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First and foremost, I am a Christian. Politically, I am an independent conservative. Some say that although I am a fair person, I am also opinionated. They are probably right. I try to be an honest person and at times, I am probably too honest and not very tactful when I probably should be. I never did read the book, " How To Win Friends and Influence People." lol If you have a question, feel free to ask. I don't mind, but I don't always give the answer a person wants to hear. It goes back to that honesty thing. I will tell you what I feel and/or think. Because of the recent emails I have gotten from muslim anti Americans, I write this to those people. Do not write me if you hate America, support terrorism, and are a muslim extremist supporter. I don't want to hear from you and couldn't care less in what you have to say. So, if you fall into this catagory, do not attempt to contact me in anyway what so ever. The same goes for Mormons who don't like what I say. Don't write me please

  • What is so great about soy milk?

    Over the years I have watched people buy into the soymilk farce and many people don't even stop to realize that it isn't meant to give to babies, especially boys. If you stopped and read up on it and gave some thought you would realize what it does. Woman use soy to balance hormones. Do you women realize these same vegetable hormones screw up a male's development. Do you ever think about goats milk instead? It is way better. And while some doctors may suggest soy, there are also doctors who are now saying no to soy, because they have realized that soy is not good for males in quantity.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Who else here has violated Yahoo guidlines?

    I am sure that many have somehow violate Yahoo guidlines. How many of you get fed up. I have noticed that the far left scream free speech all of the time and say they have the right to say anything they want, but if you confront them then you are in violation. A person can defend terrorists and put down consevative values, but if a person confronts this lunacy then we are in violation. Yahoo is apparently run by hypocrites. I am not talking about foul language here. I realise it is their website and free speech doesn't apply here, so save the comment on that. But I will say that if I am in violation for what I said then every person that supports terrorists and all of the anti Israeli comments is in violation and should be reported for so called violation. As well as the far left who say derogatory words toward conservatives. So, maybe the people who are conservative should report the far left for their derogatory comments as well. Yahoo would not have time to violate everyone.

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why won't the Democrat party be honest in who they really are?

    Is it because if they were actually honest and upfront in what they represent that they wouldn't get many votes across the nation? Lets face it, They aren't liberal, they don't believe in democracy, they don't believe in freedom of speech, and they are far from being progressive. They want to tax the heck out of middle class people who work hard and give the money to people who don't want to work. They think they can reason with and appease terrorists. And can only critisize and not come up with rational and viable solutions. They condem the Republican party, but yet are far worse and their party is a cesspool and lost the last true statesman they had, Zel Miller. He got so fed up, he took his retirement and called the Dem. party a disgusting cesspool of ilk.

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Would someone please tell the volcanoes they are causing global warming.?

    I must protest. If I have to be more conscious of my driving habits, I would greatly appreciate it if the lib Dem. left wing would go and tell the volcanoes all over the world to reduce their poisonous gas output. It is not fair and it is discrimination against us humans. And also while you are at it, no more animals farting. Methane you know. Oh yeah and while you are at it stop off at the great rifts in the oceans and tell them to knock it off too.

    7 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Do the far left wing libs know that they are being fooled and lied to?

    Okay, here is what I mean, and no I am not a Republican. Everytime I turn around I hear an idiotic, inane statement by these so called " liberal Democrats." Example, " If Jesus was alive today He would be a liberal Democrat." It is obvious they haven't read the Bible, or they would know just how stupid of a statement that is. It seems that they believe everything they are told by the left instead of doing a little research for themselves. They accuse you of telling a lie when you inform them who move on dot org really is, that the Dem party recieves big money from the Cuban Communist Party, the Chinese Communist Party, the N. Korean Communist Party, NAMBLA. This is what their party has become and they are proud of it. Some of the above mentioned orgs. have contributed by proxy so that it would be harder to trace, but only a baffoon would be fooled. They think the world of Dean, Boxar, Pulosi, Kerry, Kennedy, Reid, Byrd, and on and on, and yet have the audacity to point a finger at Bush

    16 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago