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Why won't the Democrat party be honest in who they really are?

Is it because if they were actually honest and upfront in what they represent that they wouldn't get many votes across the nation? Lets face it, They aren't liberal, they don't believe in democracy, they don't believe in freedom of speech, and they are far from being progressive. They want to tax the heck out of middle class people who work hard and give the money to people who don't want to work. They think they can reason with and appease terrorists. And can only critisize and not come up with rational and viable solutions. They condem the Republican party, but yet are far worse and their party is a cesspool and lost the last true statesman they had, Zel Miller. He got so fed up, he took his retirement and called the Dem. party a disgusting cesspool of ilk.


As an independent, I find both parties severely lacking, but the Dem. party is worse than terrible. If you speak the truth about them they try to silence you. That is not free speach. If the will of the people goes against their agenda by popular vote they go to the 9th Circus Court of appeals to overturn the vote of The People. So, they are apparently anti-Democracy.

Update 2:

They chant separation of church and state, but yet that is Not what the Constitution says. Read it and learn. They take money from every communist party in the country: ie Cuban, Chinese, N. Korean and the American communist party. They take money from NAMBLA and yes they do. Nancy Pelosi for example takes money from them via, proxy their lawyer and walked in a gay pride parade holding hands marching with members of NAMBLA, and yes she knew who they were.

Update 3:

By the way, I know that not all Dems. are child molesting communist/socialists, but you continue to put these ilk in office. As far as bush and the Rep. party that I am not a party of, I don't approve of their runaway spending. It is insane. The moderate Reps. are as bad as the so called lib Dems. I do not believe in Communism, or Socialism, or a combination of the two. I believe in a Democratic Republic. I resent people like Kennedy, Pelosi, Dean, Reid, Kerry and the Clintons and also the so called Reps. like Sen. Cain and his ilk. But I will not vote for some one who wants to roll back all of the tax cuts and add more taxes. I work my butt off for my money and because I make $60,000 a year I have to give a bunch of it to the Dems. so they can give more of it to someone else? I don't think so. I am a consevative in my views of this country and how to make an economy work. You want to see how socialism fails? Look at France, Germany and England. They have severe high unemployment.

Update 4:

I haven't betrayed my core beliefs, and if you open your lib eyes you will see I am NOT a Rep. As far as Zel Miller, he believed in doing the will of the people. He was more a conservative than most republicans today. I didn't write this to step on anyones toes, just to hopefully wake up those that are to stoned to think straight. You don't like what I say then stop voting for these idiots. By the way, my info comes from public record, NOT from opinion and also what I have seen go on in this country.

Update 5:

Before you comment against me, read what I have said altogether. As far as WMDs, actually there were some found and the U.N. seems to have lost some they had locked up with a simple lock. oops. 500 tons to be exact. Thet is a lot of enriched uranium to be lost in Iraq. But that is besides the point here. By the way, while what Foley did is disgusting, apparently the page was of legal age and was not a child. get your facts straight. The Dem party refused to rebuke a member of its own for actual child molestation. And they applauded the scum.

Update 6:

If you don't like what I say then vote for people who allow true freedom of speech and don't take money from communists and child molestors and don't go running to judges to overturn the vote of the people. If this is polorizing to some, then so be. It is the truth. Not just my opinion. If you want a communist/socialist country move to France.

Update 7:

If you want to be called progressive, then do things that move us forward in a positive manner, Not in a debased and negative manner. Until then, I consider the Dem. party and what it stands for to be undemocratic, regressive, repressive and debased and sick. As far as the Bush Admin. taking away your right? What rights have you lost? To be a terrorist? You never had that right. To come into this country illegally? You never had that right. To wire tap overseas calls to terroist countries? Good. Guess what, so did Clinton. You haven't lost any rights. Stop believing and its ilk.

Update 8:

As for you Eva, How have your taxes gone up on a Federal level? Everyone has gotten tax cuts on a Fed. level. Now if your state and local taxes went up, that isn't Bush's fault. You live in the North East where the taxes are through the roof because you vote Democrat. It is the people you vote for that are screwing you. Check your facts and your tax returns and where you are paying taxes. Even the poor got money back and they don't pay tax. It all comes back at the end of the year. Be honest Dems. The reason you don't like Bush is that he isn't an athiest. Otherwise, he is more of a socialist like a Dem.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wonderfully put my friend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Read the ENTIRE THING before you give me a thumbs down or w/e.

    WTF? We are the ADVOCATES for freedom of speech and democracy, meanwhile Bush is trampling over the Constitution and destroying it.

    Let's face it. YOU have betrayed your core conservative beliefs.

    Conservatives carry these ideals:

    Balancing the budget, small govt, limited govt, moral values...

    But the incumbent Reagan-inspired Neoconservatives have impulsively done this:

    $8.5 trillion debt, big business-supported government, new controversial laws being passed all the time because of "national security" that increases the power of the govt to the point beyond extremity, and misleading the American public about the war without reluctance.

    If you support these things Bush has done, and attempt to justify the reasons for doing them, you are a NEOconservative, and not a respectable conservative.

    This would mean that YOU have betrayed your core conservative beliefs! How do you feel about that?

  • eva b
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The same can be said about the republican party.My taxes went up since bush has been in office.Yet my friend who earns more then one million a year pays less taxes since bush came in.In real dollar terms I pay more taxes then he does.The republicans have chipped away at our rights all in the name of "The War Against Terror".Lets not start talking about the christian right immoral behavior.Or their pandering to the big business interest.

    Then we have the war in Iraq and the search for WMD.

    People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't appreciate the insult of telling me what I believe and who I am.

    You don't know me, or every liberal on the planet, don't pretend you do!

    Liberals aren't evil like you portray them, just like Conservatives aren't evil like some Liberals portray them. You just can't even consider that we have a different view, you're so stuck into believing what you do that anyone else must be evil!

    I think you need to be more understanding, no one closed-minded has ever been called intelligent.


    Well I'm glad you see both parties and pretty terrible. And you're right there are hyppocritical liberals who do what you just described, but don't generalize and say that all liberals and democrats are like that, you're just catering to what those neo-libs are saying.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I agree and yeah Zel did give em hel. ha ha... demoncrats are sick, and disgusting.... a dying party of sick diseased drug stuppord welfare. dogs... scum.... Tjhe demonicrat leaders will always lie and always have.... but the stupid uneducated lazy bums support them.. but again they are a dying diseased bunch of disgusting, vile. dogs. Think of the demoncrat party's future.. they abort their unborn, shoot each other in the street, overdose on drugs and catch aids so yeah they are fading fast.. Thank God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    GOSH, you seem like a real nice guy. this extreme polarization is not healthy. some dems are good and some bad. same with repubs. so lighten up friend. you paint with too broad a brush.

  • 1 decade ago

    actually, both parties are there to serve their own needs, the republican party is no better, , , and if they both told the truth, neither would be in office, , , which is as it should be,

    we can straighten this mess out, , , vote mejicojohn for king.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are 100% correct. If they were honest about who they really are they would get very little votes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You forgot to mention that this is all in your opinion.

    You can have Zel Miller.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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