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A modern-day John the Baptist?

I speak, of course, of the late Bill Hicks, whose tongue scourged the hypocrite and the self-righteous like an iron-tipped flail.

When asked about the obvious contradiction of Christians supporting the death penalty, he explained thusly:

"Short memory, huh? If it weren't for capitol punishment, we'd have no Easter, and that's a three day holiday where I come from."

When asked about the wearing of crosses by Christians, he spake thusly: "Do you think when Jesus comes back, he ever wants to see a f**king cross? Do you think that might be why he hasn't come back yet?"

And when he was excoriated and threatened by those who called themselves Christians, he replied, "Well then forgive me."

Can there be any doubt that he was lit from within by the cleansing fires of redemption?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer



  • Who ever this guy is I still dont think he shares class with John the Baptist.

    About capitol punishment, the 10 commandments say "do not kill", and the Jewish law says "eye for an eye" and Jesus said he came to fulfill the law not abolish the law. And god says "if you sin in one then you are guilty of all". Jesus didnt come to take away the law.... he submitted to it, punishment for sin is death, he died. Jesus came to save us from the punishment of the law- (wages of sin is death) spiritual death (death in this context means separation) - eternal death as opposed to eternal life.

    Crosses are distractions for christians, it should be clear that you live for god by your holy lifestyle and conduct, not by your jewelry. Jesus is alive the bible says - and a cross just sybolizes a "Dead and Dying" Jesus. He is not dead and he now should be portrayed and proclaimed as alive by bible believing christians who live for him. I dont need a cross on my neck so I will "remember" or show you who my lord is. And My lord Jesus is not no pathetic, weak, dying, skinny God. He is glorified in power and majesty.

    That "cleansing fire" stuff sounds like a bunch of wierd babble and is not biblical, so therefore is objectionable.

    Over all this guy just had enough knowledge to condemn so called christians with the Law that god has already provided us. He doesnt need to condem them. The bible already condemns them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do love some Bill Hicks saw the icon and had to read the question....well I am off to eat some mushrooms and squeegee my third eye clean..

  • 1 decade ago

    One can always doubt. :) And I have no idea who this guy is - I might look him up later - maybe not.

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  • 1 decade ago

    more like False Prophet... not that i think anyone's authentic anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow you need to get some help

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