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What is the mindset of a "SUICIDE BOMBER" ?How one can premeditate death like that?

Can they feel pain of getting blusted in thousand peices from before? What incites them to do self-annihilation like that? Is this fanaticism or patriotism?


30 Answers

  • sarayu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have rightly worded as mindset. When the cause for which they give their life becomes important than living in this world and to realise and bring it to the world a messasge which they think is right, this thinking pervades everything else, including life and in fact the mindset is giving up this life for a righteous cause.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Suicide bombers are brainwashed into believing the celebration of death is far greater than the celebration of life. The bulk of these suicide bombers are very closely and deliberately picked because of their vulnerability. The concentration is focussed on the weak, the unemployed or unemployable, people who have made a mess of their lives and are subtlely coerced into believing a better life awaits them in the hereafter. So to the feeble mind this seems like a good deal!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did you watched the MSNBC documentary on suicide bombers?

    Suicide bombers are like everyone else, they are not fanatics who long beards, turbans, and scream Allah is great in the streets. This is people who dress just like you, participate the same activities you do and may not even be religious at all. Some of the 9/11 hijackers were seen in strip bars etc. Suicide bombers are like any other army, they believe in their cause, and they don't fear death. Since, they are over powered and they have no other alternative they give up their lives in their missions, knowing others will also join everyday to carry out more. They are not desperate or people who are sexually frustrated and seeking virgins in heaven. That is just to insult them. Suicide bombers believe they have to die, so their children and their future generations live in better life. They also believe god is on their side, because god sees them having no other alternative to fight.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have many people in my neighbourhood who are Muslim, and I have asked this same question. The answer has been that a person who takes on the mission of being a suicide bomber believes fully in his heart that he is giving the ultimate sacrifice as a martyr, and as a result of his actions will go straight to Allah (The Muslim equivalent of the Christian God) after his death, where he will be happy and fullfilled forever, and will have sex a hundred times a day with a hundred wives. These are teachings that are given to them, but in my opinion, it's a form of brainwashing. After all, if this were the case, then why aren't they all suicide bombers, and why don't those in power who give these orders take it upon themselves to stap explosives to themselves?

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  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, the blast is so big, hot and sudden I doubt they feel anything. Second of all, the reason they do it is because they are brought up from infancy to hate, hate, hate. So yes, it is fanaticism, because it is done out of hate for others rather than love of country. That is why they cannot be negotiated with, they will not be happy settling for a compromise, hate knows no compromise.

  • 1 decade ago

    why u want it to know. ok ok c its like this.the people who train such minds are basically very cunning with bad mind /intelligent who use it for wrong purpose.c they r in constantly in search of people who have seen grtest tragedies misfortunes in their life at some time & due to this their life is completely devasted.such person is pick & r brainwashed constantly,for e.g if any community masscre has happened there r many who face this situation,they r picked & brain washed and rbrought to such a stage that they belive what they r said r true & do acc`gly.

    this people become like machine with no own feelings.they do what they rsaid & feel it is correct and for that even go to exend of killing others by becoming "SB".


  • I have gone through almost all the answers to your question and there is a VISIBLE mindset which can be summed up that all suicide bombers are muslims. What about Rajiv Gandhi who was killed in a suicide attack ? What about several of Sri Lankan leaders who were killed in suicide attacks ?There have been hundred of suicide attacks by IRA.What about lacs of innocent people being killed in Japan in an atom bomb attack by America ? What about the lacs of innocent JEWS who were killed by the Nazis?And what about the Jews who are killing hundreds of people around them ? Now for your question.It can not be answered in few lines since it is very complex.Your question involve the political, geographical, social and religios aspect.A suicide bomber may be politically motivatd as are/were LTTE/IRA .The others may be motivated by the money invoved.And many may be motivated by their religio-political leaders, like the one called .....Baghel who equipped his body with loads of dynamite and exploded himself on the Babri mosque on 6th of Dec'92. You can see how the north Indian news papers were filled by glorifying him. Muslims are not far behind.They learned it qickly and mastered it notwithstanding the fact that their religion is against killing of innocent people.

  • 1 decade ago

    i read somewhere that they have been influenced right from the childhood or while in training camps that they must sacrifice there life for the sake of freedom or for any reason that they are doing this. they are trained in such a way that are made to believe that the reason they are born is to sacrifice their lives.I personally dont think its patriotism but only fanaticism that leads them to do this.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think they feel that they have anything to loose. They are recruited from areas with very little to offer. They are brainwashed into thinking that they are doing something great. Also their families are given fairly large amounts of money, so they feel they are helping there too.

    It's really sad to see people being used so heartlessly.

    Funny we don't see any of their leaders blowing themselves up, why if it's such a honorable thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you'd lived a rotten life, didn't feel you had anything to look forward to here on earth, and been told every day of your life that you would you would live for eternity in paradise with a never ending supply of virgins if you sacrificed yourself for the sake of your church what do you suppose you might do?

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