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Do the far left wing libs know that they are being fooled and lied to?

Okay, here is what I mean, and no I am not a Republican. Everytime I turn around I hear an idiotic, inane statement by these so called " liberal Democrats." Example, " If Jesus was alive today He would be a liberal Democrat." It is obvious they haven't read the Bible, or they would know just how stupid of a statement that is. It seems that they believe everything they are told by the left instead of doing a little research for themselves. They accuse you of telling a lie when you inform them who move on dot org really is, that the Dem party recieves big money from the Cuban Communist Party, the Chinese Communist Party, the N. Korean Communist Party, NAMBLA. This is what their party has become and they are proud of it. Some of the above mentioned orgs. have contributed by proxy so that it would be harder to trace, but only a baffoon would be fooled. They think the world of Dean, Boxar, Pulosi, Kerry, Kennedy, Reid, Byrd, and on and on, and yet have the audacity to point a finger at Bush

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Where Michael Moore goes, the lemmings follow.Kinda like the blind leading the blind,only "truth" can shed the blinders- but often hard standing for the truth when it seems easier to go with the crowd of malcontents. God Bless America and those who stand for righteousness and integrity-no matter what the poll numbers may say!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I've gotta agree with MishMash. I'd say that Jesus believed in a lot of ideas considered liberal and you just say he was conservative without giving any reason for having that opinion.

    Democrats are not going to appease NAMBLA, CUBA, or any of these other organizations whether they donate or not. That would be too extreme and they would be quickly removed from office.

    Moses was the conservative in the bible while Jesus was persecuted for his radical, progressive ideas. Sounds like a liberal to me...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They probably don't know, just like the far right-wing neo-cons.

    I'll point my finger at Bush all day long. The facts show that the situation is f***** up and he is the President.

    True conservatives value accountability, so I say the buck stops at President Bush. He is the "decider." You should spend less time protecting him and more time criticizing him.

    You put out a lot of propaghanda for a simple question. Why?

  • 4 years ago

    precise, i am going to't write with my left hand in any respect! yet I do an excellent type of issues with my left hand, apparently i'm left hand eye co-ordinated. Or precise, whichever is the alternative of what precise handers could be! I open doorways, carry bags and do maximum stuff with my left hand.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think a better question is "Just how much does our government, Congress and the Pentagon lie to us all?" Nevermind the party affiliation. I get tired of Democrats vs Republicans, liberals vs conservatives, and all of the stupid finger-pointing and name-calling. In my book it serves to keep people occupied and distracted when they should be looking at our public servants under a microscope given the lying, cheating, scandals, coverups - you name it - in both parties.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, When we beat the crap out of you everyday at school and took your lunch money, We didn't realize it would cause you to be so hateful towards us.

    Don't worry though, Your mommy will let you sleep with her again tonight so she can be there for your nightmares.

    Thanks for the lunch money and the 2 points loser.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The far left wing libs, are grown up persons. not kids!! They are far libs, they know what they are!!!

    But why bring Jesus in this conversation?

    Have you heard, Separation between the state and the church??

  • RG
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Ultraconservatives are the most likely to subscribe to conspiracy theories. Additionally, their "minds" are made up in advance--they aren't about to subject themselves to analyzing situations.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously you are fully brainwashed by Fox probably think that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11 too!

    Lets start with your absurd Jesus comment.

    Jesus said sell everything you have and give it to the poor. Liberals believe in supporting the poor and helping them to rise out of poverty. Conservatives very openly want to get rid of any social programs that help the poor.

    Jesus promoted peace. Conservatives want war at all times and at any cost. Liberals believe that war should be in defence of this country only.

    The Bible repeatedly says not to lie. Bush has admitted to lying about WMD, connections of SH to 9/11, outing CIA operative Valerie Plame and the CIA front company that she worked with to investigate WMD, and has been busted lying about such things as Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, Plame, 9/11, the economy, Katrina, corporate connections, connections with the Bin Laden family, etc. Very few things come out of his mouth that are true.

    Jesus said not to judge. Conservatives want to ban any activity that they don't like.

    The Bible says Do Not Kill. Conservatives want war and the death penalty.

    The Bible says not to steal. The Bush administration stole $8.8 Billion of money that was supposed to go to rebuild Iraq, and gave the money to corporations that they have interests in. They stole billions of barrels of oil. They stole billions of dallars from the American people by giving no-bid contracts to companies that don't do anything for it in both Iraq and the areas effected by Hurricane Katrina.

    Now the second topic: contributions.

    The Dem party has only been shown to receive donations from China once.

    Bush received contributions from China as well. He also received contributions from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the UAE (all islamic monarchies).

    Many conservatives in congress received illegal corporate donations (see Tom DeLay).

    Third topic: Media. sources all of their information. They also include links so that you can check it out for yourself. With a little research, you can find that the vast majority of the information found on moveon and other such news sources are abolutely, provably true.

    Mainstream media (read: conservative corporate media, since 97% of all media in this country is owned by 5 conglomerates, the owners of which are all members of the Republican party) consistenly gets busted lying or obfuscating the truth. Try reading the corrections pages of these newspapers.

    The Bush administration brought a man (James Guckert/Jeff Gannon) into the white house press corps with no journalism experience to toss softball questions to the administration. The only experience that the man had was that he is a gay prostitute that had visited the White House (mostly at night and always in secret) over 150 times. This information was released by the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act request for information.

    Bush has been caught red-handed lying to you repeatedly. Fox news has been caught red-handed lying to you repeatedly. MoveOn has not been shown to have ever lied, despite accusations that were never proven. There was one time that they were wrong and were called on it...a congressman was complaining about how gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage, and MoveOn commented that he had been married 6 times so how could he say anything about marital sanctity. Come to find out that he was only married 5 times because one of his marriages was annulled when it came out that he was still married to his former wife when he married the next one, so technically he was only married 5 times.

    The truly liberal politicians consistently work for transparency in government, accountability, accuracy in reporting, civil liberties, your rights,and peace.

    Conservative politicians, particularly the Neo-Cons, consistently work toward starting wars, hiding evidence (27 million documents have been classified by this administration, most of which had nothing to do with national security, but rather with the security of the president's job, and have destroyed over 5 million documents), taking away your rights, getting rid of accountability (congress keeps trying to pass laws maiking so that the president can't be held accountable, that anything the president does is automatically legal, etc. Don't believe me, look on the House and Senate web sites at the legislation that has gone before them, and who sponsered each piece), control of the media, and the destruction of Democracy, both here and around the world (in Haiti, we deposed the democratically elected president and installed a dictator with a history of torture and death squads. Lebanon just formed a democracy and had disbanded over 75% of Hezbollah. Here, the majority of the voting machines used in the last two elections are made by two companies which are owned by two brothers...both members of the Republican Party, and both had, at seperate times and in public, guaranteed Bush that he would win in key states).

    In order to avoid looking like the retarded moron that you obviously are, try doing some actual research instead of just listening to Druggie Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. Check out the Senate and House websites. Check out the National Registry (where executive orders are filed). Then and only then will you start to see the truth of what is going on in our country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When the far left listen, they do not hear, and when they talk, they do not speak.

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