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Lv 31,801 points

Johnny Tezca

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  • Remote code for RCA DTA800 Digital Converter Box?

    I bought a Universal Remote R6 to control all of my components- TV, DVD, VCR, Receiver, and my RCA digital converter box (no, we don't have cable or satellite). The only one I can't program into the R6 is the digital converter box, which sucks because that's how you change channels- the thing you do the most. Any help?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Attorney retainer cost in Oregon?

    How much can one expect to pay in retainer fees for a divorce lawyer in Oregon?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can Powerpoint or Keynote present on one screen and leave my computer free to do other things?

    When I use PowerPoint or Keynote (Mac OS X) I'd like to be able to show my presentation on the projector but have additional windows or programs open on my Mac the don't get projected. Can I choose one window that will get beamed to the projector, rather than just mirroring my screen?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Does MMA belong in the Olympics?

    I know it's a new sport, but there are some real duds out there that we could live without- synchronized swimming and curling come to mind.

    Since everyone in martial arts agrees that MMA is the evolution of the sport, and since it's so international (USA, Brazil, Japan, Croatia, Israel, Russia, etc.) I think it ought to be considered.

    2 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • How do you say "office hours" in Spanish, for an academic setting?

    The closest I can think of is "Hora de consulta" but I don't know if that's right. If you're answer is regional rather than general, please say so.

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What size bike is right for me?

    I am 5'11 with a 30" inseam (according to my pants), and it seems like my bike puts a real strain on my lower back. I've even resorted to ape-hanger handlebars, but then the slightest breeze makes riding hell.

    3 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Switching SIM chip from Verizon Phone to T-Moblile Phone?

    I have a t-Mobile phone that I like, but T-Mobile's coverage sucks *** where I live. So I'm with Verizon now, but all of my hi-fi ringtones, my pictures, and my phonebook are on my old phone. Can I just take out the Verizon SIM chip and stick it in my T-Mobile phone?

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Is Laura Bush or Hilllary Clinton more "anal"?

    Got your attention now? Solid. Let me pull on your coat about something.

    Most folks around here talk a lot of s**t about "repulicunts" and "libtards," which makes them sound pretty much the same. But is there a real difference between these 2 sides. I say yes, and I think I can prove it.

    First, make a quick Top 3 of liberal or conservative values. Then choose a liberal or conservative leader. Got it? Here's where the magic begins.

    For each little set-up you've created, ask the following: What happens if the leader fails to live up to the values?

    Conservative values:

    -Strong national defense

    -Limited government

    -Business men > academics

    -Traditional societal values

    Pin-up boy: GW Bush.

    Okay, Bush is pretty traditional. But he was a crappy business man, his government has ballooned in size and power, and he's mixed bag at best on national defense (pro-military, but not exactly exemplary service record, and pretty bad job as CinC).

    Do conservatives care? Nope. They LOVE W!

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Political Correctness: Red Herring?

    Isn't political correctness a red herring? How many third hand stories have we heard about ridiculous things happening on account of it? It's like the Yeti, or Nessie, or Bill O'Reilly's researcher. You hear about it, but no one seems to have a first hand account.

    Do people and organizations sometimes decide to deal with new or controversial topics conservatively? Sure, and that's prudent. Do they go too far sometimes. For my taste, yes. But while the left is attacked for being PC, the right takes a different tack in response to disagreement. They tap phones, infiltrate organizations, throw folks out of campaign rallies, or smear their names.

    I think what some people call PC is simple, basic respect. A person or group should have the right to choose their name. Don't you?

    If someone isn't allowed to call Black folks "darkies" any more, that's not being PC. That's being a decent human being. Do we really need to demand the right to be immature assholes?

    Holla back.

    2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Is the political schism in America the exception or the rule?

    I really try hard to remember what Molly Ivins says about President Bush. "I know him. He's a great neighbor, but a lousy President."

    That may sound like an insult to some of you, but I disagree. I think Ivins is demanding that we retain the President's decency and humanity even if we think he's a "lousy President."

    You may scoff, but if you read the opinions on this site, you see that people aren't nearly as humane as Ivins. People are called idiots, nazis, libtards, and generally spit on because they stand on the other side of an ideological divide.

    The fact that that "other person" might be a great father, a devoted volunteer, a selfless coach or foster parent never occurs to most of us. But it should.

    And strangely, that's the biggest reason I get angry at this President. Five years ago on 9/11, this entire country united. You may not even remember it now, but you will if you stop and think about it. Do you want an example of how non-partisan things were after 9/11 (cont)

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What's with all this "_____ is in Heaven" nonsense? It's not biblical!?

    Please read this before spouting off.

    I know that Heaven is in the Bible. The part I don't get is that people think that dead folks are there NOW. Is there any Biblical evidence for this? I thought the dead were supposed to stay dead until the Rapture, and THEN they would be judged, and THEN they would go to Heaven or Hell.

    I keep hearing Christians tell their kids about deceased loved ones looking down from Heaven, but I think the BIble would advise us to say "So-and-so is mouldering in the ground, and will rot there until the Rapture comes, at which point he'll jump out and we'll be reunited."

    Couldn't lying to kids about this cause idolotry? If I'm wrong, please let me know how the Bible (or the Church, in the Roman Catholic tradition) resolves one plan with the other.

