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Comments from Atheists.?

When someone asks a question on here relating to the bible I see responses on here from atheists that say simple things like "yeah if it existed" or "If it were not bullocks". I am just curious what is the point in that? It is fine that you have your own beliefs but if you are unable to give a valid argument or say something constructive you start to make your view points look unfounded and void of anything intellectual. Do you not realize this? Just saying someone elses views are wrong over and over is a waste of time.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's true... and because of that, I do not respect them as Atheists. I'm Atheist but I will always give solid proof or background to my comments. I think it's because Atheists like that are just teenagers with poor excuses for rebelling against their parents' religion.

    A true Atheist questions and comments with the intent to find a valid answer but never judges because one person chooses to believe something different.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm an agnostic, not an atheist. I realize that if I want people to respect my opinions I have to reflect theirs. I also realize my personal prejudices are not Universal Truths. That puts me in the minority here.

    50% of the people who post Q & A are under the age of 18. Most are too lazy (or ignorant) to even use proper spelling and grammar, let alone reason. Expecting them to engage in constructive debate is like hoping the dish-washing faries will clean up your kitchen for you, if you go to bed with a pure heart.

    When they give a throwaway answer, they get two points and some attention; then it's back to the X-box, or the Cartoon channel.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think you should be asking questions of this nature at all. This category does, however confirm something. If you really understood that book. People want to be met on their own terms. It doesn't work that way. Any answer I put to guys like you never got a return response, and I think you know what I mean. That's because most of this comes from frauds. The book is real. Not the frauds, though. Oh, by the way, there is a penalty on this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm athiest but I don't like judging other people. If they ask me my religion or why I don't believe I can tell them. When people ask questions about the bible if it's true or not I just give my opinion saying I don't believe because it's men written and etc. Everyone has a right to there own opinion.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow there already taking an offence to your quistion. Who would have thought. I get irritated about it as well. I get tired of seeing the same answer from people and its mostly just gibberish. Ive grown to ignore the ones who do that and atleast grown to understand the ones who atleast try to make a valid attempt to there beliefs. I myself am hoping that a few that come here to mock God and instead end up getting saved.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I had first started frequenting this group I was quite eleaborate and specific in my reasoning and explanation for the various question and answers.

    I have given up since then, as the majority of followup responses are "You are going to hell", or "Atheists can't have an opinon about theology".

    What is the point of spending time to answer questions when no one cares to read or think about them?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being an Atheists is a life time of saying someone is wrong..I'm happy with that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I certainly agree with you but in all fairness don't all religions believe every other religion is wrong? Christians believe Catholics are wrong and vice versa etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hope you realise that some of us are not like that and we're trying to be serious with our approach. Dont let the few become the many in your eyes!

  • 1 decade ago

    I asked a question asking atheists why they believed the way they believe...I got no real answers, only stonewalling and baiting.

    I'm glad I'm a Christian, and I'm able to tell you what and why I believe what I believe, but I don't force it down your throat or use hyperbole and position-shifting to make my point. I'd like to find an atheist who can clearly tell me why they believe what they believe.

    I'm praying for them...

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