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Colorado asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

10 Points to any liberal?

You have to prove you are a liberal and aren't on your daily lithium

31 Answers

  • Cinner
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok..I'l play. I had 5 abortions before the age of 16 (without my parents knowledge. I am now 18 with 3 kids by 4 possible fathers. I own a Toyota Prious (sp?) but only drive it once a month to pick up my welfare check. I voted in the last election, 4 times I think...oh and once for my homey in prison. AND I think Howard Dean is HOT!

  • 1 decade ago

    My Grandfather was a Liberal and was active in the labor movement. My parents were liberals and voted for FDR and believed in the need for social programs to bring this country out of the great depression I'm a liberal and was active in the civil rights movement and we no longer have to pay a poll tax to vote. I'll remain a liberal because I believe there is continued need for change to keep American way alive and working.

  • 1 decade ago

    ahem... despite the tired old "liberals must be crazy" rhetoric, I think I can prove Im a sane liberal. ~ if thats what you are asking. Raised in a republican family, (one of whom was an elected poitical figure in her state), I was taught about the world, our guiding american principles, and how to observe issues in politics and the world to form educated opinions, and vote accordingly. i was also taught to "pick my battles" and decide which issues were of most importance to me. I chose to vote democrat because a womens right to choose, keeping church and state sepparate, and reducing military spending were what seemed crucial to me. I do not think all republicans are war loving crazed Bush lovers. I know and respect some who love and some who despise GW. I know there are grave corruptions on both sides of this crappy two party system we have right now. I really wish we had more options, and furthermore, I wish we lived in a nation where more people participated in government, regardless of party affiliation. Yes, Im a liberal who sees the repub side to.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know in my heart of hearts that F.D.R. saved America and built the foundation for a Utopia. Carter brought a final and lasting peace to the Middle East, (sorry Anwar), and the Shah has secret police! Replace him with an insane cleric to modify their growing western ways of thinking! Turmoil in the far east? Give China missile guidance technology so they can reach the west coast and reactors and fissionable material to illogical North Korea. Bill Clinton saved the world with that! We can all live in peace and harmony thanks to the efforts of the democratic left that looks out for America's future!

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  • malcy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm a menber of the British Liberal Democrat party do I qualify?

  • 1 decade ago

    How about this: "And this is what I believe: that the free, exploaring mind of the individual human is the most valueble thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight againist: any idea, religion or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about."

    How's that for proof?

    Source(s): John Steinbeck, "East of Eden"
  • 1 decade ago

    Council Tax is now the most unpopular tax in Britain today - because it's the most unfair tax. Worse still, Council Tax, as part of a system of local government finance, was described by the Audit Commission as "fundamentally flawed".

    So a major question for all Britain's political parties is: how do you propose to reform Council Tax, and the system of local government finance?

    For Liberal Democrats, the only credible answer is to scrap Council Tax completely, and replace it with a fair tax related to ability to pay - a local income tax.

    thats why i am

  • 1 decade ago

    Im a liberal because I am a woman.

    If not for liberals I would still be considered a chattel.

    If not for liberals my place on this planet would be for no other purpose than to have babies and take care of a man.

    If not for liberals I wouldnt be allowed to vote.

    If not for liberals I wouldnt be allowed to work.

    If not for liberals I would still be at the bottom of the wage scale.

    If not for liberals I would have no control over my own destiny.

    If not for liberals there would be no middle class.

    If not for liberals there would be no civil rights.

    If not for liberals everything we have access to would be sensored.

    If not for liberals our individual lives and choices would be controlled by law and idealogy.

    I could go on and on.....but Mr. Webster say it best:

    A Liberal is tolerant; broadminded; favors reform and/or progress.

    I value my personnal freedoms and yours, how could I not be a liberal!

  • 1 decade ago

    I oppose the death penalty, very fervently!! I love learning and literature!! I oppose guns and strongly support gun control!! I am a child advocate, and oppose corporal punishments!! I believe the United States ought to have a national health care system!! I was, and am, totally opposed to the tax rebates given to the rich in the past five years, totalling now over $1 trillion (and a morgaging of the country too, because it was just added to the national debt)!! I strongly support public education!! I am totally opposed to the practice of torture!! I don't philosophically approve the concept of "punishment"; I much prefer a policy of applying known consequences!! Martin Luther King, Jr. is my favorite American of all time!! My next favorite American is Abraham Lincoln!! (Now admit it! I am a true liberal! I do deserve these ten points!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fvck off

  • suesue
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    I'm liberal......i swear.......but I'm not as liberal as the scarier liberals....who complain and ***** about the republicans and conservatives all the time and protest.... these liberals say that I'm moderate or *gasps* conservative that votes liberal on certain issues......cause i don't want to change the constitution or something....... oh whatever

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