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What to do after you get out of a religious cult?

I have been under mind control in a religious cult for 33 year and have recently seen the light and gotten out! I am confused because I don't know how to function in the real world when it comes to just living life and not feeling guilty about drinking and just enjoying life for the first time in my life!


I drink because of suicidal thoughts and depression! I feel like I have no reason to live any more! I have lost all hope and friends I had because they were all in the cult and have rejected me for getting out and they don't understand why I have left and don't want to know because of their own fears.

I am doing the best I can to make new friends but it isn't easy and I cry a whole lot!

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You still have a conscience and that is why you feel guilty about drinking. You don't need alcohol when there are so many good healthy things to drink.

    I drank for 12 years and was stinking drunk many times and did many stupid things under the influence of alcohol such as friving 120 miles an hour when I could barely see the road. It is a miracle that I am still alive.

    I was also in the drug culture for six of those twelve years and in that fun life my ex-wife attempted suicide and I eventually tried to kill myself too. I am so glad that I didn't succeed.

    Then Jesus Christ touched my heart and changed my life forever. Now I am a published author, have successfully raised seven godly children, ministered to alcohol and drug abusers for ten years in ministry, ministered in prisons and on the streets and saw many lives touched and changed for the better.

    Cults are mind controlling, but Christ can set you free from all their lies and deceptions and give you a life so full that you will never need an alcoholic drink again for as long as you live. Find a good Bible believing church where people will show you the love of God by reaching out to you and taking you just as you are and loving you! Then learn from them and you will be happy and free from oppression.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bless you for coming out of that cult and mind control. I came out of control by false prophets. So I know a little about what you are going through with the mind control thing. Just talk to God. He gave us freedom of choice. He gave us freedom of will. Jesus is such a free spirit. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Don't overdo the drinking and stuff. That's not where it's at. Seek Jesus and seek His face. Knock and the door will be opened to you. Seek and you shall find.

  • 1 decade ago

    What do you mean guilt feelings about drinking??? You must have missed a lot of fun in Christianity!

    Proverbs 31:6-7 (NIV) Give beer to those who are perishing, wine to those who are in anguish; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more* (*Please don’t drink like this and drive! The Bible publishers are too irresponsible not to have warning labels on the Bibles!)

    Even the Bible teaches that nothing beats a good shot of hard liquor to get you back on your feet!

    Zachariah 9:17 (KJV-1611) For how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty! Corn (fermented corn whiskey or what have you!) shall make the young men cheerful, and new wine the maids.

    Regardless of your religion or lack thereof “Eat, DRINK and be merry for tomorrow we shall die” is an absolute universal truth! The same two-bit brained Christians banning abortion today were the ones who made the mobsters stinking rich people during the “prohibition” which was promoted by Billy Sunday saying that "Liquor is God's Worst Enemy and has to be destroyed!” Sorry to say, but Christianity has no redeeming values whatsoever!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    A cult is mind control... usually to the point of answering to the 'preacher' instead of God. Been there... had that done. You get in the RIGHT church where the pastor preaches the Word of God and doesn't try to be your lord!!! You don't turn your back on God because of what others do or don't do!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Find people you trust, and just relax.

    It's hard, you'll still have alot of cult related drives it'll take a while to grow out of, but the only way to get used to life is to live it.

    I mean, anything good you'll keep, and you just have to grow out of the bad things like everyone else.

  • 1 decade ago

    You cry a lot! You regret a lot. You try and figure out what is true and what isn't because you're afraid something else or someone else will fool you again. This read saved my life. I was literally about to commit suicide when someone suggested it to me.

    I also see a therapist regularly!

    You were programmed to think the way you do. You need to de-program yourself. Don't let anyone do it for you!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Take it slow... Try some things and see what you enjoy doing..

    Just because you left a religion doesn't mean you have to drink, smoke, or do anything else that was banned in your former religion... If you don't enjoy an activity try a different one...

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know your situation.

    Do you still believe in God or have they taken that from you.

    Often after years of deception and guilt we resent a God that could allow such deception.

    My self and my family were harmed by our religion.

    We have all recovered and I of course have found truth and reality. It's a good thing.

    I am hoping you still have family.

    For now, Just begin to live.

    Source(s): Former Jehovah's Witness
  • 1 decade ago

    Give yourself some time, talk to a good counselor who is willing to chat or just listen. There are a lot of pastors who would be willing to help, many rabbis too.

    You need a non-condemning person who will listen. Don't surrender yourself or your thinking to someone else.

    Feel free to e-mail me directly.

  • 1 decade ago

    morn, for a while over the years you lost, then research the original Greek and Hebrew of the bible to see what the real truth is. now you can believe what you read not what someone tells you.

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