, I wouldn't be a terrorist. Even if I was mistaken.

    BTW, who said anything about hell not being in the Bible? While the popular conception of hell has come from Dante there are clear warnings about being apart from God for the unsaved.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many religions seek to guide their "flocks" through fear. Rather than trying to teach people to be good simply for the sake of doing the right thing, they resort to scare tactics. I think labelling the practice as "terrorism" may be leaning towards the extreme, but I get the reference.

  • 1 decade ago

    Read Revelations, which is the last book in the bible and it talks about hell.

    Rev. 20:11-15 and Rev.21:8

    Source(s): The bible
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hell IS in the Bible. Read the books of John and Revalation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since it's not in the Bible? You must be missing quite a few pages from your copy of the Bible, then.

    Hell is mentioned at least two dozen times in the New Testament -- often in vivid detail, and often by Christ Himself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christians tell about hell and the eternal life but if you feel it threatens you maybe you need to make a dicision to follow Christ. If you don't believe in God then anything we Christians say shouldn't bother you, much less make you feel threatened. Please contact me if you want to discuss this and when you get a confirmed email to recieve answers.Best wishes.

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