    And while I've got your attention. Just how offensive do you think the phrase "Catholickin' good!" is? I had this crazy girlfriend once, from Norway, and well... mostly I want to know about the Heaven thing

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Catholic vs Protestant Scriptures?

    How and when did the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches start using Bibles with different books in them? If I assume correctly that it was Protestants who started pulling out certain books of the Bible, on what authority did they do so? How did they decide?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should we follow the Bible?

    I'm not here to bash anyone, but here are some things the New Testament says:

    1 Corinthians 11:6

    Indeed, if a woman does go without a veil, she should have her hair cut off too.

    1 Peter 2:18

    Slaves, you should obey your masters respectfully, not only those who are kind and reasonable but also those who are difficult to please.

    1 Corinthians 7:21

    Even if you have a chance of freedom you should prefer to make full use of your condition as a slave.

    1 Corinthians 14:34

    As in all the churches of God's holy people, women are to remain quiet in the assemblies, since they have no permission to speak: it is shameful for a woman to speak in the assembly.

    1 Timothy 2:11-12

    During instruction, a woman should be quiet and respectful. I give no permission for a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. A woman ought to be quiet.

    Do you practice/believe all of these? From what Christians tell me, the Bible is inerrant, so you can't say "that was just one man's opinion."

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A modern-day John the Baptist?

    I speak, of course, of the late Bill Hicks, whose tongue scourged the hypocrite and the self-righteous like an iron-tipped flail.

    When asked about the obvious contradiction of Christians supporting the death penalty, he explained thusly:

    "Short memory, huh? If it weren't for capitol punishment, we'd have no Easter, and that's a three day holiday where I come from."

    When asked about the wearing of crosses by Christians, he spake thusly: "Do you think when Jesus comes back, he ever wants to see a f**king cross? Do you think that might be why he hasn't come back yet?"

    And when he was excoriated and threatened by those who called themselves Christians, he replied, "Well then forgive me."

    Can there be any doubt that he was lit from within by the cleansing fires of redemption?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I think this explains, well, everything?

    Our beloved modern-day John the Baptist, the late Bill Hicks, said the following. I think it explains everything quite succinctly, don't you? Of course you do.

    "The reason the world's so f**ed up right now is that we're undergoing evolution. And the reason our institutions, our traditional religions, are all crumbling is because they're NO LONGER RELEVANT. (Furious laughter.)

    They're no longer relevant. So it's time for us to create a new philosophy, and maybe even a new religion, you see, and that's okay because that's our right as free children of God, with minds that can imagine anything, and that's kind of our role."

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 37th/341st Training Squadron (Military Dog Training)?

    I am interested in training military dogs, but can't seem to find information on the MOS or requirements for the job. I know that MPs work the dogs once they are trained, but that's not what I want to do. I want to train the dogs and the handlers to work together, which is what I understand the Training Squadron at Lackland does for all of the branches.

    Does anyone have experience with this unit, and can anyone provide information on what it takes to get into it? I know Lackland is an AFB, but is the Training Squadron Air Force only? I'm looking into joining the Army, so that's where I've looked.

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Can you give a potential enlistee some advice?

    As my wife and I ponder my decision to join the Army, some pretty compelling questions are out there. I'd appreciate your experiences with the following (recruiters, with all respect, please f**k off):

    I'm looking at a 98XL/98C MOS, and my buddy (97E, in Iraq) says I can hold out for the MOS and the language I want when I go to MEPS. The local recruiter says no way, the Army will give you the language it wants to.

    Is the Army giving bonuses for people willing to take Arabic as their language?

    I know enlistment is eight years total. What can you do to have some control over what the Army does with you after your active duty hitch ends?

    Is it possible for a 98C to get SERE training?

    What will Army housing be like for my wife and baby?

    Does the Army by and large keep its word in terms of the enlistment document? If I sign up for College Loan Repayment Program and the Army reneges, my family is screwed on my pay.

    Are recruiters idiots or liars? Their crap has been impediment #1

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Does the Army violate the enlistment contract?

    I am considering enlisting, and my wife doesn't trust the military. However, I hear from a friend in the Army that they HAVE to honor their contracts. We're both skeptical, and have heard they use the bait-and-switch to get people in, but then don't give them what they've been promised in the written MEPS contract. I'd like some idea of how prevalent this practice is.

    Btw, we do know that every Army contract is an 8-year contract.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Can a family live on an E4's pay at Ord?

    I am considering joining the Army, and if I do will begin as an E4 (college degree). My preferred MOS is 98X, meaning getting stationed at Ft Ord for DLI training in Chinese or more likely Arabic. I think I'll be at DLI for about a year with either of those languages.

    I have a wife and 5 month old daughter. Up until now, we've both had to work, but how possible would it be for us to live on my E4 pay and benefits? I do expect some decent bonuses (enlistment bonus, college grad, high demand MOS) but don't know when those show up.

    My wife is really freaked out about my possibly joining up, but it would be worth it to us if she got to stay at home with our baby.

    Also, she is an elementary school teacher. Does anyone know what DoD teachers make? Is she better off (if she does work) looking for a teaching job off post?

    Any advice would be swell. Thanks!

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • For military on active duty only, please...?

    If someone came up to you in an airport, restaurant or other place, which would you rather they said to you?

    1. We're grateful for what you're doing over there.

    2. We're trying to get you home as soon as possible.

    Please mention your branch and unit. I really only want to hear from active service military.

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago