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What do I have to worry about?

I am a 23-year old virgin and I have decided that I want to have sex. My current boyfriend is aware that he'd be my first, etc.etc. I have been on the pill for almost 8 months (ortho-tricyclen lo), and we're planning on using condoms, of course.

The reason I haven't had sex before now is that I have this irrational paranoia that I will get pregnant - even using 2 forms of contraception - the first time I have sex. I was raised Catholic (another reason I didn't have sex until now) and my family would not be supportive AT ALL if I had a child out of wedlock. I don't actually want a child now. And I know this sounds horrible but I can't say, even having been raised Catholic, that I wouldn't consider abortion if I did get pregnant. I do want children, but not now.

I know millions of women are on the pill and are having sex everyday and not getting pregnant. I'm planning on using 2 forms of contraception and I'm still worried. Am I irrational or is this valid? Advice welcome. Thanks! :)

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you really want to have sex you are being very smart about it. You are protecting yourself from an unplanned pregnancy and STDs with your two forms of birth control. I have used both of these methods and have found them to be very effective. I wouldn't worry. But then I don't have your "irrational paranoia". Simply because you label it this way makes me think that you know your fears are not normal.

    You need to start by telling yourself "rationally I am not going to get pregnant using these forms of birth control" (cause well you aren't). and if this doesn't help then you need to talk to your boyfriend and figure out why you are having so much trouble getting over this paranoia. There may be something else out there that talking to him may help with. If this doesn't help, it may not be the right guy.

  • tmac
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That's great that you have waited this long. My first suggestion in these types of questions is to ALWAYS talk to your doctor about it. But this is my opinion. I would say that maybe you aren't ready if you are that worried about getting pregnant. You are doing the right things to avoid getting pregnant. However, reading your question it sounded like you may consider abortion even if it goes against what your beliefs are. The only thing that worries me is if you decided to actually have an abortion, it sounds like you would deeply regret it. But what if you were to get pregnant after that again? Which I know is highly unlikely, but in my opinion would be wrong to abort a second time. I am not really religious, however, my friend has always said that God will only give you what you can handle. Give it some time, think about it some more, and only do it when you feel comfortable. Make sure you talk to your doctor about all the different options for birth control. Who knows? If you do wait until you get married you might have the best wedding night ever! And, no I am not judging anyone for their choices. I had a baby before I got married and would not change a thing. But we are married now and have a beautiful family, and I am 25. Had my baby 10 months ago!

  • 1 decade ago

    Any emotion you feel is valid. And you seem to have a good understanding of the formative influences that shape your fear.

    I think you're wise in using both forms of contraception, as the condoms are a good safeguard against STDs (and I don't care how well you think you know the guy and trust him to be monogamous -- people cheat, all the time). As long as you take your pills regularly, as directed, and use condoms too, I'd say your chances of getting pregnant are pretty well nonexistent.

    But here's the kicker: Do you think you might be using fear of pregnancy as an excuse to mask your fear of having sex for the first time? That's a valid emotion, too, you know: you're about to enter a whole new level of intimacy -- scary stuff!

    Why don't you spend some time thinking about why you want to have sex. Are your reasons grounded in personal growth? Adventure? Love, even? All good motives and probably indicators that you're ready. Just remember, your reasons should have nothing to do with other people (the boyfriend, the parents, the potential unborn child -- nobody). Do it for you. And if you decide you're not ready, you're perfectly justified in hanging onto that virginity for a little while longer.

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like you have very real fears and that maybe until you can deal with what sex can bring you should wait. Sex should be fun not a source of worry or you may regret your decision. I really feel for you. Good luck sweety!

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    PLEASE , wait until you're married! Beleive me it will be better for you. Did this guy you're going to sleep with offer marriage? Did you tell him you are a virgin? Some guys will do anything to sleep with you when they find out you are a virgin! BEWARE!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you know maybe your conscience is bothering you. Did you ever think of that? ANd be warned....having sex NEVER keeps a guy!

  • 1 decade ago

    You have waited this long. Wait until you are married.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you are worrying about it the this may be GOD's way of telling you not to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well i think u should because whatever happens is gone happen

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