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Lv 43,534 points

December Princess

Favorite Answers8%
  • What do you do if your sister is a chronic liar and self-centered?

    I am an adult now, but my oldest sister is a chronic liar when I was growing up. Her lying has isolated many family members. She is also self-centered to the point that she will only do what benefits her. Recently my middle sister died and I am close to her. My oldest sister did not attend the arrangements for my sister because she had a convention to go to for her business. I said to her, "can't your husband go and fill in for you and you go up the next day". She responded that he would just mess it up. Needless to say we carried on without her. This was the last straw for me and I do not have anything to do with her at present.. I am so distraught over this situation and am crying all the time since I cut my oldest sister out of my life. But what can I do since she won't change and only means you some kind of harm?

  • How do I get over this crushing grief?

    I lost my paternal sister last year and I am still so dazed and stunned that she is actually gone!! When her memory comes to mind,I break out in uncontrollable tears and am devastated by the emotions that it evokes. This sister stepped in and raised me and my younger sister when we lost out mom when I was 16 and my younger sister was 15. I can hardly stand to live since she is gone and I feel like I have nothing to live for. What can I do...I am so terribly grieving!

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • mother is raped and the father is the rapist?

    What should you do if you are victim of rape and you are pregnant! Should you keep the child or give it up for adoption, especially if you know that the child is the rapist!

    5 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • My sister constantly lies?

    I am wondering what kind of relationship that I can have with my oldest sister since she consistently lies about just about everything in life as long as it is to her benefit. I am one of 7 siblings. We are now down to 4 siblings. One sister who raised me when my mom who was sickly all her life(died), and could not cope with rearing my self and my youngest sister as we were the youngest of the seven siblings. The sister who raised me died last year and my life has been turned upside down ever since and I am dealing with deep depression since I am not close to my oldest sister since she has her own agenda and cares nothing about her family or her own kids. I am just wondering what to do because she is the way she is and can't be trusted but since she is family, I am at a loss as to what I should do ?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • If a person commits suicide?

    If a person commits suicide and claims they are a born-again christian, will they still go to heaven.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Your lover is gay and doesn't know what to do?

    I have finally found out that my lover is gay and that is why he has not been able to be intimate. This is a new relationship. He has told me so.I am still in shock as I love him so and did not have a clue! I am trying to find out how to deal with this since I am so involved and don't want to lose him as he is feeling the same way but unable to change his ways...

  • If you have satellite tv?

    I live in a apartment complex and have satellite TV. My downstairs neighbor is complaining that every time I turn on my tv or computer, that it interferes with her cable service. She wants me to call the satellite service to come out and check the line which I refuse to do because I tried to explain to her that my signal comes in differently than hers. I would like to know what else can I tell her.

    3 AnswersTVs10 years ago
  • Do you think that Pres.Obama will be re-elected?

    It's getting around to that time,folks, what do you honestly think

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can Anyone help me,my heart is so broken!?

    I lost my closest sister! My sister died in feburary 2010. I am having a hard time getting over it. I am the youngest of 7 children. The sister that passed away is the one that reared me because my mum couldn't as she was sickly. Every time I think of her...I am in tears! My oldest sister is no help because she only thinks of herself. I am not that close to my other siblings. I am so close to commiting suicide that I can hardly stand it! What should I do to ease my pain!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How3 Do You Get Over The Death Of A Friend?

    Recently, A friend of mine that I have not kept that close of a contact with, took her own life! We are not close friends but we did care about one and other. Those who really knew her said that she had been contemplating taking her life for years because her brother did the same thing! But his was due to a sugar inbalance that was not detected because medicine had not the knowledge to deal with it at the time.

    I am so so devasted by this as it has only been two weeks since since it happened. I am having such wicked crying jags whenever I think about it. I am sure that in time that I will get over it. I am posting it here because I cannot afford grief conselling. So I am asking my online community to gather around me and help me as best they can. Thanks


    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Please help me to find written material online about noise laws concerning dogs?

    There is a dog in the neighborhood that barks from sunrise to sunset with a few quiet intervals in between. Just when you think that the dog has been taken inside, the barking starts back up. Since my nearby neighbors won't do anything about it and it annoys me then I want to handle it in the right manner with written material so the neighbor will realize that they are violating a noise law. I know the law exists but don't know where to find it so I thought I would ask my Yahoo community for help. Thanks!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • There's this guy that I have recently struck up a sort of friendship with. We ride the same bus to go to? ?

    our jobs. He told me that he lost his girlfriend two years ago and that he is living with his deceased girlfriend's mom because she is struggling to pay the rent and he is helping out by being there. I have never heard of anyone doing this and I thought that this is kinda weird but hey, he was going to marry the girl. Anyways,I do know that he is still grieving because he works six days a week by choice just to try to deal with her death. I told him that it is possible to meet someone again but he just shook his head. I know that he's not ready yet but he did say that he wants to take me somewhere that I really want to go. So my question is this: should I hang in there hoping for something more because i am becoming more and more attracted to him or just move on with my life and write this off as a lost cause because of his choice of living arrangements and continual grief?

    Please give honest answers! Thanks!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Have you ever felt sexually attracted to someone you met online?

    I want really honest answers from someone who has experienced the same thing!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know how to help someone who has come out of a cult?

    I have been in a cult for 33 years and just recently learned that no one was practicing what they were preaching! This has left me desolated, on the verge of suicide, disillusioned and angry! I have turned to drinking, looking for sex because it was forbidden in this cult and just trying to learn how to live life over again in a normal vain. How does one know what is right and what is wrong after such an episode of life and stolen years. I am interested in a man who is in another state from mine and think he is my souemate. Should I pursue this?

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • I am trying to win a contest?

    I belong to a traffic exchange and I am reaching out to my online community because I don't know who else might want to help me!

    I can win a million credits and won't have to surf that exchange for a life time and all my online businesses will get exposure for a life time. What I am asking you is to join this exchange just for the month of august and then you can quit if you want to. I would do the same for you if you asked me to. Here is the website:


    1 AnswerGambling1 decade ago
  • What to do after you get out of a religious cult?

    I have been under mind control in a religious cult for 33 year and have recently seen the light and gotten out! I am confused because I don't know how to function in the real world when it comes to just living life and not feeling guilty about drinking and just enjoying life for the first time in my life!

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of any really good free traffic exchanges?

    I surf free traffic exchanges to get credit to advertise my business in return. I do not have the money to pay to advertise because I am just starting out. If anyone knows of some really good sites that I can join that will bring results, I would really appreciate it.

    5 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • Should She Prepare Three Meals A Day?

    I have a friend who has a husband and they have three children. She is a stay at home mom because her husband doesn't want her to work. He has told her that he expects three fully prepared meals a day and that the family has to sit down together to these meals. He says because he is the breadwinner that this is the way it is going to be!

    I asked her if she can't just ask him for a time when they could just go out to eat and she said that he doesn't like eating out. She is miserable because she would like a break from this routine. Any suggestions or advise would be gladly welcomed and I could pass it on. Thanks!

    25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of a legitimate home-based business that really works?

    I have search and search and lost some money in the process. But I still want to operate my own business. I am of limited funds so I would be looking for something affordable and reasonable.

    13 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago