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Why do you cling to your possessions?

Let them go! Do you really want them, or do you want the feeling of ownership? Do you want the feeling of having more than another, to be made happy by things seemingly permanent?

You know deep down that they stand in the way of your becoming truly human. Why then do you cling? Release them, give them away, possess only what you need to climb to true humanity.


7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To be quite "Honest" with you...I was raised, very poor....the youngest of six, kids, and we didn't have a "Pot to piss in, or a window, to throw it out of" Literally!!! So, I do everything in my power, to offer my children, everything I didn't have!! I shop for them, rather than myself, and we are not rich!!! Far from, it !!! But, rather than see them, go through the "Humiliation" I went through at times, as a kid, having to wear my older 4 sisters "Hammy-Downs", to school... and so on, I'll spend my last $100.00, to see to it, they keep up with the "In crowd"....... I've been this way, ever since, my oldest was a Toddler, she's grown, now... And she once told me, she thought we were "Rich" when she was little.....Blew me away, when she told me that!! I do believe that we cannot take our things to Heaven, with us, when we die...... But, that we are suppose to be "Good-Stewards" of our things, God has blessed us with, while we reside on earth....... However, theirs a fine line between being a Good-Steward, and Coveting, our things, so we do need to be very "Careful" not to replace, relationships with greed, etc... I myself, am very grateful, for everything I have, and so are my children.........Smile........

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you're making assumptions and generalizations.

    I don't cling to anything. It's completely in my nature, like most Aquarians, to get rid of things that out live their usefulness. Plus if I know I have something that could serve someone else better, it's always better to give. It's a change thing.

    Most people cling to things because they cause them to feel stable and supported, safe. But what they are really thinking is of the times when they felt these feelings.

    Possessions are for personal comfort in the present only. Anything else is just refusal to evolve.

    In recent years there's been research on how much stuff Americans have overly acquired to the extent that there are more storage facilities than ever. It's partly because commercialism has gotten so far out of control that people cannot think for them selves and now fully believe that all these things really make them happy. Some people haven't matured past the mentality of childhood birthday parties.

  • 1 decade ago

    Probably because the person has no one human to cling to and find real value in.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are certain things that I will not let go Grandmother's ring,pictures of loved ones who are no longer here....

    But, I have what I call "Be Brave Days", where there is just so much of my stuff,that I will go into a frenzy and pitch it out. It is very liberating.

    I guess it comes down to what is valuable to you.

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  • me
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I cling to them because I paid for them and I like them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please define true humanity. If anything, "true humanity" seems to entail the clinging to possessions. So, I would rather be un-human (not to be confused with inhumane).

  • 1 decade ago

    mommy said no

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