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Is Laura Bush or Hilllary Clinton more "anal"?

Got your attention now? Solid. Let me pull on your coat about something.

Most folks around here talk a lot of s**t about "repulicunts" and "libtards," which makes them sound pretty much the same. But is there a real difference between these 2 sides. I say yes, and I think I can prove it.

First, make a quick Top 3 of liberal or conservative values. Then choose a liberal or conservative leader. Got it? Here's where the magic begins.

For each little set-up you've created, ask the following: What happens if the leader fails to live up to the values?

Conservative values:

-Strong national defense

-Limited government

-Business men > academics

-Traditional societal values

Pin-up boy: GW Bush.

Okay, Bush is pretty traditional. But he was a crappy business man, his government has ballooned in size and power, and he's mixed bag at best on national defense (pro-military, but not exactly exemplary service record, and pretty bad job as CinC).

Do conservatives care? Nope. They LOVE W!


Now let's look at the liberal side.Pick your values, pick your guy, and ask the question. Holy crap! Half of the people love this guy, half think he's irrelevant, half hate him. Look at Clinton (either Bill or Hillary). There's no kind of unity behind either one on the left.

Look at Lieberman. When he ignored liberal principles, he got nailed for it.

Look at how "maverick" John McCain ended up smooching Bush's byootocks during the campaign.

The difference that I see is that conservatives will stick with their leaders, regardless of the leader's integrity or commitment to values. This is great at election time, because liberals will usually only stick with a candidate so long as he or she has the same values. Principle is much more important in the equation than personality for liberals.

Holla back.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To answer your original question, Hillary is far and away more anal and annoying than Laura; and not as cute, either.

    To answer your second: we have no real leaders. Only people interested in power on both sides of the aisle. Anyone who tells you different is lying through their tooth.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have to wonder which gal prefers it that way and why. Then we will know the definitive answer. So far, I can only guess. Must be Laura. Her man is the very definition of azzhole......but I do have to admit Bill wasn't much better. He just didn't crap on as many people as Dub, he stuck with the women he could find.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hillary Clinton that's why Bill went after Monica.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have we ever met Rumsfeld's wife? Cheney's wife seems pretty anal, too. Laura Bush is just along for the ride.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Thundertheighs Clinton, of course. That's a **** only a mother could love. Yuck!

  • I think it all depends on who is standing behind them as to how anal they each are.

    Laura bush wouldn't b anal at all as george w. wouldn't be there

    because he usually has tony blair standing behind him & john howard standing front of him ( GWB).

    Source(s): A little bird told me
  • 1 decade ago

    I think they're both anal....then again we all are. no wonder this planet smells like a**.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know and I don't care about their sexual lives

  • JJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh. shut up think you know any better

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you are.

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