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Should She Prepare Three Meals A Day?

I have a friend who has a husband and they have three children. She is a stay at home mom because her husband doesn't want her to work. He has told her that he expects three fully prepared meals a day and that the family has to sit down together to these meals. He says because he is the breadwinner that this is the way it is going to be!

I asked her if she can't just ask him for a time when they could just go out to eat and she said that he doesn't like eating out. She is miserable because she would like a break from this routine. Any suggestions or advise would be gladly welcomed and I could pass it on. Thanks!


One other thing......he will NOT eat pakaged prepared food! So don't even suggest it.

Update 2:

This man's workplace is close enough to his home for him to be able to have his meals the way he wants them.

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    She married him....if she can't stand up to him and tell him that she refuses to abide by his demands for 3 fully prepared meals a day....she will just have to accept that this is what she settled for.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


  • 1 decade ago

    I grew up in a home where three meals were prepared every day and the family always ate together. Today's world is much different. Everyone deserves a break from routine. I would guess the husband gets a couple days off each week. If he simply will not go out with her to eat, she might consider telling him Saturday breakfast will be cereal and juice. Lunch will be lunch meat sandwiches and a nice salad. Dinner will be missing a person at the stove and at the table. Dad will be in charge of fixing dinner and Mom will be dining with friends (or quietly alone) at the restaurant of her choice just before she enjoys a good movie at the local cinema.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe she should ask him to help prepare some of the meals with her. Men can cook as well and these are not the days of Ozzy & Harriet anymore. If they do it together it will take less time and open their relationship to conversation & understanding. A woman staying at home taking care of the kids & doing all the cooking and cleaning is sometimes harder than having a real job for some. But, I do know of some that stay at home and hardly do anything but, watch soaps all day,on the computer, & talking on the phone. I commend the women that actually dont sit on their butts at home because its not an easy job but, it doesn't hurt the husband to help out either.

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  • 1 decade ago

    She should tell her husband that she'll take care of the house and the kids and make meals but he's not the boss just because he makes the money and if she doesn't feel like cooking one day, she's not gonna. If he doesn't like it, he can find some other doormat to push around and make him his three sit down meals a day. She's not his chef, she's his wife and she shouldn't have to go on his schedule. He also doesn't get to dictate how the rest of the family spends their days, having to be home for all meals. Tell her to see a counselor to learn to deal with such a control free or divorce him so she can be free.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He sounds controlling. I don't like controlling people!!

    As far as the food goes, I think that the idea of cooking a head of time and freezing things is a good idea. I have watched this show on food network a few times where the lady makes a huge meal on the week-end and spends some time getting things prepped for the things that she is going to make during the week. Then it only takes her 15 minutes per day to get the other dinners ready.

  • kim h
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Just because he is the bread winner does not mean that he gets to make all of the rules. Marriage is a partnership not a dictatorship. She needs to put her foot down. He is a control freak and will continue to be until she puts a stop to it. She is a grown woman with a mind of her own. Three fully prepared meals is ridiculous. If he does not like to eat out I would go without him. Why should she have to do without because he does not want that? Good luck to your friend.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am also a stay at home mom cause my hubby doesn't like for me to work, But I'll be damned if he is going to demand anything around here. If I don't work is because he must like supporting me and that gives him no right to demand. If I had to cook three fully prepared meals a day I would get a divorce. I don't even get one meal prepared a day!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Was this something they agreed to before getting married? I was a housewife for ten years. My EX-HUSBAND was a lot like that. Very demanding and controlling. Needless to say, now he's making his own meals!

    Someone sent me a joke email. I can't find it, but it was something like:

    A man comes home from work. There are toys all over the yard and all over the house. Kids are running around half dressed. There is food everywhere and the refrigerator door is standing open. He calls out to his wife in a panic. He finds her laying in bed wearing her bathrobe reading a book. He asks her if she is sick and she says "No. You know when you always ask me what I did all day?" He says "Yes". She says "Well, today I didn't do it".


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    May I suggest you stay out of her business. She has to work this out with her husband. She is the one who had three children and married him.

    We do not know the full story of their relationship.

    My husband travels and when he gets home I want to have a home cooked meal for him. Even though I have been providing 3 squares a day for our two children. (I am a stay at home mom also).

    Eating out for a family of 5 is expensive...who would want to waste the money?

    Most husbands are not home for 3 meals a day, usually only one. So you make no sense.

    Some moms throw a peanut butter sandwhich at a kid and call it a meal.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes tell her to tell him that she is quiting the Job she never took on,because no one is going to tell he what she has to do or how to do it. Look she waited to long to put him in his place, she should have done that from day one. It is okay for her to cook and make the three meals if she wants to do it or if he comes home she should cook for him, but she should be allowed all the short cuts that she can as long as the food tastes good. The way he is doing it to me it sounds like he thinks he is her boss. She should tell him that he is the sole bread winner because she does all the other work at home. Tell her to tell him that her job is way harder then his peanut Job..Dang what a jerk...........

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